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Everything posted by jenova1692

  1. laderhosen hats rule! I almost never take it off, and I dont have a rune full helm because I want to wear my laderhosen
  2. 99 woodcutting, first thing i did when i started playing runescape 3 years ago, i figure it ought to be the first thing i get to 99
  3. omg!!! so many of em!!! im going there right away, i can be the only honest yew cutter on free worlds yay!
  4. this month is gonna rock!!!!! *does strange dance*
  5. get fletching and woodcutting both to 99, then im gonna high alch all the yew/mage bows and ill have 90mil
  6. casinos are a good idea, but mods selling rares is bad idea, might as well redrop them, which isnt gonna happen
  7. dutty4u, good idea about the bank pin, only problem is macroers could just use an autoclicker (which is basically what they use for everything) to type in their bank pin, so what they should do is pop up with a screen that says a randomly generated number on it, and then have a keypad so you could type in the number, if they did this everytime you went into mines, no chance of autoers and it would only hinder good miners a little
  8. alright thanks for the reply, I'll start working on my second chapter once I get more time
  9. ok people, please tell me what you think of my story so far
  10. nice story, although i cant really give you any advice as im just starting to write
  11. Ok I was bored and I decided to try my hand at writing, so I came up with this, please tell me what you think of it so I can decide if I want to continue the story, thanks in advance! P.S. sorry if it has a few grammar mistakes, I wrote this at 1:42 in the morning so I wasn't entirely awake, I'm mostly just wondering if the plot and writing is good Prolouge King Rould the IX sat in his throne impatiently looking down at the poor peasant that kneeled before him. This particular peasant was no different from the others. They all wanted something, whether it be money, clothing, or food. With the recent war with the neighboring kingdom of Falsor, all of those things were running dry. Even the King himself sometimes went weeks without food. As the peasant went on about why his village should get more food, Rould's mind thought back to when he was just a little child and the Kingdom had been almost a utopia. All his life he had dreamt of the day he would finally take his father's place as king of Karin, a small kingdom on the eastern side of the known world. But he never expected to have so much bad luck. The neighboring Kingdom of Falsor had recently attacked Karin and now Karin's economy was quickly failing. Whole villages were dying from starvation and disease. Those that didn't were destroyed by Falsorian armies. Now all Rould could do is hope that something would happen that could save his kingdom. Suddenly, almost as if on cue, the large oak doors leading outside burst open and an exhausted looking soldier limped in. "What is the meaning of this?" questioned King Rould. "It's the enemy sir! There is a large army approaching the city!" "How far away are they?" "They defeated the guard at the river, I barely escaped to warn you." "We must ready our defenses! Guard, send the soldiers to their posts and ring the warning bell." said Rould to the guard at his right. King Rould couldn't believe this was happening, there was no way his ragtag army could possibly survie an attack from the Falsorian army and there was no way of escape. It seemed they would have to try their best and hope for a miracle. End of Prolouge =================== Chapter One =================== Alex woke up with a start and bumped his head against the bunk above his. As he rubbed his head he cursed the warning bells under his breath. This was the third time someone had sounded the bells on a false alarm. With the recent war with Falsor, people were getting tense. Anytime someone saw something a little unusual they thought the Falsorian army was attacking. After Alex calmed down he got up out of bed and straightened his shaggy blonde hair. He looked around and noticed that he was not the only one who was awakened by the warning bells. The barracks soon filled up with curses from the other soldiers. Alex figured since he was already up he might as well start with his duties early. He began putting on his uniform when the door burst open and Alex's captain rushed in the door. "Hurry! This time it's not a false alarm! Get ready to defend the city!" The barracks was suddenly quiet for a few seconds while the soldiers took in what the captain had said. Then every soldier quickly rushed to get ready for battle. Alex, who was already dressed, ran out the door and through the hallway to the armory. He grabbed his armor off the rack where it was stored and began putting it on. Alex had put on his armor before, but this was the first time he was actually going to fight in it. He had to make sure everything was perfect, or he might end up paying for it with his life. As soon as Alex was done he checked over all of it to make sure he had everything on perfectly. Then he grabbed his battle mace and square shield and swiftly left the room. Although the armor severely restricted his movement, he still ran to his post much faster than he ever had before. Alex's post was in front of the main gate to the city. When he had finally reached his destination he got into position in front of his captain. As