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Posts posted by rft

  1. well mcguff beat me to it. These lovely sweeping soundbites might sound nice, but i'd like to see the facts for some of these.




    For example:




    Insulted and alienated more




    of itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s allies than ever




    before in its history







    this is very difficult to quantify, i'd love to see some facts ( if there are any) for this one








    Lost the respect of more




    people around the world




    than ever before in its











    see comment above. How do you quantify respect? Were every person in the world asked before and after Bush came to power how they respected the US?








    Appointed more convicted




    felons to government posts




    than any other president in








    I thought that I would quote this one, because, although it 'may' be true (i don't know the facts), this could be simply representative of a larger population. Statistically, the same proportion of the population could be appointed, with a higher absolute number due to a larger population.








    Next time, post some proper facts to discuss.

  2. I have enjoyed most quests, hence why I have a quest cape, but two stick out as being really difficult.








    First was Ernest the Chicken - i couldn't figure out those levers. I thought that every time someone else touched them, then it would mess up my plan! Shouldn;t complain too much, if it wasn't for Ernest the Chicken I may not have found tipit!




    Second was Rat Catchers. The guards in that house were infuriatingly annoying, took me almost as long to do ME2 as it did that quest. Grr.








    Favourite quests have to be things like Swan Song, and Knights Sword (like someone said above, going up 20 smithing levels was pretty awesome!). I also really like the quests with a story arc, particularly the Rise of the Red Axe quests and Myreque storylines. They make the quests a lot more fun to do :)

  3. the problem that i have with varrock is that some of the hard things in there are not redoable. for example, what if you had to get a challenge scroll and and kill the champion. Not possible if you have already done them all. Similarly, to PK someone 10 levels higher than you, not good if you are level 117+! I doubt that the wild will come into it as that should be a seperate area. It will go as far as the digsite, river salve and barb village.




    I reckon that they should have simply done a single diary for lumby, varrock and fally (misthalin). There is enough content in all of those combined to make it work much better.




    As someone said above, I'm holding out for more content to be implemented in varrock first, like more mithril dragons or something really tough to kill.




    It seems that most tipiters voted for fremmy, I voted there too. Oh well, never mind. I am sure that it will get its diary eventually.

  4. [hide]well i loved the book, really enjoyable read. Was surprised that Harry managed to get away with using 2 of the 3 unforgivable curses though. And what spell did Molly cast on Bellatrix? Also, how did Ron get into the Chamber of Secrets by speaking parseltongue? That part didnt really work for me. Shame also that Ginny didn't have a bigger role to play. Glad that Neville had a vital role to play.




    I was also disappointed with the ending, I would have loved a chapter with all the aftermath of Voldermort's downfall rather than a nineteen year later epilogue. Would have been nice to know what their jobs all were. Did anyone find out the truth about Snape? Did Umbridge keep her job? Whap happened to Grawp/Hagrid etc etc. [/hide]




    Looking forward to the film already. Get Peter Jackson to do it so that there may be a chance of him doing an extended edition for DVD of 4 hours of footage. They should have done that with all the films (for DVD not cinematic) as there is so much story that is missed out in the films.

  5. I read somewhere a long time ago that you had to be 86 slayer to get abyssals on assignment. I was pretty sure that this was not true until i got to 85 slayer. I have had about 50-60 tasks from chaedler and duradel (including 30+ immediately swopped) and heve not had a single abyssal task.


    Am I just being unlucky or do i need to get to 86 slayer?

  6. I think that this is a great update. Stops all the PC products, pures etc. from getting super fast xp. Having said that though, although the games will last longer, there are 4 times the number of points going now per game, so the clans should still be ok.




    I never agreed with people getting free mage and range xp by simply levelling melee stats, and I am glad that they have changed it now. About a year too late, but a good update nonetheless. Going to check out the rants forum now, should be a good laugh :)




    I might actually be prepared to play PC now. Althought I think that I will go for the armour rather than points as my armour case is only missing a few sets.

