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Everything posted by Demeige

  1. I crack my jaw too! That's like the strangest one. Always makes me think that one day my jaw is just gonna be permanently dislocated =o Oh, and I actually saw a special on it on tv! No, it doesn't cause arthritis, but it's supposed to decrease grip strength and overall strength in the hands. The reason it doesn't cause arthritis is probably because you're not actually cracking the bone, just little bubbles of fluid in between your joints.
  2. Out of curiosity, how old are you?
  3. <_< All the time, habitually. I tried to stop once, but my hands felt like they needed to fidget with something constantly. :o
  4. Yeah, why not add one more thing that can legally kill you? =D> Stupidest reply of 2009 on Tip.it goes to you. Find me one case of someone dying from Marijuana. (i.e. overdose) Just one. That's all I want. Something tells me you won't be able to accomplish that task. =]
  5. maybe not in the direct sense, but Im sure a few car accidents caused by the smoking of marijuana have killed people. Noone has ever died from the pulling of a gun trigger, but what the trigger caused has killed them etc. http://paranoia.lycaeum.org/marijuana/f ... html#myth6 "blood samples from 1882 drivers killed in car, truck and motorcycle accidents in seven states during 1990-91.(5) Alcohol was found in 51.5% of specimens, as against 17.8% for all other drugs combined. Marijuana, the second most common drug, appeared in just 6.7%. Two-thirds of the marijuana-using drivers also had alcohol. The report concluded that alcohol was by far the dominant drug-related problem in accidents." Not to mention there's very limited evidence to suggest Marijuana even has any significant effect on driving capability. Has anyone ever suffered serious mental illness from smoking marijuana? Yes, I know two of them. My guess is your friends were stupid pre-Marijuana. May I ask what serious mental illness you're referring to? And of course what you meant to say was that excessive marijuana smoking could alter someone's brain chemistry. If I lit up a joint right now, would I go schizophrenic? No, I wouldn't.
  6. Has anyone ever died from smoking marijuana? No. =]
  7. To the OP, wearing pink makes YOU gay, but not someone else that does it for the sake of wearing a color. So short answer: You're gay. Or as you would so eloquently put it "[bleep]get"
  8. How many of you have heard of the Milgram Experiment? To those of you that haven't: (NOTE: The following is a long excerpt from a textbook on Sociology. I Spoiler'd the stuff that you should read beforehand. If it's interesting enough, feel free to read the entire thing although it's not entirely necessary.) If it says embedding is disabled by request: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXcwUJ-HMQ0 [yt]pXcwUJ-HMQ0[/yt] Why do you think someone would go all the way up to 450 Volts without stopping? Are these people necessarily cruel or heartless? What do you think of the experiment? ________________________________________ [hide=]Obediance to Authority: If ordered to do so, would you comply with an experimenter's instruction to give people increasingly painful electric shocks? Most people would say no; yet, the research of social psychologist Stanley Milgram suggests that most of us will obey such orders. In Milgram's words "Behavior that is unthinkable in an individual...acting on his own may be executed without hesitationw hen carried out under orders." Milgram placed advertisements in New Haven, Connecticut, newspapers to recruit subjects for what was announced as a learning experiment at Yale University. Participants included postal clerks, engineers, high school teachers, and laborers. They were told that the purpose of the research was to investigate the effects of punishment on learning. The experimenter, dressed in a gray technicians coat, explained that in each testing, one subject would be randomly selected as the learner while another would function as the teacher. However, this lottery was rigged so that the real subject would always be the teacher while an associate of Milgrams served as the learner. At this point, the learners hand was strapped to an electric apparatus. The teacher was taken to an electronic shock generator with 30 lever switches. Each switch was labeled with graduated voltage designations from 15 to 450 volts. Before beginning the experiment, subjects were given sample shocks of 45 volts to convince them of the authenticity of the experiment. The experimenter instructed the teacher to apply shocks of increasing voltage each time the learner gave an incorrect answer on a memory test. Teachers were told that although the shocks can be extremely painful, they cause no permanent tissue damage. In reality, the learner did not receive any shocks; however, subjects in the role of teacher believed that the procedure was genuine. The learner deliberately gave incorrect answers and acted out a prearranged script. For example, at 150 volts, the learner would cry out, Experimenter, get me out of here! I wont be in the experiment anymore! At 270 volts, the learner would scream in agony. When the shock reached 350 volts, the learner would fall silent. If the teacher wanted to stop the experiment, the experimenter would insist that the teacher continue, using such statements as The experiment requires that you continue and You have no other choice; you must go on. The results of this unusual experiment stunned and dismayed Milgram and other social scientists. A sample of psychiatrists had predicted that virtually all subjects would refuse to shock innocent victims. In their view, only a pathological fringe of less than 2 percent would continue administering shocks up to the maximum level. Yet almost two thirds of participants fell into the category of obedient subjects. As Milgram observed: Despite the fact that many subjects protest to the experimenter, a substantial proportion continue to the last shock on the generator. Why did these subjects obey? Why were they willing to inflict seemingly painful shocks on innocent victims who had never done them any harm? There is no evidence that these subjects were unusually sadistic; few seemed to enjoy administering the shocks. Instead, in Milgrams view, the key to obedience was the experimenters social role as a scientist and seeker of knowledge. Milgram pointed out that in the modern industrial world, we are accustomed to submitting to impersonal authority figures whose status is indicated by a title (professor, lieutenant, doctor) or by a uniform (the technicians coat). The authority is viewed as larger and more important than the individual; consequently, the obedient individual shifts responsibility for his or her behavior to the authority figure.Milgrams subjects frequently stated,If it were up to me, I would not have administered shocks. They saw themselves as merely doing their duty. Milgram launched his experimental study of obedience to better understand the involvement of Germans in the annihilation of six million Jews and millions of other people during World War II. In an interview conducted long after the publication of his study, he suggested that if a system of death camps were set up in the United States of the sort we had seen in Nazi Germany, one would be able to find sufficient personnel for those camps in any medium-sized American town[/hide]