time went by the rest of his unit came into position one by one. A few minutes later the whole unit was there and the captain began briefing the unit. "Ok soldiers, as you know this is not a drill, the Falsorian army is attacking and is already less than a mile away. We believe they will most likely try to use battering rams to get through the main gate. Although our engineers are currently fortifying the gate, their rams will eventually break through. That is where we come in. Our job is to make sure that once the enemy breaches the gate, they don't get through. If we are overwhelmed and I order the command to retreat, you will all fall back to the docks, where we have a ship being loaded with the civilians at this very moment. We are to make sure that ship takes off from the dock at all costs. Is that understood!" "Yes sir!" "Good, then let us get ready." Two hours later Alex was standing in position with the rest of his unit, impatiently waiting for battle to start. The enemy had arrived at the city walls over thirty minutes ago, but they had yet to attack. Messengers had told the captain that the enemy was preparing for an artillery assault. Alex knew that after the artillery strike the battle would begin and he would be through with waiting. As that thought passed through his mind a flaming ball of wood flew above the walls and into a building. Alex gritted his teeth as he heard the screams of people being burned alive. He hoped desperately that he would not be forced to die the same way those people had. Then a second flaming ball was sent flying into the tallest tower of the castle. Alex and the rest of the soldiers watched with awe as the tower collapsed and brought down a huge chunk of the castle with it. From then on Alex knew this was going to be a horrific battle. Another hour later and the unit was still waiting. From the shouts of soldiers on the wall Alex could tell that several attempts had been made by the enemy to get a ram to the gate, but the traps the engineers had laid destroyed any chance the enemy had at bringing down the wall. However, they all knew that eventually there would be no more traps left and the enemy would reach the gate. After a few more attempts the enemy finally reached the gate and began battering away at the wooden door. The captain ordered his unit to get ready. One more bash and the gate splintered into a thousand pieces, hitting several of the soldiers in the process. As the smoke started to clear Alex and the rest of his unit could begin to make out the shapes of the enemy. Then, with the stunning speed the enemy soldiers charged. Alex barely had time to put up his shield as an enemy hacked at him with its axe. The blow knocked Alex back, but he quickly recovered and smashed his mace into the face of the enemy. Alex looked with horror as blood poured out of the holes his [bleep]ed mace had left in the enemy's face. No amount of training could have prepared him for this. Alex quickly snapped out of the trance and focused on the task at hand. Another enemy struck at Alex but he deflected the blow and countered with his own strike. The enemy dodged the attack with almost superhuman speed. Then Alex watched with surprise as a sword came out of the enemies stomach. When the enemy fell to the ground Alex saw his captain standing behind where the enemy had been. Then the captain looked around as if he was confused and shouted at his unit to retreat. Alex responded quickly to the call and began running to the city docks. Fortunately the enemies did not follow the unit down the street, for they were busy regrouping. After a few minutes of running, the unit finally made it to the docks where a large ship was docked and several people were escorting citizens onto the deck. At the captains command, the unit positioned themselves inbetween two other units and readied thesmelves for the next attack. Alex knew that his life would most likely end soon, but he knew he had to make sure the ship launched, even if it cost him his life ============= Chapter Two ============= Alex stood in line with his shield upright, ready to defend himself from the enemy charge when it finally came. Falasorian soldiers stood not a hundred feet away yelling their lungs out. They had regrouped long ago, now they were just waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The shouts and cries of the civilians could be heard as they and all of the city's needed supplies were hastily loaded onto the ship. Then the charge came. Alex held up his shield as an enemy soldier rushed up against him, putting all of his weight against it. Severely outwieghed, Alex fell back against the man behind him. After regaining his stance, Alex slashed at the enemy who had just charged him. The man dodged Alex's blow and countered with his own. Alex felt a burning pain against his face as the enemy's sword just barely scraped against his skin. Alex looked down for just a second to see his own blood splash onto the ground. That was the first time that he had felt that strange emotion. He suddenly had a strange urge to kill. The feeling suddenly came to him. They had just destroyed his home, his life, everything, and now they would pay! Adrenaline pulsing through his veins, Alex charged at the enemy like a wild animal. His mace came down on the poor man's shield over and over again. Alex had never seen himself move so fast. The shield was finally tossed out of the enemy's grasp