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Posts posted by rft

  1. this is a really interesting study, although I agree with the people saying that using averages is not a good thing. Exact data is always better.








    The best post here is the one by fx1970. I agree completely. Whether or not it has any massive difference is hard to say, but you might aswell wear it as it is better than nothing.

  2. well i was convinced that birds eggs were going to be a part of the hunter update. I have about 20 sitting in my bank now - no use for them yet. Given that they have been around for about a year now, I am surprised that there is no use for them yet. Also, someone mentioned vampire dust. Maybe for a potion to be used in the next myreque quest.

  3. sorry but that is a completely loaded question. There is no answer to that. The way to get 'popular ' is to just post on topics that you think that you have something to contribute to and not to spam topics with pointless replies such as +1 or lol. Spamming to get your post count up is a definite way to become unpopular.




    Technically, I guess, one good post would make you popular!

  4. Farming is a great skill. You wouldnt have ddp++ without its. The usefulness for herblore cannot be overstated. Free herbs for either selling or use is fantastic. Or how about your very own magic tree to chop in fally park?








    So in summary, farming helps (some indirectly)




    -herblore (incredibly useful)




    -cooking (calquats+other fruit tree products)




    -firemaking (burn logs from normal trees)




    -woodcutting (chop your own trees)




    -fletching (fletch the wood from your own trees)




    -combat (super weapon poison potion)








    How anyone can state that farming is a bad skill I don't know. It is incredibly useful, but is a skill that requires patience (maybe that is the problem).

  5. Well I am going to be similar to uular and post only manmade things. I'll try to find something that matches up with the original seven wonders of the real world.








    Great Pyramid: Desert Treasure pyramid




    Hanging Gardens of Bablylon: Garden of Tranquility (after the quest)




    Mausoleum of Mausollous: Mausoleum below the river Salve on the way to Morytania




    Temple of Artemis: Temple of Light (from Mournings Ends Part 2)




    Statue of Zeus: Statue of Saradomin in Fally park




    Colossus of Rhodes: (argh - I can't think of a statue by a harbour/port. Is there one in relekka?)




    Great Lighthouse: The Lighthouse above the dagannoths








    6/7 ain't bad lol.

  6. indeed. I got a clue for crandor isle before i did dragon slayer, and a clue for khazari jungle before i did legends quest. Wrt the question, you need to have done (or at least started) troll stronghold to get there. The best way is to use the teleport as that gets you pretty close.

  7. agility training for me just gets too dull. I am 75 agility and running round ape atoll is just dull. Most of my agility xp has come from getting 2k tickets in brimhaven - the course is lots of fun, but the xp is too low for my liking. I would love to have a high level agility arena (with the upper threshold for obstacles at, say, 65 or 70.

  8. tbh, it took me a while to get a fighter torso in BA. It has paltry defense bonuses, and as such there is no way that I would take one into the wild with me. The strength bonus isnt that great.








    I'd say that pures have ruined pking a lot more than any one item simply because they use the combat triangle to their advantage. Pking hasnt been profitable for ages though as most people just 3-item anyway and top up their stats with non-tradeable items (like legends cape, defender, torso, firecape, boots of lightness, prayer book etc). Regardless of these new items coming out people would just do without as opposed to taking an item that they could lose into the wild.

  9. There have been some really cool suggestions here, here's my couple of thoughts (some already repeated, I know):




    - start the wildy at level 10, and make the levels go up much steeper so that you are about level 20 by the time that you get to the abyss. This will make green drags harder to kill as they will be in deeper wildy.




    - remove prayers and teleports. As an aside, I think that all the prayer levels should be higher by about 10 anyway. The protect prayers are not that hard to get, and make fighting (particularly monsters) so much easier. If this did happen you would have to increase the capacity of the rants board! "OMG - i got pked111 etc etc"




    - Have a few spells in the standard spellbook that tele to deep wildy. Not too high level - want to encourage people to use it.




    - Have quests largely based in the wildy, with high combat requirements. Imagine if the final boss for Contact! was in multi-combat wildy. Would have alot less quest capes, I'll wager!




    - More incentives to use the wild. I already mentioned quests, but slayer tasks (including a couple of non-burthorpable) would be good.




    - Put a spirit tree patch in mid level wildy.




    - Encourage all skills to have something useful there. For example: slayer monster that drops snapdragon seeds/herbs regularly; rare farming patches; pickpocketable npc with good xp/gp rewards; anvil and forge near each other (and a mining patch) but far away from bank; a monster that drops gold leaf as a rare drop for construction; etc etc








    Good things already in wildy:




    - only source of green dragons.




