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Posts posted by Smapla

  1. All ads on all RuneScape pages are banner ads, which only show on the main site and in f2p. If you have one that pops out over half the page its either a sizeing issue where your computer loads teh ad before it figures out the size (sometimes when I load the forums the sticky and locked syblos will be way to big for a second. If the ads do this for a second, then become normal thats probably your issue. If its somethign you need to close, or a popup in another window, then you have spyware/malware on your computer that is causeing the popups/large ads. The runescape site itself does not generate any of those. I know that because I dont get anything beyond the banner ad, and my ad blocker never registers a blocked ad on their site.




    I guess its as said above, it opens to that size when your mouse crosses over it.




    The point is that if i accidently cross over it with my mouse, then i have to waste my time and patience dealing with it, when there was nothing wrong with the way the ads were before. I'm not trying to take money out of Jage'x pocket, they can keep their ad there, just make it stay there.




    yeah this is idiotic, it's very difficult to move your mouse from the address bar to the navigation without touching the advert, and you shouldn't have to avoid that section of the page.

  2. didn't this also happen to many other items that could be sold on the ge at higher prices? the items had their prices on the ge set to the price shop, and then like a week later, the shop price depends on the ge instead

  3. Lol true, and I don't feel like programming Java right now, or ever... looks to hard. I'm think I'm just try to exploit JavaScript to my need.




    Also I download the MooTool.net thingy but I don't get it. I'm so newbie...




    I found this video teaching the basic of HTML, but I got yet to find something that I understand about JavaScript.




    dropdown menus and such are pure and utter hell, because you have to code the menus to work correctly for many different browsers, otherwise some of your audience won't be able to use them.




    i suggest avoiding eye candy and such, just making a site with good content, atleast until you learn how to do flashier stuff. one big problem people seem to have is that they start / publish their site too soon, and it lacks any content.

  4. Prayer needed that. Right clicking the bone, then clicking use got old fast.


    At least you can just click log then tinderbox and there goes your log with fm.




    Right clicking all the bones was ridiculous. I don't think we need the burn-x, but it wouldn't surprise me if it did eventually happen. These updates are nice most of the time, like in rsc, you had to click pick axe, then click the rock, and it swung once, if you missed the ore you clicked pick then rock again. Or lob fishing, right click spot, click cage, repeat.




    Even with action-x skills, they still require time, and money, they just dont cause carpel tunnel..as fast.




    also with firemaking there isn't the chance of accidentally misclicking the log and misusing it. IE accidentally burying a bone, which was annoying.

  5. So what if it's stolen!? If it's stolen then not only is it identity theft, but Jagex could get sued by the credit card company because they are liable through how they got money when they weren't supposed to from the company. You really need to do your research on identity theft before you go on another "oh well I liked old wildy better" rant. :shame:


    I did like old wildy better, but I really don't care about that, it's cause.




    Don't complain if you can't even be asked to oh gee WEAR SOME ARMOUR? Do you expect to live against PKERS with NO ARMOUR? WHAT were you THINKING????




    Oh P.S. comparing to PKers, Revenants are pathetic.


    Yeah, that's amazing, wear full melee armour when fighting magic.


    If there were PKers, that's a different case.




    Oh and you're right.




    I didn't think this was anything to get angry about, just releasing some residual annoyance.. so people could not care about it in public.






    why did you insert the word melee into his argument?




    wear dragonhide and some kind of shield if you want to defend against magic

  6. I seriously wonder how they make the goblin series epic enough for 150. After all, all the other quests from the series were, to be frank, not anywhere near challenging or very rewarding.


    From what I've seen, aside from the elven storyline, the Goblin series holds some interesting promise as to its storyline. Don't forget, Quest #100 was the precursor to Cook's Assistant, and the reward to that isn't worth discussing in this day and age...




    You mean sequel to cooks assistant don't you.And i agree other than some metal gloves the reward from q#100 is nothing to talk about.


    Just some metal gloves?


    The reward from RFD is one of the best out there to this day. Barrows Gloves are the best gloves in the game by far.




    i guess people don't appreciate these things, since we have godswords and stuff like that now. before RFD, we wore cooking gauntlets.

  7. It's not your spot. There are dozens of other rocks around you to mine, why not take a stab at those over there?






    that's the point. if he could easily move a few squares, why can't they?

  8. I heard someone say "Juna cave's insta death".


    Bedtime stories of death? :o


    I actually never did hear of that one.




    near tears of guthix and a few other areas, there was a chance of randomly getting hit for all your health and dying. it was only found by chance and then tons of people gathered hoping to witness it.

