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Posts posted by Smapla

  1. An alternative to Excalibur would be DDP++. If you want the offensive boost.


    The problem with that, as bladewing said, is that the dds may deal less damage per second than would a chaotic weapon.


    in other words, you deal less damage by switching to dds and speccing and then going back to your chaotic weapon than you would by just attacking with your chaotic weapon.



    i'm not saying bladewing is correct that no 1h weapon is worthwhile, but it may be true

  2. one thing about the stranger plant...



    you can not boost or reboost if you're already boosted. by this i mean, if you boost four levels and then it reduces by one, you'll have to wait till you return to your normal level to boost again. this could be inconvenient if you're trying to do things rapidly

  3. there is a limit of gaining 12 rank per hour at mobilising armies. assuming you get 12 per hour, 300 rank is 25 hours. you can however get 12 rank in less than an hour, do something else, and then come back. but to do that, you need to defeat people quickly.

  4. I'm about to train dungeoneering for a chaotic weapon, but I still don't know which one to get.


    In-game, I normally do tormented demons, slayer and kill random high-leveled monsters, such as dagannoth kings, possibly frost dragons if I reach 85 dungeoneering, Commander Zilyana (Saradomin) and General Graardor (Bandos). I'll probably get a longsword or a rapier.


    I'll mostly use the chaotic weapon for tormented demons, then slayer. Being very experienced at tormented demons, switching is quite an important factor when killing these, and since rapier is very quick, it might not be as good as the longsword as it'll be hard to quickly swap curses to ranged and change your weapon. But does that matter if I use a steel titan?


    Confused, seeking advice!


    one of the nice things about using the steel titan at tds is you really shouldn't be switching offensive prayers. turmoil takes one turn to activate, and your titan is doing the heft of the work on the ranged attacks. I chose the rapier and it works very well at tds. I use the accurate style and a sighted magic longbow

  5. Don't solo TDs with a unicorn, that just wastes a ton of time. Do Slayer until you hit 99 melees and 99 summoning, then get dungeoneering to 80 for a chaotic weapon, then you can actually start to kill bosses effectively.


    one size does not fit all



    it's perfectly acceptable to solo tds with unicorn. the person who taught me to td doesn't have 99 summon yet and he's gotten over a dozen claw drops using unicorn.


    Amount of claw drops has nothing to do with kills/hr rate though. You can throw a ton of time at something but proper planning will result in much greater output in the long term. I don't know how I can say this without pointing out that people using unicorns are routinely crashed at TDs because people with a better setup can farm TDs much more effectively. Sure, you CAN solo with unicorn, and you can get up to about 65-70% of the killrate of a 99 summoner. But that's still a huge price to pay if you want to farm TDs for multiple claw drops.



    saying proper planning like that makes it seem like all of your time spent on runescape up until the point where you max out is just grinding to the point of being able to do things as efficiently as possible. it looks good on paper, but it'd be very boring.


    as for being crashed. under ideal circumstances, soloing with the steel titan method performs quite well, but as soon as two or more people at attacking the same demon, its slow attacks make it hard to effectively use the special attack



    training combat and summoning through slayer is a great idea, and is effective, but that doesn't mean you should hold out on doing anything else relating to combat until you've 'completed' the maxed melees through slayer route

  6. it'd be difficult to give food / pots to friends in that amount of time


    perhaps its spawn time could be based on how long it took to kill. half-killed bosses would have to work differently though

  7. 1. With the scroll of life ability, is it possible to get a seed back when (1) your inventory is full and you do not have the seed in your inventory or (2) you pay the farmer to chop down your tree?

    2. Is it possible to get Sagi arrows from solo dungeons? From c1 solos?



    2. i got a primal plateskirt drop from a c6 solo floor, so it's definitely possible to get the highest tier drop on a solo floor, but i'm not sure about on a c1 floor.

  8. The 456+ mousekeys method is okay if you're fletching bolts between another activity, but doing it constantly is really painful...


    How some people can keep this up for 8+ hours every day is beyond me.


    wow who do you know who does it for 8 hours a day?

  9. Don't solo TDs with a unicorn, that just wastes a ton of time. Do Slayer until you hit 99 melees and 99 summoning, then get dungeoneering to 80 for a chaotic weapon, then you can actually start to kill bosses effectively.


    one size does not fit all



    it's perfectly acceptable to solo tds with unicorn. the person who taught me to td doesn't have 99 summon yet and he's gotten over a dozen claw drops using unicorn.

  10. Advice: start up a dungeoneering team 1 and a half hours before the double exp starts (12:00pm gmt on friday), and clear every single room out. Wait for double exp and get double dungeoneering exp, then start your herblore or whatever you plan to do.

    How are you going to end a dungeon after a system update? <_< exactly


    It's likely jagex won't have any major mistakes this time like allowing xp boosts for summoning(which was an obvious mistake), and Dungeoneering will actually likely be the worst to get double xp for(you wil 90% miss out completely on 2,7x multiplier and always get a lower multiplier than what it was when you started the dungeon).



    there is no system update. the code to manage the bonus xp weekend is put into the game during the weekly update and goes live without disturbing the game. at least, that's how it was last time.

  11. This is an interesting way to get out of an argument. propose so many experiments that to carry them out would take a long enough time that people would forget about the argument, then leave before people remember that your original assertions were utter bull. all while claiming it's good science, and thus necessity



    he's using big words too now, i'm out

  12. Renshae is either a complete troll, or extremely ignorant.

    Either way, he's wrong.

    ROFL!! I am dazzled by your logic...'Renshae is...a complete troll..extremely ignorant..[and] wrong."


    Have you ever heard of the "scientific method?"





    So now you want perfectly executed tests which adhere to scientific processes, yet before you wouldn't acknowledge that the rapier was faster than the longsword?



    edit: i know what the scientific method is, i was questioning your use of the term to rebut cheezedude's insult towards you which took the form of a false dichotomy... which you then proceeding to incorrectly rephrase

  13. Ok wanna fight in full bandos your cls vs my rapier in pvp world?

    lol btw check and compare your BHR to mine; then look up what clan I'm in...I don't think you wanna do that.

    So you are saying you are gonna call down your clan to help you with a 1v1 fight? Or is my reading comprehension twice as good as yours? (i.e. very low)


    I'm saying his bhr is top 200k and mine is top 10k.


    Don't need my clan:




    then why did you bring them into this?

  14. i just tell everyone to td. the reason you get so few kills is because there is a learning curve... it takes many trips to get good at tds. i would say i was not good at them until after four claw solos... and that was probably 1k kills or more.


    it takes a while to get comfortable with the F keys, be able to switch your weapons while focusing on the TD, etc.



    how many times have you gone there?

  15. Rapier + Defender in maximum strength gear with Extreme Strength AND Turmoil's final boost AND +40 from Fero Ring while on task doesn't hit 700, it's only a ~680. CLS in identical situations hits ~730.


    Although, Renshae, there is a flaw in your argument. The fact of the matter is, the rapier IS noticeably faster.


    There is no noticiable difference in speed between the two


    Ok, so if you were to use a Rapier, then switch to a CLS, you wouldn't notice a SIGNIFICANT drop in speed, but in the long run, the Rapier is faster and that speed DOES add up.


    Enough to make the Rapier better? Maybe, maybe not. But I don't think you can completely disregard speed just by saying that you don't notice a difference.

    Yes yes you're quite right, I was halucinating when I hit 700 with a cls, and you know this as fact because there are not any max hit calcs out there yet that include CLS or rapier.



    You're stupid


    @ renshae

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