as Alex did one last swing. Lying on the ground before him was the man, cowering in fear yelling "Please no!" But Alex didn't care, he held his mace above his head, and then came down on the man's head, cracking his skull and splashing blood all over the ground. There was that wonderfuly blood that Alex had begun to love so much, turning the stone ground a dark red. But he wanted more! Alex began swinging his mace wildy at the enemies that stood before him. A group of them stood cowering in fear, looking down at the man Alex had just slain, and then back to Alex's red, blood-stained mace. "Who wants to be next?" Then Alex charged the group and swung his mace against the heads of several of them, just missing the rest by no more than an inch. He then turned and saw an enemy fighting with his friend. "I geuss that answers my question." Alex ran towards the man and slashed his mace against his back. "Thanks, he almost had me beat Alex." Alex was about to reply when he saw his friend suddenly engulfed in flame. As he fell, Alex saw a man dressed in long, dark robes with a large metal staff in his right hand, a black book in his left. Alex had heard about this man. He was what his people called a "mage". Men who could control the elements to do their bidding. They were also said to be almost impossible to kill, but Alex ignored that fact. Revenge was all he could think about now. But before he could run towards the mage, a strong hand grasped Alex by his collar. "There is no point in wasting your life fighting that mage Alex. Now come, we must retrear to the ship." "No! I will kill this thing even if it costs me my life, not that I have anything to lose anymore, for they took it all away!" Alex tried to escape the hand's tight grasp but he was pulled back towards the ship. As he was being pulled back he noticed all the bodies, laying dead on the ground. The horror of the battle was finally coming to him and he could not take it. Then he saw the man he had slain, laying dead with his hands still covering his face. How could he have done such a thing? Even though these men had commited the first act of evil, it was a terrible crime to kill them so cruelly. When they finally got to the ship, Alex took one final look at the last few soldiers desperately trying to keep the enemy from advancing to the ship. Alex ran onboard and kicked off the boarding ramp behind him. "Ready to leave sir! Pull up the anchor and cut the ropes!" One man began turning the wheel to bring up the anchor while several other ran along the side with their swords, cutting the rope attaching the ship to the dock. Soon the ship began to slowly take off from shore. But then, a ball of flame hit the steel plated side of the ship. Everyone on board tried to hold on to something as the ship was tossed back and forth for a moment. "Sir, it's the mage! He's going to try and blow our ship up!" "All archers, ready your bows for an attack on the mage!" came a shout from King Rould, who was standing behind the wheel with his sword raised. A group of archers readied their bows and pointed them toward the mage, who was at the edge of the pier with his staff raised high in the air and his book in front of his face. "Fire!" A volley of arrows flew towards the mage and Alex thought for sure he would be killed. But the arrows did nothing. They all simply bounced off of the mage as if an invisible shield was blocking them. Then another ball of flame came flying towards the ships hull. Time seemed to freeze as the ball hit the ship and the wood beneath Alex's feet exploded, shooting Alex high into the air. He looked down and could see the ship with a big chunk of the hull missing. Time sped back up to normal and Alex felt the air go by as he plummeted back towards Earth. Alex landed head first onto a plank of wood. Suddenly everything went blurry and all Alex could think about was getting revenge. One day he would become stronger than that mage, even if it meant learning the art of magic himself, just to watch him die the most painful of deaths. Then the world went black. =========== Chapter Three =========== Alex woke to the sound of waves pounding against the beach. He could feel the cold water flowing around his body and the muddy sand sticking to his armour. A sharp pain went through his neck as he tried to lift his head. Ignoring the pain, Alex lifted his head to see that he was on a beach with a forest directly in front of him. Where was he? What had happened? Alex searched his mind for the answer to all his questions, but no matter how hard he tried he could not remember how he had ended up on this beach. Then he looked once more towards the forest, and then left and right along the beach. It seemed he had three paths to choose from, the left or right beach, or the forest. He chose the forest. Pain once again struck his body as he tried to stand up. He let out a scream and a gruop of birds fluttered out of the trees in front of him. Each time he took a step the pain racked his body. As he went further he started getting used to the pain. Soon he was inside the dark shade of the forest. As he mustered his way through the forest the pain slowly died until he could no longer feel it. Time went by and it seemed like hours until Alex finally reached a clearinng. The sun had stopped coming through the trees long ago, so the clearing should have been a welcome site, but for some reason the human skull stuck on a spear