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Everything posted by tskolar

  1. Hahaha, dude wdh is wrong with you, its a game. Ur saying ur one of those hard working/ very nice people, who should get the money, rite? Is this the point of ur little rant? Rofl to that, really. So ur friend got lucky, be happy for him, not infuriated. Lmao man, he didnt give you a cent of those 100m did he? Hehe, funny stuff- but u should really take ur own advice, u dont want to benefit from luck do you? You d feel bad in that case wouldnt you? You dont want any of those 100m do you? It wouldnt feel ol rite, would it? Haha, man. Your an amusing little thing, have to give you that
  2. I have a few: I thought you get defense experience if u get hit i didnt know that food existed so i just waited around to get my hitpoints restored till normal i thought people were genuinly nice to others becasue they didnt attack me in the wild ( a.k.a. 10 paces above falador gates) i wondered why actual people named their accounts "man" i once bragged and showed a person how rich i am ( 97.000), he said omg ur rich ( wdf?! was that, still dont get it ) i kept wondering what this K-s were that everyone was selling and buying stuff for and with ( once i found out i said ppl here are insane to spend so much on items) i thought smithing full mithril will get me insanely rich so i put all the effort i had into that. ps: that didnt work out so well
  3. u killed kree'arra 62 times in one trip? i dont believe you, unless u found a safe spot for all members of your group No i had a kc of 62. Probably around 50 big birds in a run (im 99 range). And yes if found a safespot but not giving out that info at this point. But even without a safe spot we bring 25 big birds down easy on 4 man. Invo if ur interested: 3 range pots, 8 restore, 13 sara, 100 addy, 250 diamond, troll teles, grapple. I try to make each range dose last 2 kills. Edit: ok i just seen ur setup and there could be some positive changes in it. 1.) First off since ur praying range anyways you can easily get rid of the shield and bring zammy book ( or any other god book, they are all better then the shield). Shield has got negative mage defense and BIG birds second att style seems to be mage based ( also searg, wingman skree hits well) so i think its just dead weight ( melee wingman is a joke). 2.) Get some snakeskin boots if ur uncomfartable with ranger boots ( they both have good range att and more importantly mage def, which dragon boots dont have- think it has a negative mage defensive bonus) 3.) i strongly reccomend bringing avas accumulator there as well( instead of 99 cape) 4.) this now is a complete thing of preferance but i bring archers ring as well, i have no faith in row Edit: 5.) and archer helm as well ( again ur looking for mage defense not range or melee) Im 126 so id play with invo a bit if it doesnt work the same for you as it does for me. One more sara, one more pray, one less range. And variations like this.
  4. 2 outta 4 on my list. They both nubs tbh... Zoid u been back a while now?
  5. Are you STUPID? Yes, lets make a shop where you can buy phats and masks at a 10th of their value or less, and the people that currently own one won't be upset... They are discontinued for a reason. Sadly you are the one who seems to be STUPID. That were the prices back then
  6. Look at the date, its 2005 when the thread started.
  7. Your stats on zamorak armour would effectivly make this the best armour ingame and develuate all the rest of melee armour. Thousends of ppl would loose huge amounts of cash on the armour they allready bought and thousends of ppl would gain a lot of money from allready owning their god sets. It would casue a huge uproar and i dont see jagex doing this at all. Not good bussines to have a couple thousend of mad costumers.
  8. You guys are definatly doing something wrong at armadyl if u get only 5kills or so per run. I had a kc of 62 last time me and 3 of mine friends went there.
  9. Noone is whining Seems like noone can have a argumented opinion in here this days. From my perspective it doesnt look like anything special at all, and if this is whining by your standards then i guess i need to look in the dictionary. I havent been on though and didnt have the opportunity to check it out first hand. So ill reserve my final opinion. But if Das happens to have his own why is it so bloody hard to accept his opinion for his own and move on?
  10. I have NEVER ever REPORTED A SOLE in my 3 years of playing and ill be damned if im gonna start with my friends. Im not going to be degraded to some sort of milicia for jagex porpouses, or even worse some type of ingame hitlerjugend and rat out my friends. The farthest i would go with a friend who has done something im appaled by is that i would simply tell him/her that im disgusted with his/hers actions and that this is "it" concerning me and him/ her. Stuff like that doesnt have a ring of backstabbing tagged on it, and it actually does more good at the end then to click "report abuse". But in the end the real question id have to ask myself is: would i want to have friends who would ever report me if i would by some mysterious coincidence break any of the rules. Answer is no in my case. Would u want friends like that?