  7. I drop my gems too. If I need them I can get them easily in the rogues den by safe cracking for a few minutes. Due to the easy availability of gems generally, I prefer to keep my inv space for ores. Sapphires dont have that much intrinsic worth to me so I dont bother keeping them (dont use for crafting or fletching, rather have the bankspace for something else).


    When combat training, I often bring a chisel, cut them and then drop them again as I would rather have the space for those valuable herbs (I now drop harralanders and below too).

  8. Greetings, welcome back, I remember many of your threads, like trying to get a 9999 kc at barrows - definitely in keeping with your quirky nature lol. You have stacks of catching up to do aswell, lots of quests, minigames and skills to level up again.




    Add me ingame if you like (curanir1). I am buddies with mordendravid and would be up for a few dag king slayings if you wanted someone to make up the team.




    Also, that is pretty phenomenal loot from miscellania. Although, I would have to say that I would be really gutted that in all those herb seeds, you managed just one snapdragon seed. That's a pretty harsh return imo. It's some serious farming though, that needs to be done over the next few months to plant all that lot. Took me a few months just to get through 200 tree-seed nests.

  9. Well I dont think that there have been many updates that have really changed RS massively over the last 18 months. The exceptions are PC, POH, warriors guild, and the new ranging updates (dark bow, crossbow). Most of the other updates have been low to med level updates or small high level updates that haven't really changed the gameplay much.




    PC has really changed things though, combat training is not the same as it was, high level combat characters occasionally don't know half as much about the game as they ought (e.g. a level 116 asked me yesterday where black masks come from). People can train range and mage without actually firing a bow or casting a spell. Doesn't seem right to me....

  10. Champions guild cannot be an assignment as some (although not very many) people will have completed it already. Same goes for the museum. How can it be a hard assignment if it is something that I have already done?




    Besides, if they do put champion challenges in, they will have to make the drop rates a lot more reasonable for monsters. I have killed (probably) thousands of goblins for example and no challenge scroll. My only one is from lessers (mainly due to the amount of times that I got assigned them on slayer).




    I still cannot think of one genuinely hard task for varrock. medium tasks could be things like convert mahogany logs to planks, discover a ruby necklace at the museum, or dig at the digsite.




    Nothing really challenging at all though. They should have included Falador in with Varrock so there would have been a lot more things to do / more variation.

  11. good thread,


    -I never buy the most expensive things in my house unless they have a purpose. Im 78 con, but dont want to spend the money on a throne. Have a gilded altar for prayer bonuses and a house set up for barrows runs.


    -I dont own any rares or have any 99 skills, despite almost 1850 total and ~60mil xp. No intention of getting one anytime soon either.


    -I dont train skills that I dont like any more than I have to. (my tears of guthix xp goes on my 71rc, so all skills must be above that). Slayer and farming are my favourite skills


    because I really enjoy levelling them due to the huge variation that they have.


    I play this game for fun, not for massive xp or skill capes (although one would be nice). For example, when I go to PC, I just go to w78 and have a laugh, trying to win against the odds rather than trying to win games quickly for the fastest xp.

  12. I agree with the OP, although the point has not come across well. 43 prayer is ~50k xp (which is pretty much nothing) to make you invincible against a ridiculous amount of monsters. Now for the most part, I have no problem using prayer for training - it is sometimes very useful to ensure that you dont lose damage, but I do have a problem for quests.




    When the quest says that you should be able to kill a level 100+ monster, this is pretty trivial for anyone with 43 prayer just to keep hammering away at them until dead. You can see that some of the more recent quest bosses have been altered to take that into account (Contact boss, Troll King, Dream mentor boss), which I think is definitely a step in the right direction.




    43 prayer used to be pretty hard to get, just from buying bones and the like, but with the ectofunctus, dragon bones, and more recently, the gilded altar, prayer has become pretty easy to level, and the old benchmarks have become rather dated.