made Alex feel unwelcome. Inside the clearing was an old, run-down looking shack. At first he thought that maybe there was someone there that could give him food and shelter, but then he remembered the skull that was not far from ten feet in front of him. That was when he heard the man. It was only a soft whimper at first but then it grew to screams. Alex could tell that it was coming from behind the shack. He manuevered(?) himself through the dense forest around the clearing until he had a good view of the back of the building. It was a gruesome sight. A man with long dark hair and scroungy clothes was hanging from chains attached to the wall of the building. Cuts and bruises covered his body so that it looked as if someone had spent hours beating him. By this time the man had gone back to a soft whimper. Alex was surprised when he heard the man talk. "Please help me, my parents are royalty and can pay you a fair amount of money if you release me." The voice was very calm and soft. It was easy to tell this man had gone through terrible pain in the past few days. "I will help you, but it is not money I seek." Alex rushed forward out of the forest and quickly fumbled with the chains. "I don't know if I can get this chain off, it is too strong for my bare hands to break." "Oh no, he is coming, don't worry about me, go back into the forest and hide. Quickly!" Alex could hear a man coming around the side of the shack. He rushed back into the jungle and hid in a nearby bush. A few seconds later, a man dressed in black robes walked around the corner of the shed. He carried with him a metal staff with a clear crystal orb attached to the top. The mysterious man stood in front of the prisoner and looked at him for a few moments. Then he raised his staff into the air and chanted soft words that Alex could not hear. A bolt of electricity ran from the orb on top of the staff and into the prisoner. The man screamed for what seemed like forever before the bolt finally stopped. "You better hope your parents decide to give me the money soon, 'cause I don't feel like keeping you around much longer." "They will come, along with the ransom you ordered, you just need to be patient." "I have been patient for a while now, but it has finally run out!" The black robed man once again raised his staff and sent electricity into his prisoner. The black-robed man reminded Alex of something, though he did not know what. A feeling of anger suddenly rushed through his head and he could sit around watching no longer. Grabbing the mace attached to his back, Alex rushed forward out of the forest and attacked the man. With one quick swing of his mace, the man was dead on the ground, blood streaming out of the holes left in his back. Alex swung his mace at the chains hanging the other man to the wall and he quickly fell to the ground. The staff on the ground suddenly caught Alex's attention. An urge came into head, telling him to grab the staff. He followed this urge. The second he touched the staff he no longer felt tired or hungry, and he felt more powerful than he ever had before. The staff must have been magical. The soft voice of the man talking awoke Alex out of the trance the staff had left him in. "That staff is worth a lot no doubt, for it is a mage's staff. You probably feel more powerful right now don't you? If you like it you can keep it, I will never have use for something like that, and you were the one who killed him after all." "I believe I will keep it, but that is not important at the moment, we need to find our way to civilization, do you know the way?" "We need to head that way, and we should eventually come to a road. From there it wont be hard to find our way." The man pointed deep into the forest. "First, my name is Alex, what is yours?" "My name is Paulus, but my friends just call me Pawes."
  12. sounds like you had fun with all that money you spent lol, i wish i was rich now
  13. Armour repair stand "You can repair armour here." ID: #13715 Actions: Remove; Size: x: 1, y: 2 Whetstone "You can sharpen rusty swords here." ID: #13714 Actions: Remove; Size: x: 1, y: 2 Repair bench "You can repair broken staffs and arrows here." ID: #13713 Actions: Remove; Size: x: 1, y: 2 Does this mean armour and weapons will break and we'll have to fix them? EDIT: Chair "The ideal thing to sit on." ID: #13582 Actions: Sit-on; Remove; Size: x: 1, y: 1 this says one of the actions is sit-on Maybe they are making it possible to sit on things now?
  14. yeah and they could sell action figures dressed up in full bronze that say "Free stuff pleassssseeee!!!" when you press a button on their back
  15. lol ive done something like that before starev91, but i didnt keep coming back, i was too busy buying my rune b axe back
  16. ooh I was thinking of doing something like this soon but I guess ill see how this one works runescape name:Jenova1616 Piece:Black knight pl0x!! (ps: pls pm me ingame if you ever come up with the date this is happening, otherwise ill forget all about it lol)
  17. hmmmm...... I would probably go past fires and hope. If I did die i would bank the remaining 3 party hats, get on my main, and go back there and get the dropped party hats....all under 3 minutes.
  18. i agree with grimsaado, i absolutely hate it when people come to places like rock crabs wiht cannon and no one can get any kills in, besides the guy with the cannon
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