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Everything posted by steend

  1. My boyfriend, I love it when I can just be him, be in his arms and feel safe, look at him for ages and when he looks back and ask what just say 'nothing' and smile. Sleeping Growing stronger. I had a guy talking stuff about me and well, using me. Feels really great when he comes out to be the failure and I come out so much more convident about myself and my body. As said before, loving your body. It feels really good to pamper yourself sometimes, take a long shower, have a peeling. That kind of stuff. Learning, it must sound weird but it gives m a good feeling when I learn something but not from books. I'm having my first student job in a microbiologic laboratorium now and I love doing it. I just lovethat you learn such diffrent things then you learn at school. Dancing, I do ballroom dancing, It's awesome to just glide across the floor, the feeling of flying... awesome.
  2. steend


    Ok, this comes from a girl... Go up to her and talk to her, just get the guts, simple as that. If you never try you'll never get anywhere right? I think you should just have a quick conversation with her and ask het msn adress and add her then, or maybe you should have some eyecontact with her first and smile at her when she looks back. All girls are diffrent but you just have to talk with her if you want to get anywhere, and if you do get nervous and all, could be that she finds it cute and gives you some time to let you show her the real you. If she doens't, thats just not cool...
  3. steend

    Halo movie???

    I heard there was a halo movie in the making. Peter jackson is directing it. (sorry if this topic is not true or allreaddy here)
  4. steend


    Have you watched TMF last weekend? they were looking back at the 10years of TMF. They had a special about happy hardcore to. I remember when I used to liste to that... It's just like you, in my younger years I listened to that stuff and now I see it's junk. But I do know that the real hardcore is nothing likethe happy hardcore from back then. Some of my friends sent it to me sometimes, I don't see the point of just one bassline all the time to be honest. But hey, whatever you like, you can listen to...
  5. steend


    It's funny that when you say hardcore here in the netherlands they always think about this kind of music... It's just what How2pk said, you have other kinds of harcore too. I don't really like it this kind though, i'd rather have the hardcore punk.
  6. steend


    I have pretty much the same oppinion as her. I'm a girl too and rarely use make up. Sometimes I use a little eyeliner or eyeshadow but nothing more. For me make-up really just makes the skin look worse, having make up all over your face will make you look worse eventually cause it just keeps the air and sun away to make your skin look good. Though I have zits and all I take good care of them and I go to the beatysalon like every 2months. All I can do to make my skin look good right? And also, I myself find it much more prettier to be pure and it feels so much better to show the real you. As for men wearing make-up, I got no problem with it at all. My boyfriend wears make up sometimes and I have to admit it looks great on him, and if he wants to wear it he can do that. I really have no problem with it.
  7. AFI Funeral For A Friend Brand New Taking Back Sunday The Used The Distillers My Chemical Rmance But I don't really hate any other music, my cd collection goes from britney sprears to the sex pistols to BSB. I just like any kind but the ones named above are my favorites
  8. If you want really alien stuff -> Area 51, or another one of those supposedly 'non-existant' USA bases ;) Yeah I know, woud be hard to get in there... being a dutch girl. But one day, even if I don't get the job I will find something uniqe, since i'm going to work in some lab anyway.
  9. If I could really pick a ream job. I want to be a scientist. Someone that works with alien stuff and things like that. A scientist for NASA or something.
  10. steend

    I can OLLIE!

    I can't really do alot... I used to skate alone but it got boring, I was to shy to go up the guys and ask them if I could skate with them on my crappy board. I just recently started again with new friends, I don't own a board yet nut my friends one has been lying in myy house forever. So far i can do: Ollie, pop shove it and switch. Switching is my fav. It's soooo relaxed to do.
  11. I'm so with you on that one. And have you guys noticed how the crazy from is hitting the internet to? I mean whenever I slide over the banner in y photobucket it like downloads it.
  12. steend


    I like al kinds of music. Really depends on my mood, It goes from misfits to britney spears, funeral for a friend to brand new. I'll just name a few bands I love to listen to latly: AFI the distillers taking back sunday the used brand new from first to last Rancid Silverchair Funeral for a friend and whjen I feel like dancing it will be like britney spears or natasha(sp?) bedingfield and stuff Just all kinds
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