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Everything posted by megadedhed

  1. Name - Adam (MDH) Age - 16 Country - USA County - Hartford County, CT Sports played/followed - Football, Basketball, Speed Skating Music Taste - Anything Bass Driven, but alot of Prog/Art Rock and Metal. Some favourite bands - Mr. Bungle, Melvins, Primus, Rush, Tool, Megadeth, Dream Theater, Instruments played - Drum's and Key's Belief Inclination - Kyairian Hobbies/Other Interests - Pixel Art, Stop motion, Animation, Ideal Travel Location - Florida Future Aspirations/Career Aspirations - Professional Graphic Desighner
  2. I wanted to teach but... oh well I'll judge.
  3. im gonna be teaching a few special things, or at least my favorites - Metal - Character (not anatomy, but basic body building) - Texture and more i need to think up... :XD:
  4. I do believe I have seen this pixel here. it was recently uploaded to PJ by a man name "Zhou". Im wondering if anyone can help me confirm whether this is a rip or not?
  5. ill teach some of the higher levels. :thumbsup:
  6. Kids at my school are ready to kill for snow, I live in connecticut, where we usually get alot of snow. Me too...:cry: Nothing but cold rain for Connecticut... good news! were supposedly getting snow on friday! woopt! I heard about that! I heard Thursday night is also a possibility! : Snow day, pl0x? :-w hehe since its the day that i have my finals. i hope so :pray:
  7. Kids at my school are ready to kill for snow, I live in connecticut, where we usually get alot of snow. Me too...:cry: Nothing but cold rain for Connecticut... good news! were supposedly getting snow on friday! woopt!
  8. Kids at my school are ready to kill for snow, I live in connecticut, where we usually get alot of snow.
  9. its more of the brightness, its just so sudden and it desnt fit well, i would attempt to blent it a bit better.
  10. the shading on the banners gives me a bit of a headache, bu the ground looks to be well done, just shade a bit more
  11. i found this thing once which was a cardboard box with a lens on it and it supposedly "turned your tv into a projector"... i need to find my pic..
  12. Failure. Leave. be more clear when you have two quotes next to eachother.
  13. I don't think you get it, the Darwin Awards are the joke. You don't use it in a different way to make it funny, it is already funny. :D i know they are a joke, so a joke + joke should make things funnier? right?
  14. Who cares that you get your arse beaten at games by a girl, that had nothing to do with what I asked. I'm asking what you think about them, not how much they can beat you. Perhaps if you were better at the games you wouldn't have posted that? your saying "girls dont play games other than sims because they are easy" ive played games since i was four, dont say 'haha you got beaten by a girl!!! you suck" It was a joke, the darwin awards are awards to people who "improve the human gene pool as part of natural-selection" by accidentally killing themselves by being stupid. If you say sometyhing like this to one of my girl gamer friends, shed probobly come at you with a knife (one kid who said that to her at a tournament she strangled with a LAN wire). therefore one less sexist idiot. improving the human genepool simple people are syaing "girls cant play videogames", "its a male sport", "girls only play games to suck up to people"
  15. i will say this: games have too many half naked girls, they need more half naked guys =P~
  16. i actually know more girls who play Video Games than guys, and by videogames, I mean ALL genres, all the "gamer" guys i know only play halo and nothing else.
  17. Am i the only one who finds this thread sexist? my best friend, who basically whoops my [wagon] in every shooter ive ever played, is a girl. Why do girls only "play games to suck up?" im offended by this thread and the stupididy of the general public ill leave you with this YOUVE BEEN NOMINATED!!!!
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