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Everything posted by NETTY

  1. Do you know what the max boost is? And does it drain like HP does if you brew past 99?
  2. Mace pic and stats [hide][/hide] Easy Quest tbh, some nice cutscenes though. Ehh, whats its max hit? The stats look TERRIBLE. :S
  3. For someone at college, you sure do type like a 12 year old to me. You are not going to get a diploma if you can't pass English. By paying your 5 bucks a month, you are not a stockholder in Jagex. You are simply paying for services rendered. They owe you nothing. They actually make FAR more money from ad revenue than from subscriptions. And a few hundred (ok, let's make it extreme...few thousand) people quitting is hardly going to make a dent in their revenue. Especially now that they are banning dynamic signatures and getting millions back in lost revenue. PS: I know business management skills, too! *Ahem* Those companies would not invest in advertising on Jagex's site if no one was playing their game to see said advertisements. :P In the end, you're right though, not enough people will quit to make a difference.
  4. Hehe, all of the discussion/arguments about what constitutes being "high level" and where the "median" is does nothing but strengthen the overall idea of perspective in dealing with Jagex's releases. In the end, what they deem as high level is all that matters, although this is a good time waster while we wait for Jagex to catchup, eh? :P
  5. I would have if no other skill had 1 million players ranked in the skill, but since there are, we can assume that those 1 million players actually do exist in the game in some form, they just haven't gotten enough exp in agility/runecrafting to show up. They should, however, still be counted. Just like the thousands of players who do not showup after those 1 million should be counted, but since I can't confirm exactly how many there are, I ignored them completely. I'm sure you could estimate pretty accurately and say there are another 500k character made who don't appear on the prayer highscores, but no one (except Jagex) can prove they exist. However, I can prove the 370k players not ranked in agility exist, because they are ranked in other skills. Hence why I used them in my calculations. In all honesty, it probably wouldn't throw the #'s off that much anyway, especially in agility where more players are ranked.
  6. I think anyone over 110 combat in this game has seen it more than once - a "high level" update promised from Jagex. And more often than not, what do we usually get? What seems to be crap. Or, is it? With the highscores I think its very possible to put into perspective what "high level" means to Jagex. Here are some facts: Plugging these numbers into a simple combat calc, you get a combat level of 71.. This is to be ranked DEAD LAST in Runescape. So.. We have our little 71 being ranked last in RS.. Since the max combat in Runescape is 126, the median between first (126) and last (71) would be around 99, and anything above 99 combat can be considered HIGH combat. So, what about skills? Well, lets look at agility and runecrafting, two skills mentioned and speculated about in the recent BTS update from Jagex. Since we have 1,000,000 possible ranks for RC/Agility players What does this mean? Well, it means that out of 1,000,000 POSSIBLE ranks, just getting into these skills puts you in the top 83% for agility, and top 65% for RC'ing, at levels that wouldn't even get you ranked for attack, strength, defence, hitpoints, or prayer. Going by ranks, in order to be in the top 10% (ranked 100,000) for agility and runecrafting you would need: ... In all reality, are those levels very impressive? No, not really. BUT, they represent the TOP 10% in all of runescape. That means if you have just 53 RC'ing, you can expect to beat 90% of the players around you in that skill.. Does this hold true? Doubtful. If I walk into fally bank W2 ranked 100,000 in RC'ing, I'm sure more than 10% of the players there will be ranked ahead of me. However, when was the last time you saw Jagex actually sitting in a bank checking these kinds of things? Been a while by my count. As such, when Jagex is considering what is "high level" in runescape, I would presume they use their HIGH scores feature to return numbers similar to these, and release updates accordingly. Coming from a fansite like tipit, we need to be reminded that in general we actually represent a very small portion of the game (around 10% or less?) when we are making post after post complaining about the lack of "high level" updates. Please realize, this is just food for thought/discussion, and I know there are flaws in a lot of the things I said. For instance, the experience percentage and exponential growth of experience needed at higher levels does play a factor, but in general thats something much harder to calculate, and I believe would simply work to make the average level lower as far as updates are concerned.
