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Everything posted by Boris5000

  1. I don't think we need to make (Z), (G) and (S) chain skirts T.B.H :)
  2. Here's my version :D Remeber we aren't competing :D
  3. ok.... At this rate you will become a better shader than me *panics*
  4. Its looking pretty ownage atm, ill post picture in a mo. Look at it's beauty. The [bleep]es and the colour. \
  5. Can i edit it a bit, It's a bit pink. hehe, ill make it darker and add more convenient [bleep]es
  6. Skirts are complete Colours are: Rune- Boris5000 Addy- Sirgudi Mith- Boris5000/Sirgudi Black- Boris5000 Steel- Boris5000 Iron- Sirgudi Bronze- Sirgudi Dragon- Sirgudi & Boris5000 (colour difference) Sirgudi's Boris5000's We both made the lot at the time, Both our miths are mostly alike so i put both our names
  7. Ill just mash them all together in a big line after you done (joint effort)
  8. i'll let you have the glory. I know that i created the rune one...
  9. Awesome shading, buy i think the bottom bit, the bit on the shins should be deleted. Heres my addy...it looks like guthan a lot. ~~~Gudi~~~ Nice, Becoming better at shading.
  10. So your saying something like this (right side old copy/ Left side new copy)
  11. Here's my Rune chain skirt. I think its pretty good. I based it off the guthans chain skirt because thats the only one. Hope you like it. Here it is Comment
  12. I have evidence that a dramen staff ruins your image, look at this picture i threw together. A level 125 said so! I have made my case i think it should be different
  13. Where would you put the stones, in your bank. WAIT! I know, how bout if the is a cemetry for where you can put your tombstones in so they don't take up space in your bank. That would be so cool =P~
  14. I support yes, but who is armandy? It sounds noobish, but who is he/she/it? :oops: Or have you just made it up :? Armandyl is in the quest temple of ikov, you have to steal his staff. Also Armandyl is mentioned when you searching for the ghostly robes. Something along the lines of how he got deceived by zammorok, i wasn't paying attention.
  15. YAY : Thanks for you comment, I did most things bad cos i was bored. But hey, that's your opinion others think else.
  16. Can i add? and i AM adding this to my signature: 98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER! 100% Rock to the heart :D :D :D ~~~Gudi~~~ Yeah you can use them, Just check out my tresure trail post :D Just make sure you don't make them your idea, cos they are mine (so put a thanks to boris5000 in it :D )
  17. I lose everything in my bank, and i really can't be asked to sort it everyday so i support.
  18. What about god monk robes, I have already created :D Cool huh, I made myself.
  19. I tried to make it, but onyx colours are just limited, I need at least 6-8 to make good items like my berets.
  20. Yes, but can't you just do the mini game yourself.
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