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Everything posted by lunchbox456

  1. .JPG, .BMP, .PNG....All pictures...There are alot of pics of members only areas etc.... Look at them!!
  2. Most people dont pay for members because they have better stuff to do in life than be on runescape all the time. If these people acually got to see members world they might be convinced to join. Also it would only be one day that the members would have to be "driven out" of their training areas. All in all I think this idea is unnecessary and if anything it would just make members more crowded, I just like to bring up arguements :wink: . And if this did happen it should happen A LOT more rare than once a month To bad it will never happen.
  3. A while ago, I watch this documentary in that examined the phyce of a modern day teenager. What I saw I just had to laugh at, and worry about...Kids, only 13 years old going out and getting drunk and coming home at 2:00!! I don't know about you but 13 is a little young for all this. For someone that's 19, yeah, I can see it(still wouldn't approve of it). I think the media has a big part in this. For one, they're saying(for girls) that if you aren't dressed in the latest fasions and not as skinny as a toothpick, you wont ever be loved. It's totally the wrong message, and doing more harm then good. I knew a girl when I was going to highschool that always read those magazines(which are the worst). She kept on reading them and she forgot how beautiful she really was, and started skipping meals etc.... She became anorexic, and she thought she was becoming "pretty". It seems the media want's teens to be things that aren't natural. For guys, the pressure is on them, but no one ever talks about it 'cause they think it would be in vain. All these shows(O.C.....Can't think of any more) practicaly saying "well if you aren't buff and have acne you'll never succeed in life, and wont ever get the girl". This is very hard on some(it was on me), knowing that you'll never have someone to walk with you or anything, because you weren't made perfect. You know what, no one is perfect. That's my 2 cents.
  4. as do the members who swarm free worlds selling colored gloves? FYI most of the people who sell coloured gloves are F2P
  5. It's lvl 108, just bring food and protect from magic.
  6. It's because jagex wants you to play their game without looking away. It's almost like a sumblininal message. I for one, don't care for them but I don't hate them either. An extra 420 herblore exp sometimes is sweet.
  7. You will never understand the true meaning of this story.
  8. I got a maze fighting greaters, so I rushed to the stone and got those 3 things. Then right after that I finished killing the greater and got a clue scroll. What luck!
  9. He wants to have a big beard and a wicked staff? :? :?
  10. My god.....Lime...Wow...There are no words for how well writen that is. It really makes you think, when someone walks by and just says noob....They do it because they feel the internet gives them anonymity, but it doesn't. The people you make fun of in this game are people, with real feelings. Some people who have posted in this topic obviously don't know this, or are to young to care. Some people think that he's just writing a story to give to jagex with everything Runescape in it. That couldn't be any farther from the truth, look beyond all the other things and just read the story.
  11. No, there was someone who had a very nice edited pic explaining things if dragon was smithable.
  12. Unless you're in the minning guild....In members....On an empty server....
  13. There are no words that would make you feel safe, when someone is faced with death they usually aren't ready to grasp it. Medical advances will actually be able to treat the cancer, be positive, always be positive.
  14. I hate those calcs, to bulky.
  15. Christmas 2004. EDIT: No, not because I didin't get any presents. Presents are just material, but family is what counts....
  16. A Clockwork Orange is one of the greatest films of all time I think.... Some others I like are... Can't think of anymore :(
  17. Mushroom head. nuff said. Some other good ones are Opeth, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, and Bad Religion. Dream Theater is cool, but personally i'm not a big fan....
  18. LMAO I'l laughing so hard at the hockey one and the phat one LMAO!!!
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