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RuneScape Information

  1. I'm hearing spear over sword? Thanks guys.
  2. What's the better weapon; Zamorak spear, Saradomin sword, or Saradomin godsword for use at waterfiends?
  3. Here's mine; RSN: Jimx906 Cape: Range [hide=First Outfit][/hide] [hide=Second Outfit][/hide]
  4. I enjoyed this article, however, what if the founding brothers have matured into corporate minded people? Would this be unique for an online game with quite humble beginings?
  5. I was unsure what the crossed swords symbol meant, and thought it meant anyone could get me! I remember sprinting so quickly through falador!
  6. I enjoyed this article, i'll be singing Auld Lang Syne, possibly alchohol induced too, for the editor(s)!
  7. Excelent article! I especially liked the part about the coal for being naughty! And as for taxes, im with the editor, i don't like taxes at all.
  8. I'm not too sure about construction, but a well written article which I enjoyed reading!
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