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    melbourne, australia
  1. 8 green masks and about 50-100mill approx, im down alot all up :P
  2. You don't need strings when using the spell. then thats bloody fast, id say its best mage xp method then
  3. 1k xp per hour so nobody will get max lvl any time soon (h) thatd be good
  4. 3 runes to do ammy thign so 25 spaces in bank then 1 for string 1 for ammy = 12.5 cant have that ofc so 12. then with the amount of effort its pointless to bother, might as well alch
  5. rsc owned rs2. and it didnt completely blow rs1 away infact when it came out lots of players were skeptical on the new version and did't like the change. However i belive if a rs3 would come out situation would be different and i would welcome it :XD:
  6. ive been quit from rs for about 8-9months and just coming back now on many attemts i tried comign back but couldnt get motivated i just set mysef goals this time and im enjoying the grind xD
  7. im quitting rs 2 many memories. I've been trying to quit for ages as it is and have always come back from addiction but now i finally have a reason ot stop. Whenever i went into ardy today i remembered all the times we pked and i just couldn't do it.
  8. because he has been playin since the early days of rs, and has always been a very good pker while being kind to all at the same time
  9. i know a few days ago i read about anarith, and although i didn't now him much i felt very upset. Then when it happens to gedgee my best friend on rs and that i have know for so many years, it just teared me apart :( and the fact that he new what he wanted in life and aimed for it, makes his death so much more upsetting
  10. for those of you who new him, you can view the write up at this link http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story ... D=10367694 I first met gedgee on rs classic. He was 86 mining and was power mining iron ore, while i was trying to get 85. He was quite amazing for such early days of rs with his 86 mining and 98 or so combat. He was a great guy and we became friends that have lasted till now 3 years later... Throughout the 3 years we have got to become great friends. I have spoken to him regularily every week for the last 3 years. When he quit rs a year ago for a few months in order to study aviation and become top in his class i was upset. But to see him come back i was very happy. Before he quit, me and him would pk together both being lvl 100 or so (cause i had now caught his lvl.) We wanted to become great pkers together. I pked my first whip on his return to rs against suniki back when whips were 12mill each. Since then he has been training mage very hard and reached 96 mage. Just recently we have been pkign every day for 3 or so weeks. Then the last conversation i had with him on 9th febuary the day before he died. I told him about new update with a new monster, most likely dropping dragon 2 hander. He was happy to here this and said that when he got back from his flight he would train hard at bandits. Then he didnt log on for a week. I began worrying because usually when he has been away for a few days he would tell me. Having a weird feeling i searched for accidents on his schools flying page where he had recently showed me what plane he flies. I saw nothing, still not convined i searched his name on google and their it was first article new zealand herald. Absolutely shocked i was crying and shakign very hard. The night before he died we happened ot be talking about careers. I don't know what i w nt to do when im older but he sure did. He said he had almost gotten his flying qualficiations then he was going on holidays to australia. Where i live, before doing another 10 years to become head pilot for qantas. He said qantas because the girls were better looking and air newzealand employs older uglier women. Their was his last of many humorous words. Gedgee you will always be a good friend of mine and i wish you luck in whatever is to come after death. R.I.P gedgee http://xtramsn.co.nz/news/0,,11964-5381053,00.html on this site you can watch the news report about the event, if you want
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