    - abyss+npc to trade for cheap runes




    - only source of red dragons




    - mage arena/bank




    - chaos elemental




    - lot of clue scrolls




    - agility arena

  10. This is the #1 reason why i dont play CW anymore. The game can be ruined inside the first couple of mins by someone making a dash for the flag, not stopping to pick up any health packs and dying outside the castle. It's not fun for either team as you often just sit there and watch one of the teams rack up scores, which the other team leaves and waits 20 mins for the next game to start.




    I agree that as it is well within the rules, obtaining your own flag is one of the prime objectives and it makes it much more likely that you will win. However, I think that it sucks that fun out of the game completely (for both teams) and should not be allowed.

  11. Good thread.




    I get pretty frustrated with low levels in PC too (lev 103). Having seen a level 40 spend an entire game trying to kill a splatter just made me laugh. What's the point? That person will have contributed nil to the game.








    Is the xp really that good for a level 40? Lets compare the xp between a typical level 40 and level 80. (I am assuming levels 35/75 combat stats for the 40/80 respectively). The level 40 gets 204xp per ticket, the level 80 gets 938 xp per ticket. Bear in mind that the level 40 will get fewer tickets/hour due to their smaller contribution to the game, is it really that good xp? It would take several hours for them to pick up 100 tickets, giving them a whopping 22k xp over several hours. That is really pretty slow. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.








    I also have issue with the medium levels too (not all, just a few). I think that it is the job of the highest level players to be hitting the portal, and the lower level players to make sure that the spinners are taken out/preoccupied. I always get into position to take out the spinners when they turn up, but you see a lot of players run behind the portal at the start and just attack it. They are happy to yell "SPINNER!!!!!!" at you while they are hitting their zeros, so as the highest level at a portal, i have to spend my time killing spinners and not attacking (where I can be most effective).

  12. in the last year i went from about 50-77 slayer, no dragon drops (have never had one in 3 years)




    I have killed countless metal dragons without success too :-(




    I have had no mimes, but several sandwich lady randoms. I get a level 3 clue about every 250-300 monsters (including jellies and hounds). My only luck this year has been getting a robin hat in a clue scroll. Here's to a better 2007!

  13. Great guide.




    I'll just reiterate that Lleyta is very very quick for white berries. You just need elf crystal teleport for quick banking and you are set.




    Also, Nardah is the best spot for chocolate imo. It is further away than the RFD chest, but it stocks up 25 at a time.




    Good effort with describing where to get vials. I normally head over to ardy if I am on when there is a system reset to get all the vials there, but I forgot completely about mortton/shilo stocking up on them too.




    Oh, and serum 207 is a brilliant way (infact the best) of getting rid of those tarromins. Save those limps for kuarm's.

  14. Yes yes yes,








    The time has come! Im gonna do memberstyle runescape! :ohnoes: However i got some questions before doing so. Cause what to do? First of im probably gonna do Lost City quest. And a friend is gonna help me. But then what? Treasure trail seemed awesome! And slayer skill is cool too. Im going for lvl 2 treasure trail, good plan? And what do i do with slayer skill? How do i start? What do i train on?




    Btw: Im training for lvl 60 range & 43 prayer before im going member. My mage is 47.




    And other helpfull tips for an almost new member would be most welcome.








    Tyvm :thumbsup:








    Firstly, read the guide in the link above, it tells you everything that you need to know anout becoming a member.








    Lost city is a pretty good quest to get started with. Get yourself a dragon long from the outset and you will be alright. Also, do priest in peril quest to get access to morytania. Good skills to get started with are agility (go to gnome stronghold) - get that to 20 straight away - it will help a lot.




    For starting out slayer head over to burthorpe and chat to the slayer master there. You will definitely want to get access to morytania for that as that is where the slayer tower is.








    My best advice to you is to read the guide to starting members, and the individual skill guides on the Tipit main page. they will tell you everything that you need to know about the skill.








    Have fun!

  15. Well I think that BA is a really cool minigame. I really enjoy playing it, but joining random teams is a really bad way to play the game. In an arranged team with friends, this minigame is pretty cool.








    The biggest down side is that there is no xp gain at any point in the arena. So clearly spending a couple of hours going through all the waves to get a few hundred points (to spend on what exactly?) is going to be less preferential to training at PC. If you could use the reward points to buy a herb pack or something, that would be pretty sweet.








    Or if gambling 500 points actually got you something really decent relatively regularly (like barrows equipment) people would not stop playing it.








    The future for BA looks bleak. I doubt that any world will be permenantly running games like w78 PC. And noone is going to go back unless there are new/better rewards. This game is going to be consigned to an occasional playing for fixed teams and community events.

  16. good guide, i didnt really learn that much but it was pretty good nonetheless. 2 things that I think that you could add:




    1) Using miscellania (I know someone else mentioned it) to get nests. Very handy indeed. This is the way that I tend to do my farming - just through herb seeds and nests. Watermelon seeds I find are pretty hard to get hold of.




