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Everything posted by timr917

  1. Great article...Getting back to informative articles rather than pointless ones such as interviewing Bob...you know, every two or three articles here is pretty good and actually discusses a current event around Runescape...hope this isn't your last article oddfaery Regarding lowering mage...I think it's too extreme. Yes, range was waay underpowered, but this is virtually the kiss of death. Nothing mages or meleers can do will prevent anyone else from being able to use their weapon/attack style. What gives rangers this right? Even if the mage wins, they're still weakened for a few minutes after the fight. all-in-all, great article
  2. Stapled my left thumb today in chemistry class--whole class was shocked, cept me, it didnt hurt that much (till the nurse took it out) Besides that my right wrist is sore right now, pulled a muscle at some point i guess...not sure but it might be due to my rubik's cubing--quite possible
  3. Well thought-out post mayjest... could be...after all, look at petey pedigrew, confirmed dead is nothing hey theres some paintings of dumble around the school arent there? and coming back to life after avada kadavra...impossible yeah, i just finished desert treasure thursday, finished hp today...the hurcrux thingys are kinda like those diamonds, and final boss (voldy)...well, doesnt happen in desert but the pyramid....well who knows i agree...not much else to say for me except...well...he cant go to school really...i mean if voldemort is still out there... i dont think he will well thats my thoughts...my mind is burnt out, i read for 10 hours straight that little draco, how much i wanna kill him
  4. First off, these aren't spoilers. I DID NOT READ THE BOOK! My sisters next door reading it (got it 11:30, half hour before it was released :P) but I havent read a word of it These are well-educated (or not-so-well educated) guesses based on my knowledge. THEORY I. Concerning the identity of the half-blood prince. Possibilities mentioned: Neville, Ron: as far as I know neither is a mudblood Not mentioned: Harry: one he aint a mudblood, two that would be dumb Tom Riddle: hmm...this is my theory. mudblood, yes. seems to be a possibility Some random other person: probably more likely than riddle THEORY II. Concerning Dumbledore. Let's face it, he's a bit off his rocker. I wouldn't be surprised if he was associated with the dark side. my theory: death. no backing up for it however. THEORY III. Harry and _______ sitting in a tree... possibly Ginny...Cho, I really really doubt it. luna, nah not a developed enough character. THEORY IV. Snape too high risk position for DaDA position. my guess: a whole story we didnt know--snape was a SPY as a death eater, then left before it got too dangerous Well my sister will finish before I get it...but oh well. Good night
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