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Everything posted by Nuggets

  1. this post lacks logos, the poll last two weeks, suomis party is in 8 days.
  2. So who's the first to 200m all skills on 07scape since we know the nostalgiafgts will vote at least 50k, no offence btw just annoying, community of 07 is what you miss, not the gameplay.
  3. I hope jagex isn't [bleep]ing serious, this whole idea is a [bleep]ing joke.
  4. You used Fly's chat too? Did you remember me from back then? yes, i still talk to tommitank occasionally and i haven't seen skilded or sleepy ina LONG time, but a few others like jerome and dippy i talk to quite often.
  5. Congrats S U O M I !! I remember back in the days in 'flyboyjs' fc when you would come and visit and you were getting 200m fishing at barbarian and from then on i started watching your exp gains grow, in fact, your 200m fishing was the first 200m party i ever attended and looking back i'd hate to admit attending a 200m party but it was such a great accomplishment then. During that party i remember you getting 200m and then instantly teleing to start your next skill, little did anyone know (especially me) this was a thing known as efficiency, (using little game time as possible while gaining the maximum exp possible, and from then i was inspired, not only to gain the most exp possible and push my limits but to gain it in the most effective manner pertaining to my everyday life. Looking back i feel like Zarfot modernized the efficient game-play style, but you, S U O M I, took it to the next level, (currently i'm lost as to why i'm writing so much this is unlike me but i will continue [LoL]), and for that reason you,in my opinion, have not only earned your spot donations or not, but have really become the first person in RS history to be named a true legend. So to wrap this wall of text up i'd like to say goodluck on whatever you decide to complete next as I know you are capable of doing whatever you wish with your dedication and commitment, and seeing that nobody else has posted this and even though with new skills and methods coming out it will most likely be irrelevant by next year, i would like to post S U O M I 's final exp/h as this by far is the next most impressive thing imo of S U O M I 's 5b exp goal. S U O M I 's Final Xp/H = 178,037 xp/h. CONGRATS I HOPE I AM ABLE TO ATTEND!!
  6. 30 hours are about optimal sample time.
  7. I like how you compared your exp gains to mine after you maxed all the while botting..lol
  8. sad why do they insist on removing methods that take effort and reward you for that effort with better rates, this is what the game needs not the methods jagex has been fond on releasing...
  9. My Kingz is the highest ranked trimmed completionist player, #1.
  10. Span+Halo 3 woop

  11. Well, didn't they say that they will improve Agility? Maybe AgiSpan? And Mining will obviously be faster after the EoC. How is it faster? If anything it's more sustainable, and that's about it. And to add, it's quite a disappointment, but i remember going to his 200m fishing party back when i was first getting started and just to have witnessed the progression of him and his account is astounding, and I am glad to have been able to witness such a feat regardless of the outcome.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjwLtzY52lI
  13. year of the dragon, dragonseance about to go ham on some summoning records.
  14. despite the fact that going for trimmed comp after 200m all is a big xp waste. range xp from killing chompies any combat xp earnt in cw quite a bit of xp earned in livid farm xp rewards from quests xp rewards from finishing task sets xp earned unlocking mage arena spells etcetc Who cares.
  15. He told me he's paying 4-5m p/h and contact him if you're interested.
  16. c2 woodcutting i got 241k the first hour, 249k the second hour and 205k the third. trio c2 woodcutting with one guy clearing map other stand near trees while i gt'd to him to wc.
  17. You can also drop 26 items in 3 ticks using action bar just by holding your action key down.
  18. The Fc i use is 'Runespan Pro', same with suomi.
  19. Wow, he must be getting quite some xp/h! If he played 80h that week he'd have been getting 155k/h... I realise there's some 6h boundaries either side on Runetracker but that's still a huge xp rate! 80h is 7 days? Come on this is Suomi, He said 16h+ a day? most times. = 112h weeks. Yup. Hes Rc record is 14.2M xp in a week atm, pretty sure he plays more than 80 hours a week now ;p Actually the record is involving about 129 hours runecrafting, if the rate that gemeos gave us is correct. (110K/H) Most people claim 100k but the people that use brain claim 110k. Don't come with the effort conversation because Runespan is afk no matter what you do. :( I didn't test it myself since I don't have 99 Runecrafting, so I do NOT 100% trust in the rates above. I only trust in rates claimed by myself or calced with math by me. if this is 110k without wizards than i can safely say he's getting AT LEAST 120k p/h chasing wizards. you can get on average 20k+ p/h boost chasing wizards if it takes ~2mins per wizard and using a fc wizards are easily located which i know suomi is doing.
  20. 408k xp/h if d stones are 660k/h. Black d'hide bodies are 450k/h. As a side note, diamonds are 516k/h. Idk about the trade limits. Diamonds are 500 per 4 hr trade limit.
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