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Zodiac Lotus

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Everything posted by Zodiac Lotus

  1. Blog update - 09: Tokhaar-Hal-Xil, 95 Firemaking, 85 Divination. Today, i managed something... I never thought I could do. After beating the Fight Cave, I sacrifised my fire cape to the Fight Kiln... And thus replaced it with my very own Tokhaar-Hal-Xil. :) After checking my Kingdom, i had a small influx of maple logs, which i decided to put to a good use, which saw me level Firemaking. #SuchFire #SuchDanger. Buckling down, i put my efforts into leveling my Divination to 85. Only another 14 levels to mastering.. Woot. [achieved 09/04/2015] Sadly, there where a few things i missed throughout... 84 Hunter, 93 Mining, 28m Constitution mark. :(
  2. Yeah boy! another fire pokemon. :D I can accept that. Magmar was my trumph, when i use to play the TCG back in the day. Haha!
  3. I did too, until i raced a friend to 50m Ranged XP. It came in real handy... and i walked away with Chick'arra as well. Lol :)
  4. Grats on 96 fishing Quagsire. I think Magmar's the #1 pokemon around ;) Haha!
  5. What on earth.. 14 Lacquer... What is your secret. Love the blog, reminds me of times of old.
  6. That's always an idea, or if you know how to go AGWD it's good Ranged xp as well. :)
  7. Blog update - 08: 98 Magical hats & 2 Elites down. 98 Magical hats, only one more to add to my collection for the set. Finally finished Leveling my temple treking partners to the total level 594. This is one of two Elites in Mortania finished as a result. Elite two ... Only two more remain until i complete the Morty Elite Diaries.. Yay! ~ Stay Classy, Tip It Community.
  8. Oh low levelled Baby! :3 Thanks for stopping by chief.
  9. Blog update - #07 [ 60 m Ranged XP, Reclamation of Fire Cape, 83 Hunter & 97 Prayer ] 60,000,000 m Ranged XP - during my fight cave slayer expedition. finally... after losing my fire cape three years ago, I reclaimed it again. Yes, after putting it off and lacking the confidence in myself, I finally did it. Again! |^_^| Daily divine locations, do help with training those pesky skills.. I dislike! -_- tried out the cleaning stones in the Heffin cathedral. Not bad exp at all especially during V.O.S - Heffin. :wub: Stay Classy - Tip It Community.
  10. Good chat Bxpprod. Next time... don't sell me into slavery, that was rude. :o I also came here for memes... I have never been so disappointed.
  11. Jeez, buddy. I really don't know what i could add to this that everyone else hasn't already said about. I did notice your account log in last night, then log straight out. I wasn't paying to close attention, as i thought it was you, if i had known :/ will be following along, hope this is resolved soon.
  12. Saw this, realized... Must be in Richscape.. *heads back to people who can rarely afford nice things scape* Lol Saru is too rich... Somebody form a lynch mob! :blink:
  13. Update 28/02/15 - 03/03/15 = 90 Fishing, Double item drop, 84 Farming & 10 year veteran's cape. 1st of March - 90 Fishing, Double item drop & 84 Farming 90 Fishing Double item drop - Abbysal demon's task. 84 Farming 3rd of March - 10 Veteran's cape. 10 year Veteran's cape achieved today [03/03/15]
  14. Thank-you Saru, I'll definitely look into that. As the way i do my screenshots, editing, cropping and sharing does get quite tedious after a while.
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