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Everything posted by destro3979

  1. here is mine so far not like any of you will be able to figure out what it is yet lol EDIT- there is a chance that if any of you are a D&D fan you could figure it out
  2. I still pity you. I just looked up the minimum wage for New Hampshire on the Department of Labor website, and as of January 1st, 2008, the minimum is $6.50, which is a dollar more than what you get paid. http://www.dol.gov/esa/minwage/america.htm#NewHampshire :D No wonder you're quitting. typo lol it was supposed to be $6.50
  3. i know im not going to get i job i really like i want to work with computers... but thats not gonna happen till i go to college also i live in a small town in New Hampshire... there aren't many options... tomorrow im going to see if there hiring at wal mart also the reason i don't like my job is... cause i don't like the job... i don't like working in a kitchen... just not my thing fun fact: tons of grease and salt will clean a grill if you let it sit for awhile, just scrape it off after a few mins : found that out at work today lol
  4. For the last couple months i have been working at McDonald's... at first it was ok, the people were nice and wanted to help, i didn't have many hours but i figured it was cause i was new... but now... the people are just plain annoying, the managers yell at you for... everything... the workers don't really like me. not sure why seeing i almost never talk or do anything to them. and of course the pay sucks... i make $5.50 last year i worked at a dog track and made $8.00, i would of worked there but i didn't like working with a bunch of druggies who did everything they could to make my life miserably there. so... what would your suggestions be for quitting? written note? in person? phone call? also im going to want a job to replace this... so does anyone have any good suggestion im a 17 going to be 18 in November and live in the US... if that makes any difference now i have to go or be late for work.... Thanks sorry for a small wall of text
  5. haven't been playing much... been a little busy with stuff lately... my nephew (J I N Z06) got sent to juvy, but his mom wont tell us what for. he recently moved to Alaska and hates it and really wants to move back so i think that's why he did whatever he did... my friend(D Forester) had brain surgery, but hes home and doing good so im over that. and my job is getting very boring and annoying... id quit but I want to find a job to replace it first. my gf is working at a camp that is a few hours from here so im not going to see her till the end of august. also im planing my eagle court of honor... which i would almost say is harder than getting the rank.. not realy but its still pretty bad i might be getting mems this week though : now back to more blogish stuff any suggestions for my blog? any tips for... anything? :D EDIT: ok i just got mems =D gonna log in in a sec also here are some new pics
  6. MANHUNT!!! you play it at night and the more people the better, also you need some good woods. everyone hides in the woods and one person is the hunter they usually stay at the campfire or w/e you want. you count for awhile and then go to find everyone. but you can "catch them" if you call there name or something to identify that you know there there (person with red shirt and blue pants). this is so you and just look some random direction and say i see you i win. also the people can move around, run away from you or do w/e to avoid getting caught. it can be so much fun when you get people really involved. me and a friend one year brought black shoes, shirt, and pants, we covered our faces and hands with coal. we also have had people bring ropes and things and climb up trees. ohh and make sure you know who's playing there have been times i go back to the campfire and just sit there and he forgets that im still playing good times.... good times....
  7. iv played wow 816 hours to be exact(probably a little more) and iv gone back WoW if fun for awhile, then after you do the same thing over 10 times it gets boring the pvp is fun but its not worth the time, i think runescape is definitely a more difficult game and is way more complex(skills and quest) but that's just my opinion :
  8. i final got an idea ^^ also digipaint... that's the word i was looking for before and also how do you do a color count?
  9. love the blog simple but makes the point good luck with your goals :thumbsup: i know what you mean... i got hacked by a "friend" a few years back... lost about 2mill and my lunar staff collection(had about 2k) i quit after that for a short time... but im back now :D
  10. good luck with those goals :thumbsup: Underwater rugby.... dam... :shock: i could never do that
  11. good luck with everything :thumbsup: here are a few tips for your blog all the colors get a little annoying after awhile... im not sure if its just cause im tired but the red words at the top are really hurting my eyes... maybe get some of those goal progression bars, not really important... up to you though a nice banner to start the blog out, also not needed but helps pull in attention sometimes i don't really understand this part... Stats over 30 over 50 over 70 over 80 over 90 over 95 99's is it not finished or something? edit(is it a color code for the stats part? if it is its not realy needed) hope that helps : and once again good luck :D
  12. updated with new stats -6/25/08(start of blog) -7/4/08 also im on a quest to do all the f2p quests have 6 done so far
  13. i know that.... im just wasn't sure what you call that type of art...(painting? idk...) and if he wants to finish it as a pixel he can sorry for any misunderstanding :
  14. sorry... but that's not a pixel there are way to many colors nice try though : also unialexi you forgot the image tags
  15. i'm in : fantasy.... hmmm..... ohh i know!!!! nah..... lets seee.... well i could... but then maybe not.... i have no clue what to do... ohh well plenty of time to think
  16. voting is over Unoalexi Wins Cowboy Second and im last!!!! unoalexi, you get to chose the next topic
  17. i got a quick question for all you this should probably go in help and advice... but its my blog so i can do what i want with it... =p Whats the best way to get prayer for F2P, is it still giants and big bones? And general combat training, i have all my stats to 21 now, have full mith and a scimmy. Where should i train, i would like some ok drops too, doesn't need to be anything to great, just a little extra cash.
  18. yeah lol its only been a day it will be over Sunday night
  19. My blog is now back and fully operational, after being eaten by the evil rollback! ENJOY! :thumbsup:
  20. ok... post your final pixel i guess... ill put um up
  21. i know... well i guess it can between the 3 of us....
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