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Everything posted by CommandoSGT

  1. I might give it a whirl, even if I don't win. :P
  2. Its alright... I think the sign is kinda ummm... Similar to this, made by Punkage: [EDIT] The signs are the same, and so are some trees in that sig.. They look like they came from the avatar with a bit editing.
  3. Something like that? I didn't expect to really win. :shock:
  4. There is a border, just not one of those beveled ones...
  5. Lol I never have any money my parents don't pay me and I move around too much to have a job If you have a digi camera, take a picture.
  6. Didn't expect the banner to turn out this way... Well anyways here is my entry I guess.
  7. Might try this soon when I have a little time today. Wait for me :P
  8. Nadril is a way better GFX artist than you from what I can see. Don't even think you are better than him just because you make "brushed" sigs. I can tell most of your sigs are FILTERS, how do I know? Because I used to play with filters when I started to use Photoshop. P.S. Don't try to start wittle arguments with great sigmakers like Nadril... The truth is, you will most likely lose.
  9. Zonnorhc, I love yours and the rest of your art. Here is my BADDDD attempt at trying to draw. Didn't have a scanner so I took a pic. Please don't hurt me. :oops:
  10. Hehe, you win. Anyways do you have MSN Messenger so I can add you lol?
  11. Wow, um.. Don't know what to say. Looks like slicer92 is leading, I will close this after I take a shower and if no one else bids he gets it! Anyways, if no more bids are offered.. Slicer, what would you like in the sig: Name + Quote + any other details.
  12. Okay, he wins if no one else bids... And yea I did change the border color to a non-transparent one. I just haven't updated the .gif. Bid Closes this afternoon..
  13. Proof of Prize + Details on sig... And what kind it is....
  14. Get FireFox! It's in .PNG and viewed in IE it isn't transparent. :shock:
  15. 8/10 I like everything except for the back, it looks kinda gushy lol.
  16. Looks good to me, a little plain on some parts but that's nothing of that great importance. I would take it, but my site isn't up now lol.
  17. oh...I just skimmed through it didn't look close enough :oops: Lol, anything can be changed... I just did a random color.
  18. Well, I just finished this one a few mins ago and decided to put it for auction. Rate it if you will and please keep any flaming to a minimum, as there has been alot lately. ((Anything can be changed.)) Yes the text sucks so don't remind me of that. Starting Bid - 40k: 5k increments
  19. 10/10 I love it outta everything you have made so far as well. I can see why you called it the "Landscape/brushed abstract thingz0r"... You are the n00b whipper. :P
  20. Is it me, or is that the Macromedia Dreamweaver logo/symbol?? Looks good, even if it is choppy on the sides.
  21. Hey I do grunge as well. Plus that sig is over limits..
  22. Awesome like usual Nad. Erm, 999999999999999999999999999.9/10 (Don't want to overwhelm you with 9's lol.)
  23. Stole the words right out of my mouth. And the only saving grace you give these sigs are a picture. Imo, do you have to have a picture in every sig you make? And yes, the whole grunge crap i hate, its just an excuse to pour a bunch of brushes on a canavas, or perhaps on an abstract. That or merge like 50 billion abstracts together. Point in fact, they all look the same, and its easy as hell to do. Well said. It's basically an abstract render you people put premade brushes ontop, then set the layer to 'Overlay'. leik omffg than u hve leik a grudge siggy mawh gawdh teh big one1!!1111 // Azvi. "People" like me right? Oh well, I'll live... Kinda too much grunge for me.
  24. Lol, I'd probably try but I would make the sig a disgrace.
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