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Everything posted by Zeno

  1. banned for not realizing he is making a reference to Alg's signature's link
  2. Ambler should teach me how to do fight caves I keep dieing at jad <_<
  3. [hide] the past 3 times I've been here, it's either been a fight with mod(s), or talk about someone being banned can we change the topic?[/hide] wonderful weather we're having, isn't it?
  4. Zeno


    That restaurant looks like a monstrosity. Anyways, I'm feeling a little sick and for some reason I've been incredibly sad, when nothing is really happening, this usually doesn't happen, but today it seems to just be pulling me down... Don't get me wrong, I only feel like this when I'm sick, so I don't think it's depression
  5. Zeno


    I make mini pizzas out of rye bread, if that's close enough, they are really good I'd say give it a shot and post the results
  6. When someone claims they can speak a different language, but when presented with that language they really can't speak it happened on three different occasions today, all claimed they could speak German, but they only made fools of themselves around me <_<
  7. this sums up what I was going to say
  8. also, this is near the bottom of the page, I am disappoint
  9. ZENO DG WITH ME sure, i just got an essay to write later nope.png its dg time gogogogo I'm on right now but you aren't on foreveralone.jpg
  10. ZENO DG WITH ME sure, i just got an essay to write later
  11. OH GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Can't we all just get along...? also, KEVIN COME BACK
  12. actually, I'm not mad at you or mad at all, I'm more amused that this is mostly for the U.S, but the broadcast isn't even available to the U.S anyways, her death is no shocker, reasons being from what others have said here already also, 300 posts :thumbup:
  13. "the uploader has not made this video available in your country" I live in the united states, what is this Anyways, i heard of the news 10 minutes after the associated press posted it when i was at work
  14. This is epic to do when I'm doing these horrid essays I've been doing recently, thanks edit: got a champion scroll already :blink:
  15. Zeno


    you should be more careful with your laptop :ohnoes: anyways, I've been busy with various things and right now i have a bit of down time before work
  16. That thing is gigantic it's probably the entrance depicted in this video, also, 4 heads representing the 4 new bosses in the new quest coming up, but that may not be the case Edit: Stev sniped my edit before i got mine up, his basically sums it all up in a nutshell
  17. Banned for having a signature too small to fit the minimal space needed in your post :smile:
  18. Usually global news, because they cut out all the crap and only leave raw facts, plus I can keep up with worldly events going on Favorite day of the year?
  19. Banned for a confusing permanent signature :unsure:
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