  7. i'm almost 100% positive that retaxis2 did play classic.. Compared to other skills its VERY slow but on the same note so if farming.. But i love farming more than RC.. Don't turn this into another if you played classic things... I played classic and yes its getting old I cannot understand how you could want an increase in RC exp/hour.. It isn't THAT terribly bad. I really don't get people complaining about it - if leveling skills really is that hard for you, then don't do it. Especially with RC'ing, possibly the biggest money-making skill at a high level (2x natures), that should be an ACCOMPLISHMENT in this game, not something any kid with ADD can sit down and do in a week.
  8. I wish some of the kids who complain about how "slow" skills are today were forced to play classic for a week. Cry cry, ANDREW GIVE ME 99 EVERYTHING PL0X I <3 MINICLIP.COM Seriously, if you don't like it, don't train it. No, they shouldn't update RC'ing, and the only way they should make the exp in it go any faster is if they put the spot in level 50 wilderness. End of story, enough with just handing everyone their levels, yes its a game, yes it should be fun, but its a game that includes competitiveness and highscores for a reason.
  9. Take a short trek over to RSC.. 17 members of VR were banned (6 of them being leaders/warlords/hc, 15 or so 120+ in level), the bannings stemmed from a single member abusing a staking bug where he was able to leave a stake immediately (unlike x-logging which takes a while), therefore making it impossible to lose a stake.. He won something around 5-8BIL, and gave large sums of cash to friends/sold off many of his items cheap.. MOST, if not ALL, of that money is now gone from the game (perm bannings), so the drop we're currently seeing will probably not last long. Its only an earshot from W22 duel arena to W2 Fally.
  10. Nope! GF Jagex.. Edge pk loot now consists of: Str ammy, rune legs.. YAY!@
  11. Logs into planks? Please God tell me you can do that with regular logs as well? FREE CON LVLS? :P Yeah right :ohnoes: I think I almost peed myself when that thought crossed my mind.
  12. Lol, yea, they took the lvl 85 agility shortcut out as well whenever they updated those interfaces.. Been like that for a while I believe :S
  13. Fyi.. This isn't a bug.. I just went to MB, Jagex simply changed the way the webs disappear.. When you cut them now, they are fully cut. Durrrr.
  14. They're more likely to be on ancients. ;)
  15. Well, for arguments sake: It seems that the only lure being singled out here is tree/oziach luring.. Which generally I believe is so run-down its hardly worth debating anyway, but lets have a go at it, eh? :P Not neccessarily. I'd argue that Jagex has made it completely impossible to decieve a player using that luring method. Y'know that giant warning screen that pops up when someone enters the wild? Yea, that Jagex informing your victim that you are lying to them. In which case, they must have some foreknowledge of your deceitfulness, and come to you anyway. That is simple greed - which is what oziach/tree luring thrives on. Another player's greed for "more pixels." Sure.. Go for it.. I for one have played this game long enough, or simply been alive long enough, to generally know when someone is trying to deceive me. There is a reason sayings like "Too good to be true" and "No such thing as a free lunch" exist in this world --- its because they are true. Personally, I'd rather be taught a lesson like that online than in the real world. I'd venture to argue that GENERALLY, this is untrue. Most people nowadays who are stupid enough to still fall for these lures fall under two categories: People who have played since RSC or before, and just happened to be lucky enough to keep one of these items stashed in their bank before they quit/went on hiatus/etc, but obviously have not been putting in the time others have since they stashed their rares. People who have friends who gave them items when their friend quit. Drop party, etc. Generally, a player who has earnestly put the time and effort into accumulating the massive amount of wealth it takes to own these items, has enough knowledge of the game to know better than to step into the wild with it. MOST of the people who get lured nowadays are those who HAVE NOT put the work into their pixels, they achieved them through some other means (and who is to say those were legit methods). There is a reason people lure low level on their lvl 70's-80's, because these are the same levels as people who don't earnestly deserve their rares as they haven't put the time and effort into getting them. When was the last time you saw a 120+ tree luring? To my recent recollection, everytime I've walked past a lure they've been in the lower 80's, supporting the idea that those who have actually put their time into this game are the ones who aren't being lured because they know better - and thus deserve and have earned their pixels. Even if you wanted to argue the low combat due to merchanting/skilling -- you'd still have to invest massive amounts of time and effort into knowing the ins/outs of Runescape, and as a merchant you'd come across smaller scams long before you got lured for a santa+ and ought to have a general idea that "too good to be true" is a reality.
