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Everything posted by Melos

  1. Happens to me almost every day in Smite, regardless of my individual performance. Feels like i always get the teammates who don't know what they're doing. The sad truth about team based games where you are pitted with random teammates whom you may never play with again. There is no team building and really takes out the point of being on a "team' in my opinion. I do like League of Legends when I play with people I know, trust, got my back, and vice versa. That is when League of Legends becomes real fun.
  2. RuneScape... one of the uncharted isles unnamed music.
  3. OGame... had to fleet-save and send out my daily transports.
  4. Playing ArenaScape right now... Trying to hit 10,000,000 Fame on my Templar.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmMQkzJTwDU&spfreload=5
  6. OGame. https://us.ogame.gameforge.com/landing/landing1?kid=a-00145-02245-1012-b35071b2
  7. Melos


    Today I stayed up until like 3:30am to finally hit level 95 on my FIre Trapper in D2. Got one more level to go for her, but it's going to take forever -.-... I'm getting 350k experience per baal run, and I need 222,700,000 more experience to level. So I need at least 636 more baal runs. And with each baal run taking 7 minutes to do... approximately 74 hours assuming I don't die and lose experience from that lol.
  8. Yeah, I'm going to wait a couple of weeks before I do these tasks as well. Though one advantage of doing it early would be that pkers don't have the new potion that hides them on the mini-map yet.
  9. Melos


    Today I got Level 49 Invention. I also died once in Diablo 2 so basically lost all the experience I earned today ugh.
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