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Saru Inc

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Everything posted by Saru Inc

  1. i think my functin brain is broken time for bed i have class in 3 hours - and yes on a saturday 617k points i want to keep going but i've gotten like i think 489k-617k in 1.5 days. and i still have 240 [bleep]ing k to go >.< :(
  2. lokar won't rly appreciate the feelings that do incubate so unextraordinarily, of late. in the age before 7 and 8 in land of cosmic straits where the only produce is b8 saru on edge of going ape his glare is staring eerily straight; a can of kickass concentrate his staff now with the newer weight the clothes outline a body, prostrate head caved in, eyes & mouth agape ur a [bleep] pauline, m8 the [bleep] monsanto of runescape no1 will rate ur life 8/8 this is what livid farm does to me 597k points now. i think ima go to bed.
  3. wow ok i feel the need to come clean I only have 587k points :s which is only 100k points more than last night rekt also Not including the 350m in loans I have out, and the 150m I uhhhhhh gave to saruman44 :) *Or any of my t80/t90 shit that's not repaired. Getting closer to that p hat.
  4. HE SAID, SARCASTICALLY. NOT REALIZING SARU JUST HAD A GREAT DAY ON THE FARM edit: Also 75 Mining and 65 Div but who cares
  5. Thanks you so much Zodiac :) Very good day If I say so myself. 99 HP and 98 Slayer. I can see 99 slayer at the end of the tunnel. Some stats from today. 1,870,969 total xp gained. 422,634 of it was slayer, 423,799 of it was range, 375,948 of it was HP and 536,733 of it was attack. 284,256 from 97 attack1.08m from 99 slayerAlso got 70 mining so 5 more for plagues end. Gotta keep plugging along :) Morvran is such an epic slayer master :))))
  6. Jagex invented livid farm Therefore any and all problems stemming from said invention are the fault of Jagex alone. Never 5get Keep calm and string jewelry
  7. ????? when picasso painted that one painting did anyone say "that's just colors on a canvas" ???????????? no they said "that's just random shapes on a canvas" but still and now i'm at 508k points :D ffs this hurts my hand idk why :s
  8. mfw no one posts gz because they're all like "ugh ffs this idiot again with the drops and the livid farm [bleep]ing" 497k points@@@@@@@@@ thats a 9k increase since last week
  9. I think this is Jagex's way of saying "look, if you want to literally throw away money by using any log higher than Regular on arrow shafts, we won't stop you." But if you use oak, willow, maple, or even yew logs to make arrow shafts, it's actually cheaper (not to mention faster xp) to make them. Well the issue then, I guess is not the log, but the fact that you're making arrow shafts. :s
  10. I think this is Jagex's way of saying "look, if you want to literally throw away money by using any log higher than Regular on arrow shafts, we won't stop you."
  11. Huge grats, Vey!!!!!!!!! AND ALSO: omgomgomgogmomgomgogogmogmgoogmogmogmogmgogmoggmogmgmgog Kill #359 Spider Leg bottom Used up the last two leg pieces in bank - sold for 118m. Also decided to do something with my cash pile (and yes - I know that it's a waste of money/crashing... I just wanted for so long lol) Bought Seismics.
  12. 2 things: 1) I really appreciate all the kind words encouraging me to livid 2) That said I know livid is easy and if I powered through it I could 3) I just don't want to :P 4) After working all day and finishing my hw, the last thing I want to do is something I don't want to do :P 5) Might be getting a big raise at work.
  13. grats on 99 hp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. This is the most glorious post i've ever seen in my entire life
  15. I use the spec like once or twice. I really just do it when all my thresholds are on CD and I don't feel like zerking. *and I have extra adrenaline just sitting there I ended that trip of 30 zils with only eating 1 rocktail. (Which I only ate when I didn't realize ovl went down). Oh, and apparently 2-3 doses of brew (as you can see from Sara hilt -> arma cbow drop) Idk why I bring so much healing junk to Zil when SS + scrim alone is fine for infinite kills.
  16. why comp when i can... stomp... nvm Something like 5th drop in less than 50 zils.
  17. u r a better man than i could ever be or something like that TIME TO GO DO LIVID FARM IRL http://www.dmv.state.va.us/#/Locations
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