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Posts posted by Evrae

  1. To those of you saying that this would be really bad because it would insult 99 skillers, you are most definitely wrong.








    By playing the emote you would be a) saying that you have 99 in the skill




    B) showing you have a sense of humor








    These ideas are funny not because they are violent, but because they happen to an expert at the skill.








    If I saw someone using the current emotes, I might think they are just showing off. These new ones, and i would respect their ability to laugh at themself, as well as the time they have put into the game. To me, the former atribute is more important, as anyone can get 99 with time (though few have the patience), whereas a sense of humor is something that, evidently, not everyone has.








    Some great ideas there - now we just have to hope Jagex likes it enough.

  2. I am having trouble with killing Dessous the vampire (Diamond of blood). My stats are as follows:




    Attack: 70


    Strength: 64


    Defence: 68


    Ranged: 60


    Magic: 73


    Prayer: 55


    Hitpoints: 69




    I've tried to kill him with prayer, but whatever I use he still seems to hit 17's on me, while my whip seems to bounce off most of the time. What should I do to kill him? All of the guides I can find are pretty unspecific on this. Even tip.it's guide is fairly ambiguous.




    Thank you for your help.

  3. I wouldn't underestimate the addictiveness of computer games. Studies have shown that (pschological) addictions are caused by chemicals related to pleasure within the brain. I can quite imagine that someone could become addicted to the pleasure of raising that elusive level, or getting a good drop. Think of gambling addictions.




    Would you tell a gambling or drug addict to 'get a life'?

  4. This would be good for a small group of people. These people would:




    Be fighting something with a hit of less than 11 a time (eg. monster)


    Be a long way from a bank if training.


    Be prepared to spend about 650 each for food while training.


    Not have Guthans or BtP




    So we are looking for someone with money to burn, who is fighting something that requires a lot of food, and has not got guthans.


    People like that are probably quite rare.




    I personally will be blowed if I ever buy food. I cant fish shark, but 1k each is far to much. I make do, cos I never PK, and cos i can make stuff that is good enough.




    Good idea though, just not really practical for the majority of people.

  5. ^ took me ages to do legends as in getting skills. it make you proud wearing it. just a small tip: get herblore up on str pots, cheap and easy way :D




    I would, except I have an aversion to buying materials when I won't make a profit on the finished article.




    I'm using miscellania (making a net profit when I sell the coal), and gathering them from dead creatures myself.




    Perhaps thats why its taking me so long!

  6. The way I did it (before construction) was to:




    buy 1k yew logs - 300k


    buy 1k strings - 150k


    buy 1k nats - 300k




    High alch them all for 768k - 18k profit




    However, with construction the cost of yew logs has dropped massively - you can pick them up for 230 ea on world one, probably less.




    If I'm feeling poor, and need money rather than quick mage exp, then I buy the nats for 224 ea or less in the mages guild.




    Spinning the flax that you can get from miscellania is another nice way to increase the profit.






    However you do it, its a great way to get quick mage experience, and make a small profit.

  7. Bloodveld -




    What you are saying is incredibly insulting. I have spent many hours training up my skills, completing quests and suchlike, to the point that I *only* need 5 more herblore levels. It has been hard going, and will take me a while longer.


    Hearing you saying that these skills I have worked hard for, and in one case have yet to achieve, are easy to accomplish, and not a worthwhile achievement, is insulting.




    Perhaps you have had these levels for so long that you can no longer remember the effort put into them. I suppose that if you had them when the quest was released, the difficulty is diminished a little. But the sheer amount of levels required deserves respect. Any level 3 character could earn 300k by picking flax. You are saying that aq flax picker has more of your respect than someone whose skills have been raised to a good, solid, level.




    When I get that lvl 45 herblore, and complete the quest, I will be proud to wear a cape which shows what I have managed to do. Ostentatious displays of wealth are not for me. Every piece of my standard 'wandering around' gear comes from a quest. At some point in the future I will proudly add the Legends Cape to my ensemble. A, albeit slightly better, cape such as the obby cape does not show anything other than the fact that you have money. The Legends cape shows a certain degree of dedication to the game.




    BTW: The only reason I don't have a fire cape is that it would clash with the rest of my gear (Honest! :^o ).




    Actually, a fire cape is something I will never have. Those who do have a huge amount of respect from me.

  8. Runescape hasn't really taught me much, I knew most of it before (vaguely).




    However, gem colours are easier to remember. Oh, and its re-enforced my views on the general idiocy of humanity - there is no such thing as intelligence, only varying degrees of idiocy.




    Seriously guys, don't take runescape too seriously. Base your entire knowledge on it and you may well end up looking quite foolish - many processes are vastlt simplified.

  9. Minigames >Subcategory: Warriors' Guild


    Added By: mod_ak on 16/6/2006




    Barrel balancing movement outside Warriors Guild - We are aware that players' movements do not return to normal after partaking in Jimmy's barrel balancing game. This bug is being fixed.




    Thats a shame - I really think that it quite funny.

  10. Sorry if this has been posted before, I did search for it.




    When you do the barrel balancing thing in the Warrior Guild, and walk out through the gates etc wiith the barrels, you will lose the barrels, but keep doing the silly walk.




    It seems to go when you equip anything, but in the meantime you cannot walk and do that wierd drunken walk! I walked all the way to fally and it was still working. Teleporting also turns it off.




    I'm not sure whetherr to report it as a bug, cos I think its quite funny!

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