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Everything posted by Melos

  1. This was very unexpected, but very awesome by Jagex. Unlike most other game companies that rather pretend that nothing ever happened, Jagex realizes that the Falador Massacre was a major part of RuneScape history and embraces it. It might not have been the most greatest part of RuneScape's long history, so you gotta realize it's not easy to come out of the closet for this. Heck, even some real life nations do not! For example, I'll bring up Japan since I'm actually half-Japanese myself. Some schools in Japan don't even teach about Japan's notorious war crimes in WW2 in which China and other countries whom still hold grudges! Schools in Japan are doing what most other game companies would do... pretend that it never happened, because it's much easier to swallow this pill. Proof: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21226068 Is that right? Is that how history should be taught? I don't believe it should, so I applaud Jagex for this :).
  2. Melos


    Today I got Champion Mastery Level 7 on Rammus for League of Legends :P.
  3. Melos


    Played League of Legends and had some pretty toxic kids in my games. Pretty normal. Wish Riot did more against toxic players like that though, it's quite sad.
  4. League of Legends, trying to get level 7 champion masteries...
  5. Melos


    Today I got Champion Mastery 7 on Soraka and Shyvana in League of Legends.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCMxs16-HQ8&spfreload=10
  7. The sock puppet made me laugh. So far these cases have been extremely quick... I wonder if they will get longer when it leads up to the end...
  8. OGame - https://en.ogame.gameforge.com/landing/landing1
  9. I couldn't finish watching it... It just didn't keep my interest, but my brother and his wife liked it.
  10. I'm 27. I've been playing RuneScape since 2001 so 15 years ago. That means I started RuneScape when I was 12, but the game is still fun to play even now :).
  11. I've been playing some Diablo 3 too! The new patch has added in a lot of collectable transmogs, but in terms of gameplay, I don't feel like a lot changed...
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