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Everything posted by DrunkenWoody

  1. Well I don't have anything nearly as in depth as that dissertation on monster hunting above me ;-) But I thought that this little tidbit would fit under this topic: I did notice that in the Waterfiends guide on the suggested weapons (Under setups) that the Barrelchest anchor is not included. I'm not sure if there is a reason for this, but I found it to be very, very effective. I tried the Ancient staff + Drag defender at first, and discovered that though slower, the anchor hits higher. I was using regular void melee gear, so that might skew my experience a little. Just an interesting twist i found in the depths of my bank :-D
  2. k0000000000000000000000000s Oh wait... Too bad no one capped the 3 graves in boss room at once on the second trip ;)
  3. Despite not getting a visage and despite Puss Smasher getting common drops every. single. kill., it was still a great time! I had a blast with my first hunt with TMHT ~~Wood Inc
  4. This page looks exactly like Myspace :3

  5. I didn't want to start my own topic, so I'd thought I'd reply to this one. Hopefully this gets seen. I was fighting Chaos Dwogres using the recommended melee set-up (sort-of) when i noticed that some of the Dwogres were attacking Black Guard dwarves, which is normal I guess. But what I want to say is that a player can easily start attacking a dwogre while it is distracted by black guard dwarves. The dwogre will occasionaly turn around and swing at the player, but it's main focus is the black dwarf NPC. I found that exploiting the distracted dwogres was highly useful as you can net an entire kill without having to pray and taking little/no damage whatsoever. It's not something to rely too heavily on as I found out because that slows down kills, but if you can get a kill like that between normal combat of other dworges, it's basically a free kill. Just thought It would make a good blurb in the dwogre section of the Chaos Battlefield guide. :grin:
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