  16. Because Jagex hasn't released a monster capable of 1 hitting someone like that in a long, long, long time. Or without huge flashing neon signs saying IF YOU COME IN HERE WITH YOUR PHAT YOU DON'T DESERVE IT. Its usually a pretty safe assumption that pray + telly runes can get you out of busy work updates like this.. Comon, do we really need to look at the "high level" quest they released? Meh. Lvl 40's > Jad, enough said.
  17. Thank you Tallest, also, we had a small discussion on our forums and have decided it is more than appropriate to lower the reqs somewhat since many of the positions are based more on experience and not simply levels. Thanks for all the support y'all :) Hope the games are coming along smoothly =]
  18. Maybah? Hah. Eek, I have to go to work 'til 10, so I apologize if things are down until then. Forums will be running, but I wont be able to validate anything until I return home, so please be patient. <3
  19. Ah, I went with clanmates and have been there with them so far. Since our clan reqs are 110+, I haven't had a team of less than 113 at the moment. 100 was my best questimate, but if I get more feedback like this I'll be sure to change the requirements. :)
  20. Yeah lol, its hard being the first day out, but I'm hoping this will help people get a head start on those kinds of things. Getting some decent guides up and what-not, plus keeping the teams private will make it a lot easier to advance in levels. Rawr \
  21. Well hello! First off, I believe a proper introduction is required, my name is J_I_N_X_O in the fine game we all seem to be addicted to. 121 combat, love RS, been playing longer than I should, the norm ;). In "real life" I go by Chris, Chrisduhhhfur for those whom I'm friendly with. I've become an instant fan of BA, mainly because I've been waiting forever for something in Runescape that required some real teamwork and didn't involve me losing 10 sets of rune in a 6 hour span ;) haha. Anywho, nice to meet those of you who I haven't, but I'm guessing you're skipping this part anyway so onward we go! I'm proud, but also a bit antsy, to present to the Tipit community what I hope will become a mirror of Heart's success in PC to the BA lovers! I like to call it "The Assault" (fancy, isn't it?). Our forums are currently located, more than likely temporarily, at: http://www.runetrainer.com/forums I know I know, forums are boring, you have to register, apply, blah blah, but for those of you who are already out there enjoying your BA games, you know it'll be well worth it! I am trying to build a BA community, where players can not only take advantage of our member world to ensure a good team, but can also build their own private teams with other players they feel will give them an advantage in game. Currently, TA is in its very infancy. I've just begun getting the forums put together, posts created, edited, IRC registered, the whole lot of it, but theres one feature that I'm very, VERY excited to offer to our members to increase their potency in the Penance.. A TA-Only VENTRILLO server! Huh, so what? ..WHAT? You're not excited about this? Well pfft to you! Kidding. I know it may sound a little new-age, but I really think that a voice program will really increase smaller teams ability to communicate between each other so they don't waste valuable time typing and more time killing, healing, trapping, and creating general havoc on wave after wave of beasties :) Well, enough of my long-windedness. Please feel free to drop by the forums, check it out, or come by IRC (#TheAssault on SwiftIRC) and hangout. Please realize that just like BA itself, we have just opened, and I am playing Superman at the moment trying to do everything all by my lonesome. As such, I'd be very interested in finding dedicated members to help validate members, moderate forums, moderate IRC, and Ventrillo as well. Yours, Chrisduhhhfur~
  22. I used to prefer just going with a team and hopping worlds to solo Rex, but after dropping my spear, a warrior, and a serker, 5k deaths and the associated minds to some lurer, I now STRONGLY prefer going with a team of 2 rangers with a solo mage as it cuts down on luring a lot. I guess its a shame people have the time to do nothing but try and ruin your time there, but I do have to give the guy credit, he made 10M in 30seconds :P Rofl.
  23. *whistles* Gold trimmed sara armour for those who haven't been to warriors guild in a while :P I'm expecting stuff like this from the clues at least.. And I'm very much hoping the other items will be whip-like upon release, $$$ :P
  24. This has been done in other games, like SWG. I think it was called respeccing there, its actually not a terribly bad thing to do (long as its XP based) when something revolutionary is to be done in the game. They also do things on yearly anniversaries like "double XP day", which is always fun lol.
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