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Everything posted by ste_boz

  1. Magic ammy is +10 magic attack whereas power ammy is +6 on all attack and defence stats, +6 strength and +1 prayer. Leather chaps might make a better leg armour than monk robe, especially if you dont use prayer.
  2. Jagex were certainly out of line. After all, what rule did the player actually break?
  3. Im a f2p but i like to combine clothes in unusual way to make an interestiong look
  4. Guess what? I'm mining rune ess right now on a free world and there are still a ton of lvl 3 miners. Is it that the macroers havent heard about the update or are they going to continue anyway? If they do continue will Jagex undo this update and return the economy to normal or will they refuse to admit that their update didnt work? Am I using too many question marks? Do you even care? Hopefuly we can answer most of these questins in the next week or so when the economy has had time to stabilise out a little.
  5. Id really like to see this it would be very useful
  6. The amount of macroers on any other skill can never be as bad as rune ess mining was simply because it is so easy to get started on ess mining. All that is needed is to complete the tutorial and one easy quest and youre ready to mine whereas other skills such as yew cutting require a decent skill level to do. The problem with ess mining was that macroers could create accounts and start mining ess with them far quicker than Jagex could ban them resulting in huge numbers of macroers. With macroers who are working on yew cuttin they will be able to spend less total time actually cutting yews before they are banned and more time cutting relatively worthless normal logs for training. In my opinion the people who have lost out the most are those who were unwittingly buying essence from the macroers. They have lost out as a result of the macroers being removed from ess mining and not from the fact that ess has been split into two sorts.
  7. Karils isnt really a crossbow because its 2 handed and the whole point of crossbows is that you can use a shield with them
  8. Im buying a round of drinks for everyone at the jolly boar (world 14 NOW!)! Consider it a party to celebrate a great (drop) party!
  9. Well I used my pies to lay a treasure trail. The treasure was a pie!
  10. from memory: 3.14159265359 Am i a geek or what? :roll:
  11. What about craftable wooden shields (carpentry?) to use with x-bows? That way they could remain less powerful than normal bows but allow extra defence without sacrificing ranged attack.
  12. Why is entering a 4 digit pin, taking about 5-10 seconds, making life so much harder for you?
  13. To use PINs to battle macroers, Jagex would have to: 1) Make PINs mandatory 2) Force users to enter the PIN every time they access their bank 3) Either remove the drop boxes, or PIN those as well (defeating their purpose) 4) Add wierd font/text size to the PIN screen Also, even with a wierd font, it is much easier to read a number on a screen than a letter (nevermind a whole word!). There are only 10 digits (compared to 26 letters), and digits are easier to tell apart (compare 7 and 9 to e and o). PINs would have to be made longer, to increase the chance of a screen reader messing up a digit. ------------------------ This is a bad idea. 1) most people will be happy with a compulsary pin if it stops macroers 2) It doesnt need to be every time you access the bank only, say, evey half hour. This will limit macroers to 30 minutes at a time. and it isnt a big deal to legit players; if you play for 2 hours a day thats 4 times MAX 3) Yes, drop boxes would have to be removed 4) I would be worthwile for jagex to put the effort in to use distorted numbers if it does stop macroers Think about this, even if a macro program has a 75% chance of getting each digit right (which i doubt), with a 4 digit pin there is a less than 1 in 3 chance of getting the whole thing right (0.75*0.75*0.75*0.75=0.316)
  14. But a screen-read can't recognise the numbers if the size and font is always different. I'm sure youve seen those things where you get a code in the form of a picture but it is slightly distorted so that it can only be recognised by humans.
  15. I wholeheartedly endorse this idea. Crossbows are insanely underpowered at the moment and no use to anyone. It would be great to see crossbows as a serious competitor to the... um... other sort of bow.
  16. Maybe, maybe not. However, how hard is it for the macro using person to log in, go the the bank, type their PIN in, and then proceed to run the macro client? The PIN doesn't stop macroing in the slightest; what it is there for is to stop people from stealing accounts and running off with everything in the bank. Of course, who knows how long it will still work for that . . . There are many ways that jagex could make the bank pin harder for a macro program to recognise and enter (e.g. use a variety of sizes, fonts and colours for the numbers) and they could make it so that the bank pin is compulsary to everyone and has to be entered once per 20 minutes (instead of once per login like it is now).
  17. How many spaces do I have? - zero How many more do I need? - zero Every time I put something in I take something worthless out. I dont want more bank space.
  18. Maybe a right click "report player" option is needed so that scammers cant get away with it no matter how crazy thier names are.
  19. The only way that this could work is that the anvil becomes gradually damaged as it is used until the point where it needs to be repaired which will cost a large amount of cash
  20. I like suggestion 1 but since the items would cost millions to begin with I see no problem with making them tradeable which wont affect the overall amount of money in the game
  21. A possible solution? Make bank pins compulsary and instead of only having to be entered once per login make it once every 10 or 20 minutes. I suppose this will only work until someone comes up with a macro to enter the pin but im sure Jagex could make this harder by using different styles of font for the numerals or some other method so that they are hard for a macro program to recognise.
  22. I support this but I would suggest that the levels required should be higher since picks cost more than axes
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