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Everything posted by unlucky97

  1. theirs a guy named mini pik axe who is a rune miner can fish sharks and is an awsome level 3 skill pure.
  2. how do you mkae 800k from a cannon? But back ot the topic It depends wat kind of mood i'm in. Recently bought a lot of logs and fletch them and sell yew longs. I can also go to greens and make some good cash.
  3. my friend recently quit rs for WoW he was a good fried so i'm sad but he says it uses more inteligence then rs
  4. friend told me my comp was wierd it wouldnt work went to moms house was bored then got addict
  5. i started on rs2 but i played rsc for a day and quite enjoyed it it seemed simplier you could have fun and not care that your blue phat dropped 2 mil
  6. ahrim gives better melee def but it is less mage
  7. no one evedr used that prayer but me and my friends run around with it on when were bored
  8. i can do about 40 i prefer letting other ppl do it for me if i did it myself i would be about 94 fletching right now lol
  9. sry that havnt updated this much havnt been on rs tons of school work and i have to use my left so i ttakes forever
  10. Ya I know not to expect drops. i've learned my lesson i have doing this with my friend and its helped me raised skills that i would of never raised and as for the goals page this is more like a blog with my goals in it i've been updating it and telling a story and i cant take pics so telling my achivements with no proof is sorta dumb
  11. ty hmmsk i bought obby shield and my glory back i had to sell hides and bones so i'm at 150 with a lil pocket change i'll update tommorw bad time now
  12. how much they dropping 2 ? i got about 520k and cutting and hgih alc mages now
  13. ty for all support guys i got no school tommorw and a broken arm lol but i can still click =P but my goals before i go to bed are 81 wc ( got some nats need to waste) 250 bones and hides and obby shield (for training) if i try i can get it
  14. come on unlucky! cheer up! you'll get a d chain eventually! im sure gee eye will help ya i will :) ty phoniex lol i know gi would help me if i needed ot
  15. with my name its already affected it by breaking my arm lol
  16. ty. well i'm going on rs now to get some lobs
  17. ya i'm a completeidiot i know lol i no u should try to go toe toe and i am regrating not take that extra sip of pray pot and goodluck getting fire cape leesters if i i ever see u on in game i'll give ya some bird nest and snanpe dragon seeds.
  18. Well me and my friend are now going to kq and trying to get d chain. I am currently 101 he is 100. We have done 2 nights of trips here are results. 11/25/05 ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ 75 nats ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ 75 nats ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ ammy of power ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ bloods ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ zammy whines 12/9/05 ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ half key ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ 600 fires We died lost 2 welths and my precious addy boots =ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢( I loved those boots. We went again I lagged out died again so did my friend. We are never going to use server 98 again. Goals: Goals: 72/76 fishing (so i donnt have to buy sharks) 0/1.25k hides and bones ( to earn back lose? 54/66 herblore ( friend has it he can now make super str woot!) 0/1 dragon chain well not looking to good so far but dont worry it gets worse. Just today i went to barrows in veracs (It isnt the best way but i dont have 55 slayer :S so i was in the dhraok tunnel got him red barred incredibly fast had 40 pray left i hit about 12 0s in a row my pray runs out i am pissed dont want to waste a pray pot so i take him on when he has 3 hp using no pray. he hits 57 then a 45 ko dead lost addy boots, 40 pray pots, glory ammy team 6 cape (lol) and verac helmet (2.3 mil mot valuable verac item) so i am angry i decide i am going to sell veracs get a whip and go to greens and earn 5 mil that means almost 1.25k bones and hides. So i am hopping to get this by xmas. Entry 2 - Snow Day Even after losing my stuff I was in feeling of ecstasy. If i hadnt died i would of never bought a whip and get my skills up and do some other things. So today we had a snow day woot! no school for me so at 7am i get on rs and start slaying dragons. using a whip there is much faster then use my dds. In about an 2 hours i had over 150 hides and bones. I was about to start another trip there but my mom wanted to go to the mall ad i had to clean her car. I toke one step outside flew into the air and broke my arm. It hurts pretty bad but here is the bad part i cant use my right arm to use the compter or write any thing down and so i am typing all this with my left hand and it takes awhile to type. I am going out again in a little bit to see wat i can do with my left hand.
  19. i liked the story i could never do anything like that though i have no disapline but when i get in the "zone" i can mkae a 2 mil a day but i am rarely like that but congrats funny how u coulds sell them bows now for 50 mil now lol
  20. i like the way they do it in wow i have never played the game but i believe they have an aution house where ppl bid on things for a certain amount of time the highest bidder wins it would stop scams (unless you can hack the game)
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