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Everything posted by primadog

  1. Very well done. Even minor drains/generators might leads to significant changes to the overall. For example, there's about 2 million accounts in RS2, in Black Knight's Fortress quest, you receive 2500 as reward, that means 2500 x 2,000,000 = 5B gold. Now, this is might not look like much, but vast majority of the quests require items that costs $, and since most people do do them (refering to f2p quests), they can add up to quite a money drain. If extrapolate this example, we can observe that allot of the minor drains that popularly used might actually results in large effect in overall economy. Also, every statistical summary should have an accompanying error % to allow us to better appreciate your data. Just a side note: "Yes, rs has (huge) inflation. The weird thing about it, compared to real life, is that it only leads to higher prices of rare items, while everything else tends to stay at the same price." From my observations, this may be result of the fact that majority of rs population is below the age that can comprehend the dynamics of economy. Not having easily accessed economic indicators does not help the situation, either. In addition, just because the overall amount of money increase doesn't mean the money is evenly distributed to everyone's pockets. Considering we're agreeing that High Alch is where most the cash come-in, most of the money goes to the high level, richer players. While some money do eventually triggle down to the poorer players, the increase, in comparison, would be modest (At the same time, poorer players would be more interested in purchasing immediate items instead of hoarding gold pieces). Therefore, purchasing power of the poorer caste remain very modest, thus commodity price remain fairly even.
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