  9. How clever. `-` To the UK users: do you guys have Tortilla Chips in the UK?
  10. Hahah, I agree. I know a few homosexuals that comment on that all the time. Basically, the homophobe (i.e. heterosexual male) thinks that he's oh so "hot" and that every woman and homosexual man absolutely WANTS to sleep with him. Obviously, that's never the case. Hate to burst some of your bubbles, but you just aren't that attractive. : `-`
  11. Lasagna and Grapefruit...for breakfast. : `-`
  12. Physics because it's really fun. But it involves SO many different formulas and calculations, so it's easy to see why someone might dislike it. Chemistry is a close second. :thumbsup:
  13. I have a rope in my room tied to my fan, and I tie my legs with the rope and swing upside down and type on my laptop.
  14. We're all going to lose loved ones at one point or another. It's always a hard thing to go through, and many people will sympathize with you. Good luck and I hope you feel better. =(
  15. I was brought up Christian but then I saw the light. (Of realism and free-will. That, and I also took high school biology. Lol.) Needless to say I'm an Atheist now. Some of you would do well with a bit of enlightenment: Case study of twins http://www.tim-taylor.com/papers/twin_s ... udies.html If you don't want to read that I'll give you a synopsis; There have been limited studies on twins and rates of homosexuality among twin siblings. However, from what HAS been studies, there seems to be a higher "incidence" of homosexuality among twins (wherein one sibling is homosexual, and so is the other) which indicates that it may be genetic. As of now the verdict seems unclear and more research definitely needs to be done. Lol at double-standard. ____________ Science aside, from an ethical standpoint, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. None of you, nor your religious institutions, have the right to dictate what "love" is. Is it "love" just because you have the ability to produce a child? Is it "love" because you have the right to get married? Is it "love" because the so called "sacred institution of marriage" is a tradition (normally) between a man and a woman? -The world is overpopulated. You shouldn't be procreating anymore. -Your so called "sacred institution of marriage" ends in divorce over 50% of the time. Doesn't sound all that sacred to me. If you go by "tradition", a "traditional" marriage is actually between a man and MANY women. (Polygamy) -Coincidentally, most religions are also against polygamy. This reminds me of a quote I read once before..."You know your god is man-made when he hates the same people as you do." My mom is probably one of the most open-minded Christians out there. She totally accepts that I live my life as an Atheist, and she acknowledges the fact that most of the teachings of Christianity (or any religion for that matter) can't be taken literally. If you follow what the Bible dictates, you should stone your wife if she cheats on you. [Deuteronomy 22:23] My mom always taught me to love and accept people for who they were in their hearts and souls. Not for who they took into bed.
