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Everything posted by oilertay

  1. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I shall be buyingn a sig. I havent thought of an idea yet but u can be assured that ill buy one 750k plus. Again, I havent thought of an idea yet but I want to secure a spot in your list ( seeing as its really growing ) alright, good luck on all the orders.
  2. amazing work mother. Easily coulda gone for hundreds of k'.
  3. chaos...u said ud give me a random number.......waiting......
  4. oilertay


    its 300x150 with 30k limits, if ure using MS paint, just look in bottom right corner while resizing.
  5. well.....i guess i wont do it then as my name isnt gettin into the list.
  6. the textures are strange...but sig's good nonetheless.
  7. You know flame.....I can ALMOST guarentee that you will get a lot better quality goin to Zim's sig shop, or pm'ing TJ or some1. I guess its too late now ( one entry already..) but yea. I hope that you get some great entrys.
  8. alright alright miner calm. Let him sell his sig. If the kid wants it and hes got the cash, its up to him. Mother never claimed it to be amazing he just wants to get his last one sold. And they are very old. And that style was a fad for a bit. BTW great work Mother. Ive always been a fan of those sigs. Hope the dude can get the payment worked out.
  9. too bad u aint sellin pixels, u do a great job on those.
  10. as always, awsome work :) Great textures!
  11. pretty good stuff u got there.....only they are way too big for these forums.
  12. please use the search button! theres been tutorials by quer skull and others.
  13. sorry zimmy. im gettin bored with pixel art at this time...i cant really get motivated to finish the sig. If ever a cool idea pops into my brain....i may make one but im taking a break. Sorry if u were considering me. ( probably flattering myself a lil bit there :wink: ) hope u find the right person.
  14. thats seriously awsome.........but wasn't that exactly what he said he wasn't looking for?
  15. ok, it looked sort of starnge, Anyway, I think ill do something with his hair now :wink:
  16. hey zim, some questions with the sig.... what is gunna happen with the hair? also im not realy sure whats goin on with the "splotches" on jis shoulder. Thx.
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