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Everything posted by Demeige

  1. I gave up a while ago. I just didn't find the sexual satisfaction in it anymore.
  2. what a [body part only females have below the waist]
  3. would it be possible to hook up your iPod to that or something?! 8)
  4. Demeige


    6th Birthday. the tips of my hair caught fire. nothign major but I lost about 2 centimeters of hair :oops:
  5. a drunk guy won like $50 next to me on the subway then he turns to me and says "I knew you were good luck as soon as you sat down" then he took the same train and started asking some really personal questions :x I lied in just about everything. :o
  6. XD I bet you got their hopes up[or not?]
  7. Most likely no. But chances are if a petition gets thousands of signs, the person/company/etc the petition is against or for will hear about it.
  8. Not at all. My taste buds must be impossibly weak because I tried Wasabi once with tempura and it burned so much the feeling went into my nostrils and I started to tear.
  9. If it's considered a derrogatory term most of the time it's a swear word. However many curses are just a real non-offensive word that was somehow turned inside out and turned into an insult. for example [synonym for cigarrete] would be a homosexual person. my analogies are 1337
  10. I don't date anymore, I just hook up with people. Dating takes time and patience and commitment. 3 things I just do not have :)
  11. Demeige

    More Polls?

    Old tip.it rocked 8) Now it seems dryer and emptier than before I left when everything was always so alive :(
  12. your MS Paint skills rock btw 8)
  13. :roll: Commitment is so overrated these days...nobody has the patience for that.
  14. Demeige


    Matt is a CHAV! 8) Shoot him.
  15. when I went to fight the dragon for the first time I forgot my r2h since I was so intent on stocking up on as much food as possible 8)
  16. The triple H's: Honesty, hygiene and humor. :) (and maybe some good looks) Loyalty I could care less about. If I'm going out with a person and they're going out with another person I really don't care about that as long as they tell me(honesty omg :roll: ) Hygiene obviously. I don't want them smelling like horse [cabbage] when they're around me. Humor is probably the most important. The person has to be able to keep me entertained with laughter or some interesting stories 8)
  17. good for you :) here's a sticker *posts sticker on your forehead* if you scratch it, it smells like cherry.
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