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Everything posted by pennywise

  1. why the hell are map packs so expensive now?
  2. Haha yeah, I just can't get into it. the friends I played with all went back to MW2 and I loathe that game with the fury of 1000 meteors, so i'm not playing that either. Oh well, was fun while it lasted.
  3. '05 reporting in I lurked mostly, still do. I remember you.
  4. damn son you're getting swole. you should get a time machine and beat up your former self, because you totally could.
  5. pennywise


    I don't like how my Basic info is way at the bottom of the page... other than that, i'm fine with everything else.
  6. Blah. I don't really like the american hosts and the jokes they make never seem to click. I stick to the British version.
  7. I've talked to some people I know who play this game and most of them said that the game's fun again with the new patches and everything... I'm wondering if I should start playing again. If I did, I'd want to start fresh. Thinking of rolling a priest. :thumbup: :thumbdown: ?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jW4xXogrNU pretty cool i guess.
  9. a lot better than the first one i think should have used the bass throughout the entire song
  10. It jams if you fire too fast. Apparently its some programing put into the game to stop people using modded controllers. Is this new? I haven't played in two weeks and that wasn't there before.
  11. sounds like something from mass effect or a sci-fi movie
  12. dat dido sample :cry:
  13. there's xbox controller adapters for pc but i don';t know how much money those are.
  14. man I was going to go NCR in my last playthrough but stopped playing for about two weeks. When I come back to play the NCR in vegas are all hostile towards me and if I pull out a weapon the securitrons go hostile towards me too. So I killed them all and went with House.
  15. So who's unlocked the kid?
  16. Have fun one-hitting everything except deathclaws at level 15 :|
  17. I really doubt they're going to ban you because of a four year old game that hardly anyone plays anymore.
  18. Pull out Valkyrie rockets, aim, fire, die instantly. Can't get rid of them.
  19. God damn it the stupid Valkyrie glitch is starting to piss me off.
  20. "they don't want me chillin on the couch with my phoenix" bahahaha.
  21. I'm really enjoying the first song haha. Probably my favorite.
  22. Hardline Pro + SAM Turret + Sentry gun + Care Package = 900-0
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