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Everything posted by Nazgul740

  1. why is your apple sorta square..... other then that, i like the skulls good detail
  2. Every artist and suggestor always hopes their idea will make it big time... in ths case big time for me is Runescape game
  3. HAIL RED TIE!!!! :P ctr+alt+def is probably the most awsome comic ever... 8) read it almost everyday.. in fact... hmm new dig idea just popped into me head!
  4. thanks... 8) 98 mage... well maybe.. im designing a whole group of new spells for the suggestions page... hope to get it out this week.... keep a lookout for it... :wink:
  5. erm.... im flatterd i really am but, no. I don't draw that type of image and i got a great killer sig for myself right now see... :? in the future maybe but atm i don't think i could give the type of product that you or i would be happy with... also i would wanna be paid 8)
  6. i like them.... but the person sitting in garden... well her body needs a little more erm... defind..(can't spell) sorta more out there... she is fadeing back a tad :roll: ok that didn't come out right... nvm
  7. its a spell see.... the rock is above the dudes head... about to crush him into a little smush ball.... uses runes... lvl 96 mage to use.... you know.... magic.... dude is trapped in there... got the spell cast on him... mmmm beer! anyway i think you should dry out a little then look at it again :wink:
  8. i pked 215 deaths yesterday..... Another thing that will be solved is the reward for killing a mage. Nowadays, killing a mage at f2p is just stupid. But this staff would be worth 150k (in some sort of shop) so its a decent profit when you kill a mage wearing this staff. And if he protects, you still have a nice amount of runes (might be 500 deaths) and if implemented: the special hat thats around 64k i don't think killing mages is stupid....
  9. all depends on your mage lvl along with your range lvl... see getting hit with mage depends on 2 things..... your mage lvl which is your basic defence against mages and your other armor.... your mage lvl is like defence againsts weapons..... your armor is like rune and weapons... note: mage lvls don't work on anything but mage... try it tho... use a dude with 94 mage against a lvl 99 mage and the 99 mage will win...
  10. A. no its not, you havn't worked in a workshop in rl have you... B. people thought farming sounded stupid... growing rannars is really stupid espically when you can get up to (11 i am pretty sure) per one seed... yeah dumb idea there jagex C. what would it be used for would be with poh's which will come eventually...
  11. don't go.... you will get eaton alive... just don't... not with that defence you can't even wield what you get outa it... :?
  12. edited.... put a person in there so people would ask "what in the living hell is that" :P
  13. lady fire is bumped back up... thanks for feedback... ill work on the feet infuture drawings
  14. its sopposed to be a new mage thingy called crush (lvl 96 mage acients) new spell insert person right under the rock :?
  15. try fishing karajumara dock f2p
  16. DAMIT quite saying its a bug that you can wield it at lvl 1... show me proof and ill belive you maybe jagex WANTS It that way!
  17. slayer, make some armor for it.... like a lil better then rune costs like 300k each piece at lvl 65-70 or something. like how the equipement looks and i would like to see some more of it... 8)
  18. omg friday night and not a person is on here... seriously says that there are no people browseing this forum :cry: :cry: i have never felt so alone
  19. kk this is my fisrt ever pixel (think thats what it is) its sopposed to be a new mage thingy called crush (lvl 96 mage acients) no background to it as of yet.... might try that later... this was all done in photo shop.... and i used a kinda too large brush as you can see if you zoom in some... :oops: rate flame whatever.... Here it is with a nice little person in it.... this is larger then it would be in RS keep in mind....
  20. this isn't a useles update for the staff.... it freaking rocks!! yeah i know i know no airs.... but seriously it is gonna be great to train with when the price goes down some.... also i LOVE the way it look! awsome, they should edit all stave a bit make em more magey* (yeah not really a word) sorta like curved and stuff... and make each one differnt 0o or make like the lave staff GLOW! :lol: Too bad tey won't ever make a smoke staff :cry:
  21. well i would say you are right about the head.... BUT most of the clotheing is just shifting around sorta blowing.... its also alot of hair..... so really i think its porpotunate... i would like a second opinion though... 8)
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