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Everything posted by lunchbox456

  1. That would introduce a whole new concept to RS. You could be pirates, you and your pirate friends could buy boats, repair it etc... When it's finished, you could all get on, and travel to distant lands, or if you see another pirate ship, you can have yourself a little fight :P
  2. It would have been complete if the guy in grease poped up and said "owned"
  3. It allready is. 30 million for chainmail is not affordable. Im talking about the dragon shield. Prices are getting so low, my profit is below 5 mill(from buying the right half in legends guild). I could care less if the chain goes down becuase they are easy to get now, but the rest of the items are sinking. Ahh, I see. In that case I do agree with you, I think the reason why the D sq is becoming more common is because of the sheere ammount of monster that drop the left half. It's almost the same with the Dmed, of course all these price sinks could be due to the fact that people are worried that in every update, a new peice of dragon armour will be realeased.
  4. Those are really good ideas, especially the merchant one. It's so annoying to try to sell something when over 300 people are doing the same thing.
  5. I don't think it's fair that someone who doesn't pay get's updates like members. What would be the point of members? Jagex does give F2P updates, a big one was the range one, and the Draynor mannor sewers.
  6. Male under 16 years of age 42170 votes / 66% Male between 16 and 25 (My age demographic) 12463 votes / 19%
  7. Ep1demic Why do you have such hate for P2Pers?
  8. Keyword Penn and Teller... They're entertainers, not doctors...
  9. Same here, my sister worked at one of those piercing/tattoo parlors, and she wanted to do a piercing on someone she knew.... :roll:
  10. Now that I think of it, it could be a good skill.....If you're Susie the Friggin' Homemaker :P Making different robes with different designs etc.. Would be cool, but it should be an extention of crafting, not a new skill.
  11. I can't remember the episode he was in, but there was some cops trying to catch him, and he kept on saying "You neva gonna catch mee!"
  12. Thanks. I just think that spending $200+ on a shoe that's as good as the next is just, well a waste :? I don't mean "Buy the $4 already worn shoes from the bargin bin" kind of shoes, i'm just saying that buying a shoe with a computer chip in it is weird... By the way, I have the old style Lugz, those boots last so long and look awesome.
  13. ....In the right hands with the right stats. If you have the wrong stats, you're a sitting duck waiting for that thing to hit :?
  14. Alright...First of all... I pay for my own membership, because I have my own job. Who am I trying to impress? There is no one to impress, the second I replied to this topic I was flamed because of my opinion.
  15. Wouldn't it be cool if there was an accurate timeline about all the events that have shaped, and molded Runescape to what it is today? Not just big things, like the knife bug, to P2P coming out.
  16. I think another classic part was when Peter was getting whipped by the guy, and all of a sudden Peter's like "Hey! Stop it! No!" While the guys' like "Ok, i'm sorry" :lol:
  17. Yeah, did you even look at my post? It was nothing like you just described. What your saying(I WANT POSITIVE ONLY BECAUSE I DESERVE IT) is something that you would find on RS official forums, if you want opinions, you got to know you will get ones that you wont like. Members are greedy? Look at all the "I'm f2p I want etc etc..." topics there are, tell me who's more greedy? Good perception of logic? I'm simply stating the fact, Jagex wont update F2P with a new monster. Jagex is a company, they want your money. Flame me, i'm sure there are others who feel the same.
  18. That would open a whole new world for scammers.
  19. Balance and RS? That's like an oxymoron, think about it....
  20. Signature, it's the little message that's always tacked on to your post.
  21. Nope :( He wasn't in it at all! "It seems today, that all you see, is violence on movies and sex on TV, but where are those good old fashion values..." Peter and Louis had sex 3 times, with moaning too. How can you consider Peter's laugh as a moan?
  22. Hmm, I wear.. Shoes, christ has the world come to a point where you're not in the "in-crowd" when you don't have high end shoes? IT'S A SHOE FOR GOD SAKES, if it keeps my feet warm and dry, then it's good.
  23. It allready is. 30 million for chainmail is not affordable.
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