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Everything posted by Tact

  1. Granted, there is a stretch to what you can fit in your inventory. But this is not something like arrows, which (in smaller amounts) are reasonably expected to fit in a backpack. When you start moving into being able to assemble entire buildings in a short period of time, that crosses the boundary of acceptable realism for me.
  2. Support. An interact option with other player's familiars should never have been added in the first place.
  3. How exactly will these fortresses be able to fit in a flatpack? You're talking about something that is a couple stories tall, braced with wood, and made of metals like mithril and rune.
  4. Everyone like pie! :D First of all, let me say that it is very obvious you've put a great deal of thought into this idea. Kudos just for that. I have read through the dungeon description and it seems difficult but not impossible to pass through, although it will certainly require many test runs before a well-practiced team can make it to the final level. Certainly its obtainable by some of the highest level players out there. However, the boss monster Dracaros seems to be almost impossibly hard to defeat: His max hit is 101 and has a good chance of hitting that amount. I'm not sure how someone can counter-act this move. Even if players were to purposefully let some of Dracaros' mage or range attacks to hit them, that seems to be an awfully riskly move to make, particularly since you'll be wearing your best equipment and will have sunk a sizeable chunk of change into your food and other inventory supplies. And if a player were to die (even with the gravestone blessed), they stand a very high chance of losing any but their most 3 valuable items since it's almost impossible to find another 4 person team, make their way successfully through Zaro's minions, and enter the final dungeon in an hour. In addition, one player's death will lead to the more frequent use of melee attacks, potentially causing the death of the rest of the players one by one. The only potential solution I see would be to add a detailed description of Dracaros' lair, perhaps with safespots or obtacles that would block his deadly melee attacks. Basically, if you see him moving towards you, your response should be to immediately run to these locations. This would also contribute to a player's strategy that revolved around luring Dracaros to a position that imobilizes his melee attacks while still leaving him vulnerable to range and mage attacks. This attack seems almost ridiculously overpowered. Not only does it deal a massive amount of damage, it freezes you for 40 seconds, during which you can do nothing but change prayers and eat, eat, eat away at your sadly limited food supply. Even with the dark amulet you're still stuck for 20 seconds with no way to fight back. I'm not sure if this idea is salvageable unless you decrease the damage or effects, or make its occurance much less common. Those are my points on problems that I spotted immediately. I'll need some more time to complete digest your lengthy post. :P
  5. Excellent guide zaaps! I had 200 stardust for ages before I put the effort into finding another star and turned it in. :P
  6. I was lucky and a serial wcer friend gave me 15k willows for 70 fletching. Still, I've gotta try your method to get 99 at seer's bank. It sounds simple and easy. 9/10 (10/10 if it works for me)
  7. Ah! A place where people aren't constantly killing the guards. Not a bad guide. 8/10
  8. I didn't even know you could cook on the fireplace... :|
  9. I've always used Shantay for the teleport to Port Sarim. Didn't know you could access the bank too. But why would a f2per use Shantay? There's a bank in Al-Kharid, and it's not like they can go into the desert.
  10. Nice clue! I haven't done one in quite a while, but if I remember right the last several I did were junk.
  11. If you're not choosy, there's a merchant selling capes at the border of edgeville wilderness. He's got a huge sack of what looks like grain on his back.
  12. Or married housewives.. :P Eh... :?
  13. I hope all my girl-friends are actually girls. :|
  14. Tact

    Lame names.

    I think of a letter, and try out random endings until I find one I like. :) Granzi Arlmarin Forthye ... to give a few. Oh yes, and I hate names that end in numbers. :? Who's going to remember the name PureSkiller5435907543 anyways?
  15. By all means, feel free to do so. :) Ouch. I've had dry spells before, but never that long. The important thing is to keep going. :wink:
  16. : However, a note has been added to items purchased from that jewelry shop.
  17. Eh... swamp tar stacks, so you don't need to bank every 28 or so. Still, I personally wouldn't do this since I don't like walking between the different respawn points. :)
  18. Lol, same here. I checked his stats and they seem to appropriately high, but still...
  19. I used to train range there was I was f2p. There's moss giants elsewhere, but the ones on south crandor were often empty and offered a nice safespot.
  20. Hehe... I just scanned the bottom of your post again and I noticed that you seemed to have "copied" someone else's guide too. ;) Edit: Oh, and I've added a link to your guide, for anyone curious enough to see your log of clues. Nice job keeping records, btw.
  21. Hm, I've never seen that guide before. But... great minds must think alike. :P Edit: Jeez... you've done A LOT of clues.
  22. Updated item list. Also did a little bit of reformating that hopefully will make the guide even easier to read. I did. Now if you'll just return the favor... ;)
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