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  1. So, me and my mate are both 100 cb and looking for a good bh team, not clan, to join. Stats: Drop--parti: 91 defense 91 hp 99 mage 96 range 53 prayer. xx k4rils xx: 99 attack 99 strength 99 hp 94 mage 95 range. Post on this thread or pm either of us.
  2. losing 2 p hat sets and 5m arrows on rsc.
  3. Well, I have discovered a way to make millions in minutes, until nature rune prices die down. Go to make bank or magicians guild, and buy natures, 200 each ( I have heard). Right now, people are buying natures for 300 ea. Millions in seconds. This will work until nature runes go to 200- , or jagex messes this up.
  4. I've learned that there are fiery cats that follow you. And I've learned that you can feed a cat 10 sharks, and it will still be hungry.
  5. what is the best range training weapon now? dark bow , msb , iron knive, seerce , crystal , or rune cbow?
  6. 50 mill and full party hat set in rsc
  7. I know you have to do RFD for barrow gloves, but, do you have to do a certain amount of mini-quests or specific ones?
  8. easy way to get rid or iron ores fast is to higher iron runners. If you have money, you could pay them too.
  9. mine was a couple years ago I found some santas and lots of masks. too bad that account got banned btw, it was christimas and halloween drops
  10. hobgoblins across from the crafting guild, so you wont get hurt
  11. would it work for Damis? (dessert treasure) since he is a zombie (i think, correct me if im wrong)
  12. back in rsc i was training on my mage (forget what lvl) in barb, in rsc, range and magic doesnt give hp xp. so i accidentally maged gunthar the brave and lost: 2 party hat sets, 15m, 10k arrows. which is like 4b for the party hat sets, (i think)
  13. hmm.. I'll come! 1pm central? what time is that for eastern?
  14. hmmm.... x-mas cracker or half jug of wine
  15. best:3 round rule when pking, pures=no magic worst:lost 2 party hat sets and 15m
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