  9. Does anybody remember a mod's comment about the possibility of having a server rollback after the penguin bug? I am pretty sure they said they have considered it as an option, but they just don't have the tech to do it.




    they do... i remember one instance of a server rollback, though it was a year or more ago

  10. how do you know they aren't trying to find a solution? just because they don't report back to us? as you said, every time an account is banned for advertising rwt sites, a new one pops up. do you really think it's worth their time for a mod to wait around in each crowded area and ban them when and if they show up? it simply isn't worth the time for a mod to be sitting there looking for rulebreakers when he/she could be looking for actual solutions, or working on game content.




    how do you propose fixing those loopholes that allow for 99% of rwt exchanges?

  11. remaking the website and login actually does help. that shiny java login screen where the specks of light follow your mouse around is hard to replicate or fake well. i don't know about you, but if i tried to log in and didn't see that, i'd get nervous and recheck what website i'm on.




    what the hell is this about lawsuits to shut phishing sites down? many of them probably aren't even hosted in this country, and even if they were shut down, they can just rehost the site.


    and like you said, the people who fall for phishing are generally ill-informed, or as you put it "naive and foolish" so how exactly do you expect jagex to force them to care more about themselves? they already added a themed dungeon on it, what do you suggest?




    as for removal of weak passwords, i guess that's all you can do for those "naive and foolish" players, who wouldn't do it on their own. though jagex has repeatedly warned players about password strength and security, they still had to step in and force these people to change their passwords.

  12. there are a lot of people on here saying "who cares, it's just a kid who got hacked, drop it." this thread is not about the kid. it is about this news article inaccurately portraying runescape. they make it seem like runescape allows and openly facilitates this kind of thing, when infact we all know they've made huge sacrifices and devoted a lot of resources to trying to raise awareness and make it harder for hackers to make fake phish sites or scam other people. this news article clearly is not well researched, and it makes our game look bad. forget timmy, concentrate on the news article.




    "Devoted a lot of resources to raise awareness and make it harder for hackers to [...]"? Bull feathers.




    Their defense against unrelated RWT (RWT not tied to macro-ing or gold farming industries) is a rule that prohibits people from spreading website names and reiterating the same, ancient warning of "don't visit any websites" or whatnot. Guess what? Had I followed that, I would never have found Tip.It or RuneHQ. These warnings have been proven time and time again to be nearly worthless.




    Whilst, their defense against RWT that's causing harm to their game is to make massive game changes limiting the play style of all current players.




    You have an interesting definition of "lot of resources." Jagex willingly allows Runescape to coexist with Junk Trading, BH Trading, Dragonstone Trading, etc. They put little to no effort in preventing horribly miss-priced goods, as shown by the Corr. Morrigan's Javelins transfer method, or the Dragon Claws, or the Dragon Plate. They do little to rectify the situation on items that have long since existed as an RWT / trade limit bypass, Divine and Elysian Spirit Shields and 3a gear.




    While Runescape isn't truly as bad as the article portrays it, the article isn't that far off. Jagex could do a lot more about these situations, but they choose not to. Besides, the whole "making Runescape look bad" is already done by WoW. Better graphics, and many, many more subscribers describe the fee being thrice Runescape's. Most popular MMO in the world. And keeping that in mind, do you really think any media source would care enough to follow up on an article considering how few people would read it?




    - reworked entire website layout, and mechanics


    - reworked website login to make it harder for phishing sites to look legitimate


    - created a dungeon to try to promote better account safety


    - recent removal of weak passwords




    they have a policy of not endorsing fan sites, and warning users of the potential dangers of them. they clearly state their lack of involvement in fan sites. you forget that there are only a handful of good fansites, yet numerous sites devoted to selling gold and items, probably hundreds of phishing sites (the same template copied over and over by the same individuals, to negate the removal of them), etc. tip.it and runehq are not the norm, they are a rarity. since there are so many more malicious sites than good, jagex is right to be very cautious about 'fansites'

  13. there are a lot of people on here saying "who cares, it's just a kid who got hacked, drop it." this thread is not about the kid. it is about this news article inaccurately portraying runescape. they make it seem like runescape allows and openly facilitates this kind of thing, when infact we all know they've made huge sacrifices and devoted a lot of resources to trying to raise awareness and make it harder for hackers to make fake phish sites or scam other people. this news article clearly is not well researched, and it makes our game look bad. forget timmy, concentrate on the news article.

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