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Everything posted by NETTY

  1. You may be surprised how some of those "unknown" bugs affect you. Some guy from [Caution: Jagex Rule Violation] has been duping hundreds of mils and selling them, lol.
  2. Becuase that city doesn't have an altar to recharge your prayer at. If you're running down there in between chests, you must be wasting tons on ppots to recharge your prayer. Or, you're wasting hours running around Runescape for no good reason. Without an altar that city is only good if you get in serious trouble between brothers (ie, running out of supplies), and you HAVE to bank but don't want to leave the chest unsearched.
  3. Its funny, this post was in the middle of about 8 tabs I opened as I came for my nightly visit, and it just so happened to be your avatar that peaked my interest, and it was well worth it. I must say, congratulations! If only RS2 was filled with a few more people of your maturity level, and gift for the written word, you might not be hearing about all the scamming, etc. Although, it does allow people such as yourself to really stand out amongst the masses. Enjoy your time while you can, never sure when it will come up for you. =]
  4. Indeed. Are the mace and armour tradeable??
  5. Are you guys just blind? He's still in the highscores, therefore, NOT BANNED. Durial321, Sigh*
  6. Durial does not feature in the hiscores. You have to be in the top 1 million (for any skill) and have a minimum skill level of 30 LMAO Try Durial321 His username, DUH :roll:
  7. He's still in high scores, hasn't been banned.
  8. Bingo. I got 31-51 in an hour-ish from just oak logs :P Lol, yea, its insanely quick. When I wokeup the day PoH's came out, Valor was already at 53 by the time I started (ranked 1st), and I still managed to catchup to #7 at one point. Ran out of logs and haven't gained a single XP in construction since :P Lol.
  9. Mohagany.. I was doing it the semi-slow way (tellying back and forth), and was still getting over 150k xp/hr the first day =\ Each load gives you over 3.5k xp, it doesn't take hardly any time to do a load. Build table/tear down. Use as many planks per item as you can to make it go faster..
  10. No, he's saying that on the 20th day, no matter what you set your servants to collect the other 19 days, if you change it to be 100% flax and 60% coal, thats all that you'll get. Say for 19 days you have it at 100% flax and 60% coal, but don't withdraw anything, on the day that you do withdraw (changing it to maples and fish), you'll get ALL maples/fish and NO flax/coal, even though for 19 days you were supposedly collecting those supplies.
  11. Ahh, good to know my stupidity knows no bounds in this wonderful game. I think I'm a walking commercial for Runescape; Abby whip: 2.5M Full veracs: 6.3M (err, before construction) Being a noob forever: Priceless. Oh well, it keeps me on my toes ;)
  12. Hehe, I kinda like that idea, get my stats back up and have the satisfaction of knowing that some kid wasted 10k on runes killing me. Hah.
  13. Lol, oddly enough, after 3 consecutive slayer tasks for metal drags, I got banshees. I made sure to bring earmuffs though :P Thx~
  14. Indeed, but being I was killing crawling hands, I didn't have any with me :P Had to walk to Canafis and grab some out of the ol' bank account. =] *edit* Yet again, I am cursed with metal drags, and shall return to my dear friend the Burthorpe slayer master. Booo. Doggies :P
  15. As of late, I've been bored with Runescape. When I get bored, I have the horrible tendancy to run around in circles (ask momma, she hates it too). So I figured I might as well get XP for my running around in circles, and leveled my agility up to 72. Now I don't need to tell y'all how cool this is, I can now get to blue drags in a heartbeat. I made 2M off hides/bones the first day. Cool, right? Welllllllll, I dunno.. Today, I decided to pickup slayer again, as I'm only 140k from an attack level, I pick out my gem and realize I have the almighty metal dragons as a task, forget that, BURTHORPE! Mwahaha, this is great, crawling hands. I know I have some cool agility now so after I finish my nooby task I can go and play around a bit in the tower. I quickly slay all of those feindish hands and notice this odd looking column in the middle of the room.. [bleep]e chain? I wonder if I can climb that.. *clicks* *drools* Ohh, pretty green ball... Red splash, notices the 12 above me head HAH! Newby monster! I have 86 hp, your 12 means nothing to me! *another 12* Hm, well, I guess I'm out of here. *clicks over the magic spells, expecting to see a bunch of blue dots indicating cities of my choice* ............. ........... Oh, yeah, this isn't good. These are one of those monsters that do that weird thing that makes me level 3 again.. Hm So, I promptly scoot my butt out of that room and stare at my screen, 1 atk, 1 str, 19 def, 1 mage, 1 range, 13 prayer, 12 agility.. Wooow? Never in a million years would I expect my farming level to be more than my atk,str,magic, AND range levels combined, thats something of a blow to the ego.. Or, is it? As I'm waiting for my stats to regenerate, and my clanmates to cease their laughter, I decide to get some easy atk XP on those fat lil bloodvelds surrounding me.. *click*, *splash 0*, *see a red splash over my head* Oh, yeah, I'm like level 7 or something, let me not do that yet.. Sooo, now I'm hating those typing classes from middle school because I thought writing this would give me time to restore some stats, alas, I am still only 10 mage and sitting on my rump in RS.. Oh well, guess I'll be walking to Canafis. :D
  16. Unless its Zezima, I'd thnk they could find something better to do with their time, but maybe thats just me. I look at it with a certain contempt, kids who are level 80 something are simply trying to come PK me so they can brag they killed a level 100+ ... Huh? How stupid is that lol. Of course you killed me (if you got lucky), I'm wearing my tutorial island suit. :P
  17. You honestly think I'm sitting there training agility with 250k in my invet? Thats just plum stupid, lol. At mb, there are all types of people. From pkers to skillers to treasure trailers.. People go to wildy course for one reason, you are only likely to receive 1 reward, and that is generally food of some sort, usually cakes. I know people kill other skillers there for food without banking, I can understand that completely, it even makes sense to me, but there is nothing in that course to warrant ancient magicks, lol. Its overkill and you're not going to get any return on your investment.. Oh well, maybe someone finds it fun, just not up my alley.
  18. I have to disagree. At 75 agility, you stop falling at the Ape Atoll course so you never need to use food. This means you can carry a full load up super energy restores and not have to worry about Pkers and them wasting your food or killing you. I vote Ape Atoll to be the best Agility experience you will find in the game (after level 75). I was unaware of this. Thanks for the great tip, might actually continue onto 75 then after I get 70.. *hugglez* Lol.
  19. Sorry bubba, its just a story =\ I'm probably a bit too computer e-literate (haha, I'm so stupid sometimes), to do anything cool like that code showed.. :P
  20. Just FYI, it happens because of a lack of virtual memory at the time of you switching windows. Your screen will not just randomly go blank, its always a result of switching or having your PC running other tasks. Your PC simply doesn't have enough memory to quickly transfer the visual pixels over at the time, and so it simply doesn't. Rebooting your PC often will help minimize the risk of it, as the longer a PC (not a mac) is on, the more unstable it becomes, so every hour or two simply reboot and it will happen a lot less frequently. =\
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