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Everything posted by blazer

  1. It's lookin good. Just a few tips, pay attention to small details and it will look much better... details such as "rune boots", the shield that's stuck to his hip, holding the bow by the string, the cyclops eyes, the dumbell bone and the shading changes direction. First the light source is coming from the left, as indicated on the mage. Then it's coming from the right as indicated on the other people. You've got some quite sophisticated shading and some very good line work and blending. Keep it up.
  2. Arms are too short. And the arm doesn't connect right with the shield or the hand with the too short sword. Nice attempt.
  3. If you drew him again with the perfect lines, he'd look like a robot or something. :lol:
  4. You need to post more information. What type are they? What is the price range? Can you show some examples? etc etc.
  5. :lol: Why couldn't you do that Allice?
  6. True.... You could make even more money picking flax, weaving bowstrings then selling them. But thats if your p2p.
  7. And a wall hanging maybe. A painting or something. A fire place and mantle piece with trinkets on it would look good.
  8. That man has breasts! :P Nah, looks cool man. Do you do that shading manually or automatically? If manual, 9/10. If auto, 7/10.
  9. The window on the left is out of line with the floor lines. It looks crooked. Fix it up and it will look much better. You could perhaps make them look reflective? Don't know how you'd do that though.
  10. 4/10. You've got some good concepts, just need to work more on shading and line work. I'd suggest you just practice and make a few more before starting up a free shop or whatever.
  11. Just an idea, you might want to redo your example pictures to best to worst. That way, when someone visits your post, they will see the good sigs first....
  12. Good luck with your shop. I've always liked looking at your pics, now there all in a group! :) I hope you get customers with deep pockets and imaginative minds.
  13. Man, when you look at the picture and listen to the song, it intensifies the sadness affect heaps. I rate it 11/10 with the music. :cry: :cry:
  14. Where do you get these pixel fonts from? Also, a good song to go with the pic would be "Why can't we be friends" by WAR. :) (I love that song).
  15. Where do you get pixel fonts? I need some.
  16. No, I'm not rushing it. If it's done by friday it is, if it's not, I will do it afterwards.
  17. Awesome sig. His eye looks really good with the tear and everything.
  18. This was intended to be a cartoony style, and hes suposed to look rather aquished. His arms are supposed to be big, overexagerated forearms denote his strength. I kinda figured that. But still...
  19. Ok, thanks. That sounds reasonable enough for me to start a shop sometime soon.
  20. Hey, I was just wondering if you like/dislike my style. Just wondering, no point entering if you don't. :P
  21. The CJ Devil one looks totally sick now. Much better then before. You starting up a sig shop any time soon? :P
  22. Can someone give me a value of my sigs? Eg, 100 gp. :P
  23. I think he means the background. It does have a little resemblance, but not much.
  24. It looks kinda squished. Not too bad shading.
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