    I would like the protect spells raised to about 60 pray (for melee protect), or to make them reduce the damage taken but not completely. Sadly, I doubt either of these are going to happen, but I can live in hope!

  13. darn - no wilderness or morytania or elf vote. I voted for fremmy area, there is a lot to do there (killing daggy kings would definitely constitute a hard task). To be honest, I dont really want many of the city ones because there really isnt that much to do there that you could say constitutes a really hard task. Maybe they will include varrock wilderness too (although I hope that the wildy is a seperate acheivement).




    Edit: no desert area either to vote for... :(

  14. Well I am from the UK, and we have the same problem here. Our national newspapers are owned by media moguls who often have very strong political affiliations. Hence, the stories are often skewed and as such have to be taken with a pinch of salt.


    We are fortunate that in this country, the BBC is pretty good at doing independant reporting (though not always), as it's entire income is generated from the licence payer and not a media fatcat or government (well it does to 'some' extent).




    With regards to polls, I rarely believe any of them. Take the US for instance, you could go to Texas and ask their political affiliations and you would have a strong pro-Bush majority, but asking the same questions to a more democratic state could reveal the exact opposite. Always look and see what their data source is. If it is "based on a survey of 10000 people" (not saying how they selected these people) or doesn't even say, then you need to be careful what you believe when listening to the statistics.




    I read somewhere that "Half of what you learn in the classroom is crap. Education is working out which half is which". A lesson that could easily be applied to the media...

  15. Farming is a truly excellent skill. With regards to the poll, I voted for slayer as it is my fave skill, but farming would probably have come second. It is a very useful skill and getting it into the 70's is no mean feat. This skill should definitely stay as it is, I have more respect for the 80+ slayers and farmers that I will ever have for the 99 cookers with an untrimmed cape.

  16. Could be one of a few things:


    1) they only give you the stuff if you are on a coordinate clue at that present time


    2) you need to have the clue on you


    3) you need to have talked to the professor at the observatory and get the chart from him and talk to him about treasure trails first.




    Sextant and watch can also be made in people's houses. A few steel bars should do the trick. 28 crafting needed to make them yourself as well as a level 4 table (42 con needed)

  17. Hows this for an idea?




    After they've realised a few Acheivement... things they make achievement cape like quest cape (say after 6+) and once you've completed all you get it and like the quest cape you lose it when a new one comes out etc.




    ALSO; Here's my big idea, if you have both the acheivement cape and the quest cape it trims them. So the acheivement cape would be similar to quest cape but green and if you have completed all quests you get a darker green trim and the same for quest cape (except darker blue trim).




    If they don't release an acheivement cape i suspect that the rest of the rewards will form an outfit, eg, the next acheivement log will will be morytania and if you complete them all you get Morytania boot, Then it may be Ardougne and you get Ardougne Hat etc.




    Just my thoughts




    Nice idea, or they might just trim the quest cape if all the achievements have been done.


    I was thinking that if each set of challenges ends up with a teleport, then maybe the morytania one will allow you to teleport to mortton?? Barrows ftw!




    Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting on later and doing some of the stuff. I planted a fruit tree there yesterday so that is a long task out of the way :)


    I am also interested to see the increase in xp that 1k will give. An increase of 16xp per ticket is nice (250 up to 264), but they might increase the cost of one ticket up by a lot more when trading in bulk? May be worth going back there to train again?

  18. erm what Druminator and 13th_Apostle said ^^. Absolutely phenomenal. Those combats will be pretty easy to level up comparatively and you will be able to join the RS elite! It would be really interesting to have your last non-99 stat as strength or something, as that is normally the first 99 that most people get lol! (well maybe apart from cooking and fletching).




    Very very nicely done. you put my stats to shame :oops:

  19. ^^ well there are green dragon autoers (allegedly).


    Mind you, I do think that randoms should be removed from the wild, and some randoms should not happen during combat (like sandwich lady). I once got the security guard while fighing ankous in the stronghold of security! How stupid was that! he was telling me to visit the place that I was in lol :)

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