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Posts posted by Smapla

  1. you have a point, but i like to multitask, and smaller screens makes it harder. If you have any suggestions for a 16"+ quality labtop, I prefer hp over everything, that is under $1k, then please let me know.




    no, smaller resolutions make multitasking harder. you're concerned with having more space to place windows, and the amount of space you get is determined by resolution.

  2. Unwanted. I don't think Jagex wants to provide information about the playing habits of other people.




    And how is this a rant?




    obviously it is wanted, by atleast one person (topic starter).




    it is a bit controversial to have a company giving out info about its players though.

  3. Savi....you realize they are posting them for users to use?




    Have you even been on the website? From personal experience GIMP is decent and what i mean by it being free is it is usaing some of photoshops features in a bad way. Looks are not smooth and sometimes finding how to do something without a tutorial is hopeless.




    Besides who are you to opinionate what a good signature calls for? The Rendered Images are for the use of signatures...




    you just don't know what you're talking about... only someone with limited knowledge of gimp would say you can't go into as much "detail", that makes absolutely no sense.




    as for being able to do things without a tutorial, obviously it gets easier the more you use the program.




    "looks are not smooth" perhaps you're using the pencil tool or something. best guess is something relating to AA

  4. phish the admin =p would be hilarious




    I phished our school techies password with a litttle photoshopping and vb.net programming. (fake novell login window) I am tight with him so I told him what I did and he still hasn't changed his password.






    yeah i did something similar last year to mess with a friend, also a fake novell login =p

  5. it does sometimes seem that way. and it would not be difficult to program. they already obviously have you in a state of either "in combat" or "not in combat" as so many things rely on that state (your ability to open world map, to attack other things, other interfaces, etc)






    person above me...




    i think the poster means like, if you're just sitting there unresponsive. if your'e eating while fighting, you're still "in combat"

  6. search on pc world... i remember an article about a program that causes all images to be flipped when someone else uses your wifi






    i'm using a linksys router- there seems to be a way to create an access policy.


    could i create some type of access page which would humiliate or confuse the heck out of them?




    rick roll please

  7. my impression for the diary was that they didn't want there to be a limited number of spots for players to gather around the resting hotspot... so i thought that means you basically walked into the general area of the bard or whatever, then hit the rest button, and you got into one of those resting positions (girl on ground, guy sitting with arms behind him) this basically would let any number of people take advantage of it simultaneously

  8. If it was an economically viable system, it would widely exist by now, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, any company that tried to do it would get loads of customers that would pay very little and use the internet very little, but no customers that would use it a lot and pay a lot because flat-rates would be more beneficial to them.




    If you manage to work out a good way to do it, the market niche is all yours, but I'm afraid I don't think it would work.


    So what do the other companies do when the people who use a million times the bandwidth for the same price swarm them? Now they've lost all their income customers and are losing millions of dollars to the bandwidth hogs.






    yesh, we need one big one to go first and then the rest will have to, or deal with greatly increased costs. then they'll come around...




    god damn you timewarner

  9. my favorite, and default response to anything, is the extremely blank and uncomfortably long-lasting stare. just stare at them for as long as they are taunting you, as if you're paying complete attention but don't comprehend any of their insults. try to remain as motionless as possible.




    side effects : dry eyes, limbs may fall asleep (if they can continue for sufficiently long periods of time), social ostricism






    fairly effective. whenever they aren't communicating directly with you, ignore them, but treat them neutrally. for instance, if they ask you to move your seat so they can get by, do it just like you would for anyone else. hand them the scissors if they ask for them.

  10. i get annoyed by the phrase because pixels have no correlation to how much runescape money you have. if you are killed at godwars and lose full bandos, you have not lost pixels. they've just changed colors. you can't lose or gain any pixels unless you switch monitors.

  11. i had an advert today on the runescape homepage for that wolverine movie.




    giant claw marks appeared and covered the entire page, and if i hadn't stopped quickly enough, i would have accidentally clicked on it. it displays over menus and links, making it impossible to access them until it disapears.




    not acceptable. and i don't think i even rolled over the banner at the top of the page this time

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