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Saru Inc

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Everything posted by Saru Inc

  1. Saru Inc


    My only problem with class systems are the limitations that they impose, that tend to extend to your entire account. For example, I don't mind if you could "swap" classes or what have you in game - like put on Tank mode or something to fight a boss, then switch to skilling mode to... fletch logs. That I'm down with. I guess I'm more referring to the WOW line of classes where once you choose something you're stuck as it. That would be fine, but that's just a bunch of titles then, not a class system. To have a class system you have to force a choice that gives certain benefits as well as some penalties. I was not playing anytime near RSC, but if there was a class system back then, I wouldn't mind being filled in on the details.. :P. That was a bit of a misnomer on my part. Runescape never had classes per se, but at first you could start out as a 'class', which would give you measly perks upon account creation - but that's where it stopped. If you've never read http://runescapeclassic.wikia.com/wiki/RuneScape_Classic_Wiki before, say good bye to your Friday night. I spent a good few hours on that link when I first discovered. Remembering the "good old days". Or, should I say, remembering how much nostalgia makes those days seem good, when a lot of them were spent chasing imps that ran away from you every 4 seconds. And here you go: http://runescapeclassic.wikia.com/wiki/RuneScape_Classic#Classes
  2. Gally confirmed will not be a year two exotic. I'm kinda glad. I have too many exotics that I never use. I've also become addicted to re forging my her benevolence for final round, hidden hand, agility scope and snapshot. Like 50 motes of light later, no luck. (though admittedly I'm looking for a really specific set of traits...)
  3. do what i did: crack cocaine just kidding kids, don't do drugs. stay in school. you can't afford drugs w/o a college degree.
  4. angst is never delicious with that said, you were the one who released the (now viral) video crying about it wasn't britney's fault, she didn't mean to bot etc. so the angst is on your side, kiddo That was Ezkaton, and he was crying about his hood. M'brains though No this is clearly you, not Ezkaton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc
  5. angst is never delicious with that said, you were the one who released the (now viral) video crying about it wasn't britney's fault, she didn't mean to bot etc. so the angst is on your side, kiddo
  6. >quit from tip.it >come back >read a blog title >in that blog title are the words "bxpprod" and "accuses" >rolled my eyes so hard it almost hurt >almost
  7. They said they would never bring it to PC, because of the way people play PC games. Like, well, idk, I wasn't paying that much attention. It makes me want to buy a PS4 - even though for some reason, spending $450 just to play with a few friends seems a tad extreme...
  8. T-Mobile - $105/mo (USD) includes unlimited everything, including $20/mo for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 payment plan, and JUMP insurance or whatever.
  9. XBOX ONE. pretty sure I'm the only owner of the xbone on the eastern seaboard.
  10. Not playing Destiny, evidently. So about those back pains... #whoamikiddingmostofmycruciblematchessuck WOW SARU GREAT JOB THAT ROUND I JUST LOVE BEING REWARDED FOR MY HARD WORK. LOOK AT THIS AMAZING LOOT THAT I GOT:
  11. http://www.polygon.com/2015/8/19/9178205/destiny-the-taken-king-exotic-blueprints-infusion-ghost-shells-gear Regarding Exotics: "Exotics will now be arranged in a new system called exotic blueprints, which will allow players to access any exotic they've ever found. If you inadvertently lose a piece of exotic equipment — say, an accidental dismantling — you can retrieve it from a terminal in the Tower's Hall of Guardians at the cost of some Glimmer and an Exotic Shard. Your blueprints are shared across your account, meaning you can duplicate your exotic weapons across multiple characters." *drools* --Edit to avoid double post: This may just be my best Crucible match. Chain of Orbik's Fell (Void 365 Submachine Gun) was just 3 hitting everything. I started feeling really bad for the enemy team :( About 4 gunslingers saw me, activated their super, and were dead before they could pop a shot off. So... I just stood in the middle and waited for someone to kill me. Winning is fun. Massacring isn't.
  12. Destiny the Game (DG) is still fun!!! I just got a Red Death today <3 (Gun that heals you when you kill someone with it) Yus. Runescape ain't got nothing on that. Inb4sgsandsacrifice. In other news, my black santa hat finally crashed all the way back down to 500m last i checked. Heh. rip. In other, non RS related news: WHY AM I ALWAYS RANKED #1 ON MY TEAM BUT MY TEAM IS ALWAYS THE LOSING TEAM ;-; and here's another match where I'm pretty sure we lost:
  13. Saru Inc


