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Everything posted by oilertay

  1. dang...u worked so hard and the kid chickens out. hope u sell it.
  2. that one looks good. im pm u some pics soon.
  3. lol :lol: still workin on the border?
  4. heres v.2 of course tell what u want changed, everything can be :)
  5. looks good but could the border be a lil stronger red?
  6. Hawt twah? O i get it...lol.....ill make u one if i can get around to it
  7. I like the pic of the zombies allon the fence but the sigs suck. Im sorry.
  8. most pixel arists use MS paint, some GG, some PSP ( barely any ) and finally a few use pen tool on Photoshop.
  9. i give u the pics when i see the red BG
  10. oi.....i have no clue either. Should i start on the pirate house thingy? And the sweat is dark blue lol
  11. some time i should just rattle off tons of sigs for all these people that want 1 for 50k. It's really getting annoying. most of the time u'll get most quality by going to a shop anyways.
  12. yours are looking good but i think we should stop spamming up this thread with anything other than entries.
  13. i might give this a shot after nooblet's contest. Look on opage 5 for a first draft of my work
  14. thx :) hope yours looks nice ( well deep down inside i dont :twisted: ) but anyway.....lol j/k ya ill add a BG that nooblet wants.
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