  11. If there is really a 20 plus percent chance of smelting two bars instead of one i wouldnt call this pointless at all. Gl with it
  12. You can allways hope that there will be someone around who teaches you a lesson when u happen to slip up. Who needs enemies when u have friends like that?
  13. And about ur godwars dungeon comment. And the fact "i got it" :-s , so apperantly i have to shut up now and wait my turn, probably until some higher authority ( as yourself apperantly) gives me permission to speak my mind again. What are u thinking when you write stuff like that down? Does this stuff just write down all by itself without you at the keyboard or it all gets done on a subconcious level? Im sad to inform you i can have an opinion on every update, and dear lord, it isnt nessesary connected to my ingame preferences as you would like to beleive. And dragon, i dont mind that A.D. takes place in varrock. Id personally liked it more in Fremmy myself but the poll was done and most have decided Varrock.
  14. Grr, one cant make a post regarding a new update without it turning into some high levels-vsv- low level bs argument. If u see above i said what i said based on the information that a person smelted 40 bars and has gotten no "additional" bars in that time. In other words that means that the chance jagex reffered to in the post about rewards, you know the increased possibility of getting 2 bars out of the materials which are normally used up to make a bar, was a 1/41 chance (so 2.5 % increase), which in my opinion is not worth reseting the servers for. After seeing the next post, the post where a guy claims he gets 2 more bars per load of steel i changed my opinion. I changed it becasue the circumstances changed. Gah,....
  15. Lmao so the only noticable advantage of new A.D. is the ability to wear new and awsome " Varrock armour"? ( well we had a good half year of nice updates so i wont start [bleep] around) Yep. I didn't expect anything remarkable, as there is only so much potential with such a noobish area as Varrock. Way to go, Miniclippers. You chose a winner with this one! :roll: Mining 2x coal is the most useful thing in this update, and that is gotten from the EASY diary. This update reeks of fail. I agree, all the updates the last 2 months were easy, nooby and not challenging updates. :roll: You're just as bad as you say they are, always whining. Since im the only one of the 3 ppl u quoted saying "update", im gonna take this statement as direct to me. Im going to respond with: "Wdf, read first, respond later". And just becasue we had one of the best years update wise ( best summer definatly) noone can say that (this) a specific update stinks, if it does infact stink? Im reserving my thoughts on it personally till i get more information on it btw .
  16. Kinda sad this has to be pointed out. Anways most of the ppl acting like that are most likely the ones whos mommies pay for p2p so there is hardly any point in discussing this.
  17. It happens about twice every load for me. Using varrock armour one at edgeville furnace? Perhaps the armours have different odds. Ohh i see. So with 28 slots open thats like 11 steel bars instead of 9? 20 percent chance at least then, thats not bad.
  18. Lmao so the only noticable advantage of new A.D. is the ability to wear new and awsome " Varrock armour"? ( well we had a good half year of nice updates so i wont start [bleep]ing around)
  19. Quoted for truth. A small conversation I once experienced: Player: Get off my spot, I was here first! Me: Soo, how much for this spot, I'll buy it? Player: Idiot, you can't own training spot. True and Rofl. But the thing with rs is that the majority of ppl dont like to "waste time while playing", as moronic as that sounds. Anways, me personally do as id wish others would do when i was in their place. So i dont take their spots, and swich worlds. I dont get all upset when i get "helped" or crashed and usually swich as soon as i see the other person wont budge. The thing is that most ppl think, and rightly so that if they move they actually support and promote this type of behaviour, so they just decide to bite the bullet for a while. If noone would ever move for the crashers hardly anyone would get crashed.
  20. Ye, gw is beeing overrun with santas little "helpers". I had a group of people logging on the world where i was doing kc on goobilins, and even inspite all of them having 40kc they decided to "HELP ME OUT". A lot of helpers inside the bosses rooms helping with the seargents and other bodyguards. Its like christian values have actually kicked in last two weeks -.-
  21. R0flmao to that. What comes more natural to you though?
  22. Apperently u have a "chance" of doing both. And it doesnt say the possibiltiy of smelting faster, i think its the possibility of smithing faster. Again, what does this "chance" really mean?
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