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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. depending on how good you are in playing Vinesweeper (equally to minesweeper on windows), you can get much more exp there then from actually planting crops and waiting for them to grow. Though, growing crops, and playing this game during the grow time will result in even more experience ! I have no roughly estimate of experience per hour, but it's decent exp.
  2. I've been doing a nature rune run recently and figures out that I crafted 1k ess into nats and gained a total amount of 1,4k nats. this is aprox 40% more then you would receive before the "extra runes" update. So I started thinking around, and figure out a basic formula to get the maximum amount of extra nats you receive rc'ing. For nats we know you get 1x at lvl 44. For nats we know you get 2x at lvl 91. I am runecrafting lvl 61. 91 - 44 = 47 61 - 44 = 17 17 / 47 = 0,36 0,36 * 100 = 36 My conclusion is simple, I have a 36% chance to gain extra nats, I crafted aprox 1k ess and gained aprox 1,4k ess, coudl be slightly less as I didn't do exact easurements on crafting the runes. I think the formula is kinda close to what it is in reality. Also, I crated law runes, which don't have a 2x multiplier, and I didn't gain any single "extra" law rune while crafting, therefore I consider any runes crafted without a next multiplier (1x to 2x, 2x to 3x, 3x to 4x etc) will not allow you to gai nextra runes. So I guess after 91 for nats you will not gain any extra nats as there is no 3x multiplier for nats. [edit] Something new I figures to my theory: I have 28 inventory slots, using 3 pouches, having each 3, 6 and 9 ess (total of 18 ess), leaving 25 free slots for ess. As you get to the altar, you craft your 25 ess into nats. 36% of 25 = 25 / 100 * 36 = 0,25 * 36 = 9 with my 25 ess, I gain a maximum of 36% extra nats, which results in 9 extra runes at max. 9 extra runes at max, 9 runes represent a 100% extra nats I would gain, which is very unlikely to happen, so I started thinking of a possible formula. Let's say I make 50% of the extra nats, so I'd make 4,5 (rounded up a bit makes 5 nats). Doing the same calculation on the remaining 18 ess in my pouches which you craft separated from these 25 ess, this is what you get: 36% of 18 = 18 / 100 * 36 = 0,18 * 36 = 6,48... rounded down (as rs likes to round down) makes 6 extra nats. again these 6 represent 100% extra nats, let's say I make again 50% extra only, so I make 3 extra nats. 25 nats + 18 nats + 5 extra nats + 3 extra nats = 51 nats Indeed, I can confirm I prety often made 51 nats... doing some more thinking, I came up with this: as 9 nats are 100%, 1 nat is 11,11%, so if I have made 0 extra nats, I'd have 0% chance to fail making an extra nat, so I make 1 extra atleast. Having made 1 extra nat, I have 11,11% chance to fail making a 2nd extra nat. Having made 2 extra nats, I have 22,22% chance to fail make a third extra nat. etc etc... Having made 5 extra nats, I have 55,55% chance to fail making a 6th extra nat, this is fairly much fail chance, a 55% fail chance, so it's likely impossible you'd make 6 extra nats. so basicly, I think this could be a possible formula or calculation to how much nats we make on average aswell as minimum and maximum. I just guess with ome logical thinking, I am not certain, nor is it confirmed by jagex or any other tests I performed doing altar runs, I just based off some logcal thinking and the 1 run I made myself which made me start thinking about it :P
  3. don't forget to add the special thieving-tour made I designed for tip.it to be used ;) http://forum.tip.it/topic/249184-thieving-correctionaddition/
  4. I'd like to inform that there is no record in the Bestiary for Mutated Zygomite. I got them as a slayer task, but I would not know where they live, what they drop, or how to find those, I can only inform that they are missing.
  5. As a graduated Programmer in high school, and and finishing my second year of college with 18/20 on programming courses, I think i'm well capeable of constructing a calculator properly with alot of functions in it. I'd like to offer my help on constructing new calculators and eventually updating or re-creating existing calculators. Pass on a PM if you (the tip.it crew) are interested in my skills :) Greets, WhiteFang
  6. oh dammit, this 1/4th of the players cap me in them :( I can't login to play :(
  7. arn't tip.it's guides all player-made? :D Anyway, the thieving tour is perfect. I tried shorter routes which cover the 3 times 2 chests and 1 separate chest (to cover the time required for the chests to fill up with loot again), and the tour is a slight minute to 2 minutes shorter, but experience wise not really more advantaging as you'll run out of running-energy prety soon and often, there is more running and less recovering time.
  8. I'd like to submit a correct/addition to the thieving guide. [hide]Magpie's (the summoning familiar) special attack/ability allows your to boost your thieving by 2 levels. Bandit's Brew boosts your thieving level by 1 level. (already known though) But, the combination of both will NOT allow you to have 3 levels boosted. Crew Edit: Done. Thank you, these changes have been added, and you've been credited :) -SerpentEye[/hide] Another addition I like to make: The thieving chests lvl 52 in Dorgesh-Kaan are a great alternative way of thieving from lvl 52 on. There is a nice tour you can perform, when running all the time, you will be able to complete the tour in a short 5 minutes earning 2,8k experience lock-picking all the chests on this tour. You can pick in at any point of the tour. Your running energy will likely never run out, as it takes some time to lock-pick a chest, you regain your energy back. About how much money you make, basicly you make a bit of money out of it and some good items to (basicly runes, clues and charms are most usefull). The tour is awesome for experience if you dislike the dangerous Pyramid Plunder mini-game.
  9. well they still have time till januare... then they released RS2 to evryone... it will come if they promise, but give the some thime... and i think jagex will not make it a skill but a mini-game (if it's still mini ;))
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