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    Lincoln Park, MI
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    Not playing runescape
  1. I am a Christian, and for the longest time I have had a huge problem with the Catholic church. Im not going to bash, but going by what the Bible says, we are supposed to worship and praise God and Him only, thats why the Hail Mary's and Saint praisng is a problem with me. And the fact that a preist is needed to have our sins forgiven even after the crucifiction of Christ gave us a chance to communicate with God. Therefor no need for the middleman. And as far as us being created in His image, I highly doubt its a pyshical thing, more of thinking, loving beings that have the desire to love and be loved. And if God created the world to just run the way He wanted instead of the way He planned, everyone that accepts Him would be forced to, and thats not Love.
  2. If you really want to get a girl using "tactics"...it wont be you who se is starting to like. As cheesy as this sounds, get to know them first, thus the point of dating. And if you do have things in common, or she has alot of traits that you are attracted to, express the common intrest and see if there is cemmistry there. No tricks or manipulation, be yourself and she either will or wont respond to it. Never change who you are for anyone, change who you are because you want to become a better you. And be confident about yourself, not cocky.
  3. Well in all honesty, the old flames dont go away easily, the only way I have delt with things like this, is realizing what you have now is better than what she meant to you. Strong feelings dont go away easily, but they can be out-weighed with the comfort that you are with the person you are supposed to be with right now. Dont feel guilty for doubting anything, that is part of being human, love doesnt mean anything if its not tested. Try not to let her vulnerability be what attracts you to her again, and the only reason I say that is because its happened to me before, I left the girl I really cared about for the "what if" girl... And it came back to bite me, the same thing happened..we dated for a few months and she left for someone that she cared about more..
  4. Diet is a very important part to abs. But also you need a steady mix of cardio and weight lifting. When your body gets into a routine your muscle will stop building at the same rate it was. Which really turns alot of people away from working out because you see less and less results. Thats why doing inclinced and declinced presses or crunch's help alot. For strength training, there is nothing better than good crisp push-ups, it doesnt have to be many, you just cant be easy on yourself. It will be hard at first you just have to do as many as you can. So set different goals for yourself in that aspect. Say you can only do 5 your first week, make it 7 the next. Reaching goals is a very good way to keep motivated so dont make them out of reach. As far as abs go the best advice I could give is this, find a healthy diet that fits your life style, because it can be very expensive. Stay dedicated to your goals, which is the hardest thing to do. And switch up your work-outs for it. The best one Ive found is this. Day 1: "Rocky" style sit ups. Put both hands behind your hand at all times, then when you raise for the sit up touch your right elbow to your left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee, and thats one. Day 2: If you have a friend with you the declined bench with a medicine ball. Start off sitting at the top of the bench, then when ready your partner throws the ball to you, lay completly back and touch the ball to the ground, then sit back up throw the ball to your partner and repeat. Also with this one, you can twist your body right after sitting back up, touch the ball to the left side of your body, then to the right, helps with the side abs. Day 3: Weighted crunches, there are two weighs you can do this one, take a weight you are comfortable with start off laying flat on your back with the weight resting on your chest. slowly raise while keeping your back straight. Or if your gym/home workout has the equipment lean forward with a weight that you are holding to your chest, again while keeping your back straight and rise. Any variation of those really works for me. And as far as core workouts go, squats, deadlifts, bench and leg press all do a great job. For chest exercise's and arms, I would suggest inclined and declind dumbell press. Regualr bench press and inclinced bench press. My schedule for arms and chest usually goes as follows: Start with chest because most chest exercise also work out arms Biceps and triceps, Then from there go to a set of dumbell curls, then to a set of preacher curls. Make sure not to do all of these at once, because really if you keep your body guessing you will see more results faster. And try to give at least one days rest to every muscle group, you dont want to burn yourself out to fast... Im not suggesting that you do this without consulting others, because this is just what works for me. And as far as setting goals, I started working out in 10th grade, I am now 20 years old. When I started I couldnt bench more than 125lbs... after a long time of dedication I am now at 295lbs 5 times.. So just do your best to make time for it, and find a friend who will keep you in line.
  5. Definatly going to have to go with words. I was thinking it after the first page...then got down far enough to see someone already wrote it.... Lame..but yes words..
  6. In the defence of Jagex. Never in one point in time will everyone be happy with the way things are. In order to make the game "fair" things we once enjoyed have to be sacrificed to ensure that the game, and everyones chances to be succesful in game are even. I dont understand why people blame the orginization for things that players have ruined. Dont get me wrong, pker was my favorite thing to do in runescape, then staking. And with the removal or both of those very fun things I was extremly upset, but not at jagex, at the fact that Runescape players let the game get that serious. To spend money on runescape gold is the most ironic thing in the world to me. Just one question....Why play the game if you dont want to really play it.
  7. Online dating compared to dating in a game is very different in my eyes. I have a friend who is now 21 and just got married 2 weeks ago. His wife, whom he met on an online dating service, had known him for 2 months, and only met him in person about a month ago. It is a very rare occasion but it is working for them, the interent allowed a place for them to meet, him living in Kentucky her in Florida (for those of you who dont know that is about 600 miles apart from each other) and allowed them to better get to know each other. At the same time my personal beliefs on the subject are as follows. I dont think it is healthy for children, or young adults to be getting emotional wrapped up in a video game. It draws away from childhood, friends and building actual relationships with people around you that can be there for you when needed. I know its a nice feeling to have someone who says they care about you, but those feelings(if true) are to manipulated to be fulfilling in the end. You dont really know them and you never really can until you meet them face to face, which in todays society is completly utter stupidity because of all the sick, demented people that exist on this planet. So all in all I would highly suggest that you play this game with intentions to have fun and be care-free for as long as allowed, which is the point of any game, to distract you from reality for a certain amount of time, and when you start mixing the two, things become dangerous. Wow that took longer than expected
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