    2) The new patch in My Arm's Big Adventure is really good. You never lose seeds to disease, but you still need to use super compost to get a good yield (I got 3 cades recently from that patch and was not too pleased)








    other than that - decent thread. 8/10

  17. sry i'm not on at the moment, but I'll try and explain if you havent found anyone to help you.




    You do not need to have done Ghosts Ahoy, but the ectophial to get there and nearby bank are pretty handy. Doing them 9 at a time, you will need to have in your inventory 9 buckets, 9 pots (made of pottery) and 9 dragon bones. I normally have the last slot for an ectophial to get there easily. A duelling ring is handy for quick banking (just as long as you have the ectophial to get back again...).








    Firstly, go up the staircase near the ecto-thing and USE the bones on the hopper. Hit the handle to grind them, then use the pot on the bin to collect the bones. Repeat for as many bones as you have. Then proceed back down the ground level and go down the trapdoor. Head right to the bottom and fill your buckets up with ectoplasm. Go back up to the top and worship the shrine, and you will get your prayer xp. You will need to collect tickets from the disciples every 15 bones that you pray so make sure you have a ghostspeak ammy handy. You can use these tickets to bank in canafis for convenience if required.

  18. So Jagex would just reset the levels just like that, causing people to quit in their droves and lose them a stack of money? Or they could carry on bringing out fresh updates and try and keep the people happy that they already have? It's a no-brainer.








    So what if other people have maxed their stats? I haven't nor am I likely to do so for a long time (like ever). I play when I can for the enjoyment of playing. If you are not getting that enjoyment or are jealous of other players with their high stats then maybe you should just quit and not post poor threads like these.








    What's wrong with skillers by the way? They are just playing the game how they want. Combat is only part of the game.








    Also: this is clearly not a rant, its just a very poorly written thread

  19. There is no crush option. The four options are accurate, aggressive, defensive, controlled. You could bring a dragon long if you want all four on one weapon, but I take a dds and whip. Between them you have all the styles covered, and the dds specs help a lot.

  20. It took me 2 goes to take out the scarab. The first time, I prayed melee, got him down to 1/4 health before my monkfish/prayer ran out. I came back with a pray pot and more food and just about killed it the second time (although I forgot to bring a dds). However, I have heard that a good technique is to kill the mage as soon as he spawns. This is the dude that does the damage esp if you are melee praying with melee armour on. Just equip a few prayer pots and make sure that you take out the mage (and ranger) before you concentrate on killing the scarab again. I guess that a superset cant hurt either.

  21. this was the worst quest that i ever did. it took me ages to figure out the movement of the guards. Once they catch you, their sequence changes (or at least it used to) so in the end it is down to a huge slice of luck.

  22. just another point to add to the above comment. I find it pretty annoying when quest requirements do not even have to be reached due to the wide range of potions/pies that temporarily boost levels. It's fine having those for general training, but quest requirements should be just that and not be diminished by extras.








    On the subject of high level quests, I too was a little disappointed about the most recent quest. Although I did make a real meal out of killing the level 191, at the end of the day, sufficient prayer pots/sharks etc will get you through the fight with no skill whatsoever. Also, you didnt actually need to run past any of those high level monsters - you could get through the maze all on one level.








    Now if there was a fight caves equivalent added to a quest, that would be awesome. It would show the people that really deserve the quest cape.








    My one regret with the quests is using a guide on ME2. I think that was the hardest quest in the game as the puzzle was really difficult to figure out on your own with all those shadows attacking you constantly. I lost patience and used a guide,but were it not for those shadows, I would definitely have tried more to solve the puzzle myself.

  23. Hey dude,




    great guide. I love being a defender (except when I need the point in other roles and noone wants to def!) as I think that it is by far the most challenging role around. I didnt know about the 3*3 grid that you could drop your bait on to still kill them.








    Just another comment. Wave 10 is by far the easiest wave of the lot. The removal of the right cannon means that they walk much closer to the trap and will go there straight away if you have the correct bait laid. If I have a good healer, I run straight for the trap, drop 2 bait, and run for the hammer and 2 logs (destroying another random bait on the way). By the time I get back to the trap, I fix it and drop the next 2 baits, which get chomped immediately (needs healer to tell the bait again) so that is 4 down within half a minute. The mushrooms etc atcually stop the runners from escaping, which is nice as they are directly in a line with the traps.








    As I am always the first to kill my dudes in the queen phase, I can concentrate on using the horn until the queen arrives, and killing spawns after she arrives. This lets the healers just get on with healing/killing without having to worry about making calls every 20 seconds.

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