  16. On a square piece of paper I found at the bottom of a box I was moving out of my basement, it read, HELLO? PLEASE RESPOND. I had no idea how long the paper had been there, those boxes had sat in my basement since I moved in. I ignored it until the next morning, when I opened my coffee maker to throw out the grounds, and inside was a sopping wet piece of paper that read PLEASE RESPOND. PLEASE HELP. I figured it must have been put inside my coffee maker by whoever was pulling this pointless prank because it wasnt there when I put my coffee grounds in. I found more notes, under my mousepad, inside my computer tower while I was putting in some new RAM, between the layers of tissue of my toilet paper roll, under my DVD players disc tray. Places that no one would ever look, places youd never think of putting a note, places you knew no one would ever look and it would be foolish to put a note, because who knew when they would see it? But it kept happening, and they all said the same thing every time, begging me to respond and help them. Being the [developmentally delayed] I am, one day I just got fed up when I found one inside a cup in my dishwasher (right after I had run it - the paper was dry) I wrote on the back of it HELLO. IM RESPONDING. PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR SITUATION! and slid it under a crack in my bath-fitted tub. No sooner had I left my bathroom did I find another piece of paper, floating on the surface tension on the surface of my glass of sprite I had in the living room. I carefully picked it out of my drink, it read THANK YOU. and in larger letters, IM TRAPPED. I waved it around to dry it off a bit, and wrote on the back of it again, where are you trapped? how are you sending me notes? and, not creative enough to think of where to put it, I just threw it behind my couch. I waited and looked, but I didnt see any other notes for the rest of that day. The next day I checked my mail, inside of some spam letter was the next note, IN THE SECOND DIMENSION. BELOW YOU. I wasted no time in responding whoever you are, this prank is [developmentally delayed]ed. give it a rest and threw it outside, the wind blew it away. The next note I got was still in obnoxious capital letters, though it was much longer than before and the last sentence seemed to have been squeezed into the remaining space. I think it was a passage from some encyclopedia or textbook. The first dimension is a defined point in space. The second dimension (this was underlined) is anything that exists with height and width, while the third adds on length. The fourth includes time, the and the fifth is the past: time that has already occurred and is solidified in timespace. Everything beyond that was too squished in to read. I rolled my eyes and responded again, How can you read this if youre in the second dimension? How can you even exist?? I slipped this note into the space in my toaster between the element and the metal casing. My reply came when I brushed it out of my hair the next morning before I took a shower. WRITING IS 2D. VISION IS 2D- TWO 2D IMAGES SUPERIMPOSED. That didnt really get to the point of how I was supposed to rescue this person, which I defined in my next note that I flushed down my toilet. MAKE ME 3D was all that was on the new slip of paper I found inside of a chocolate bar I unwrapped, later on. How the idiot was putting these inside sealed products was beyond me but at this point I decided to play along, maybe it was some kind of TV show thing. How? was all I wrote for my reply. I remember exactly where I put it, because it was the last thing I wrote for a long time. I put it in a crack between my length mirror and its wooden backing. As soon as I let go it slid out of sight and I didnt see any papers again for a year and a half. Getting dressed one morning for school, I went into my room and adjusted my tie and shirt in my mirror, the same one, only it was now on the opposite side of my room. Looking into it, I noticed a square behind me on the wall. Turning around, there was none. In the instant before I turned around again I thought it must have fallen off, but in the mirror it was still there, still suck to the wall. I touched my mirror thinking maybe it was some sort of warping or optical illusion, but it wasnt. I lifted my heavy mirror up from the ground and slowly walked backwards with it, nearing myself to the opposite wall on which the paper was stuck. The closer I got, the clearer the message on it became, until I stopped, sandwiched between the heavy mirror and the wall, looking at the paper immediately over my shoulder: MAKE YOU 2D it said. I moved the **** out of that house as soon as I could. After staying at my boyfriendss for a while, I got the **** rid of the mirror, the toaster, everything. My heart still skips a beat when I see any perfectly square piece of paper, sitting on the floor, all alone. I still live in fear of some day Ill open up a book or look in the inner lining of a jacket, and a piece of paper will flop out. I check all my things, now. Constantly. I also dont drink coffee anymore.
  17. In regards to the Banned/Quit accounts, that's why I wrote in circulation in the topic title. Meaning how many rares are "active" or whatever you want to call it. =] And 5K Scythes tops O_o Nahhhh. In World 1 alone I see a crapload of people in black robes + scythe whenever I log onto RS. Which is like once every 3 months :P
  18. You people just really need to read. DIRECTLY UNDER my estimates I said I was joking about the Charcoal, Spinach Roll, and Pineapple. Don't be a smartass and learn to read fully. K. That's all. Thank you. :)
  19. Haha you're all welcome to post YOUR estimates on the rares currently in game. 8-)
  20. Get your mage and cooking to 99 you fool! :D
  21. I don't know why you're all posting about the Charcoal, Spinach Roll and Papple when I clearly wrote it was a joke... And mrmyk if you remember a LOT of people complained to Jagex about the 2003 Halloween drop because they missed it and didn't get a Scythe. Since the Scythe isn't tradable they're is bound to be less of them.
  22. Here are my guesses. Party Hats: In the Hundreds Crackers: In the double digits :? Santa Hats: Still a lot. 25K+ Mask Sets: Still a lot also: 50K+ Disk of Returning: Double Digits maybe. Easter Egg: 100s Half Full Wine Jug: About a dozen or so LOL :( Pumpkin: 100s Bunny Ears: 25K+ Scythe: 10K+ Charcoal: 100s Spinach Roll: In the thousands I guess. Papple(aka Pineapple): Double digits probably. Post your estimations of how many Rares of whatever type are left in Runescape :D Oh and yes, my last 3 guesses were a joke.
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