    No. Classes are dumb. Once the class system was removed from RSC, it started to flourish. (I speak from experience - My first character was a Miner, the 2nd an Adventurer, and idr what the 3rd one was.) Class systems only work if the entire game is built around reinforcing those classes. RS is in no way structured to do just that, and it would be terrible. Besides, the beauty of Runescape is that you can be anything you want. I made a new account in 2007 and I was a lvl 30 who spent 2 months skilling before I levelled up my combat.
  14. Have you guys seen these amazing Destiny review videos this month? This WorkRevolt guy is awesome. I can't stop watching. Steve, do you know if Skolas will re-drop the Emblem/Shader when I kill again, or have I permanently missed my chance? :[]
  15. Damn! I did not know that. I know my ship slot wasn't full, but my shader/emblems might have been :s
  16. Double post, but whatever. Just did my first Osiris run with some Twitch guy. I had a K/D of 2.0 so not bad - but he was only doing until we lost twice in a row. And we tied on almost every round. So now I have a score card with 3 wins and a loss. If I could just get to 5 wins... I could free myself from this dorky chest that I currently use. Now I just need to find another team. ToO is really fun though. Edit: and just completed my first Skolas :D ... it went pretty smoothly, except for when my entire team except me dc'd at wave 5, and we spent 15 minutes getting the others back in. Then on wave 6, I got turned around and ... ran the wrong way to the mine. So we lost with Skolas at like 15% health. Nice. What isn't nice is that I didn't get a Skolas emblem/gun/nothing :( just an Elder Cipher.
  17. Tbh I followed that same line of thinking, except I was so excited about Titanfall, and Xbox has such a great line up of games in the past I was "hoping" that would repeat. .... Wow. Not even finished with my last Thorn bounty (stupid Xyor).... and just got another one. This time on my hunter... One of my friends has been playing since day 1 and swears that he's never had one before. ... That's some bad luck. Edit: 50 rep from Rank 3 Crota faction. Grr lol.
  18. Damn. I bought Xbox One for Titanfall, which I loved for about a month. I really should have gone for a PS4... Yeah once you get weapons with actual perks on them, that KDR just shoots up up up. Speaking of which, I gotta finish my 2nd Thorn bounty... In unrelated news: I can't get over how much I love the online transferring app. (https://www.bungie.net/en/Companion#Legend) It's so damn useful.
  19. Do you have PS4 or XB1? And yes, PVP rates are godly. GODLY.\ Let me find some good screenshots of sniping places. Learning your way around the maps is one of the best ways to succeed. Exhibit A-z: OH MY GOD DOING THIS IS SO FUN Edit: man I gotta stop posting while playing Crucible. That last round was 4 kills with a KDR of .2. #sorryteam
  20. #WARLOCKMASTERRACE I'm playing on my brother's account now trying to get him from level 6-> 20 followed by 17 Strange coins before tomorrow am. Doesn't seem hopeful, lol. The great thing about PVP is that weapon damage is normalized. The really sucky thing about PVP is that the perks are not. Which is fine except when you're a level 10 and everyone has Thorns, Last Words, etc.
  21. Skolas isn't horribly hard, like the first time we did it, we completed it with only one wipe because we needed to learn the method of it so the whole 35 PoE took us no more then 45 minutes. The second time we tried, our third teammate was awful and we wiped like 30 times before I had to give up to go to sleep, total time spent in that PoE was like 3 hours. The biggest challenge is the perks/burns for that week, so if ads have the aggressive one where they don't flinch, that sucks, if their melee is increased, that sucks. So it's really how well you and your team can adapt and work together. It's just annoy that if you are on a time crunch and you hit that mark where you have to given up, you lose all your progress because of the lack of checkpoints. It's only 17! (the Last Word was 23 last Friday). Weekly heroic strikes, and prison of elders will get you that in no time. I got 70 strange coins from last Saturday to this morning, but 12 were from Nightfall... Primary exotics are 23 coins, secondary & heavies are 17. Thanks!! And here I thought Bungie was discounting it to make sure everyone got one XD The subreddit Destiny is the best thing I've seen in a while: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/ The lack of checkpoints in POE is the biggest detractor by far :| I mean, I can see why level 28 may not have checkpoints, but c'mon. Edit: Dear god almighty, ~120 motes of light later, and I got everything on my wishlist o.O Nothing Manacles, Kepri's Sting, a beast Don't Touch Me roll, Wings of Ruin, Acd Feedback Gauntlets. I also got No Backup Plans... seems meh, but I'm keeping, because why not.
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