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Everything posted by Ianbur

  1. The Lou and Andy swimming pool one should not have won it. I like Little Britain, but that didn't amuse me at all.
  2. Why sad news even for people who are not catholic or religious. It doesn't move me at all. Ofcourse it's always a sad thing when a good person dies. (I think he was a good person). But I wouldn't really be more sad if I heard that someone normal person who I didin't know died. He was a pope. Headman of an religion which I don't care. Atleast he had a good life I think. And wasn't he the guy who was for not condomes. :? Anyways R.I.P pope. I feel the same way as you....
  3. Nice, expect this too be moved soon though.
  4. Heh. The N64 was ace, and its home to the best game ever, Zelda Ocarina of Time. Goldeneye was brilliant too.
  5. Punk and rock, eh? The Clash - Should I stay or should I go? Blink 182 - All the small things Green Day - American Idiot Foo Fighters - All my life Franz Ferdinand - Take me out Muse - Hysteria
  6. Yes, they bloody well have gone too far. A few hours after the new halbreds came out, everyone was like "hallys!" It seems there's an abbreviation for everything on runescape, and its getting annoying.
  7. I play the guitar, the bass, the drums, the piano, the claranet, and finally, the trombone Hello Grimmie
  8. I would like the same background and text as the last one, my name, ianbur down the middle, cmbt 84+ (in smaller text) down the right and skills 1060+(in smaller text) down the left. If they don't fit, can i just have ianbur at the top and cmbt 84+ down the bottom, and could i have in 200/50 size please. Btw, nice sigs
  9. You're spot on with that.. apart from rs didn't need agility, its the most pointless thing ever... it has nothing based around it lol
  10. It's too linear for my liking....
  11. the best comback ever is when someone says " that is rubbish" or someting like that, say "its better than you" it winds them up all the time!
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