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Everything posted by Verminox

  1. Woo, I'm gonna be in the LBP2 beta.
  2. Frogs, natures fleshlight: [hide]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVE60zwXx1k&feature=player_embedded[/hide]
  3. Can already get outisde the map?
  4. This looks familiar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_fsM6LBi54
  5. I downloaded it again the other day after hearing about the major UI upgrade. It is ALOT better but I still can't do crap in it. I tried setting up some blueprints to try mesh modelling a car panel, got to trying to scale the plane so I knew the images were all alligned and the right size, but the XYZ axis don't match up to each other in the screens. I'll try and take a screenshot so you can see what's wrong, probably something simple. Edit: Ok worked it out, needed to rotate an image.
  6. "I love you" Rape by deception?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPTOVyLncVQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMx3058DOmE
  8. Super Street Fighter IV arrived today, if anyone else has it on PS3 add me, try and get some games going.
  9. Some new impressions have arrived from EVO 2010. Looks like Capcom have made some changes between the E3 and this latest build. http://30ninjas.com/blog/new-marvel-vs-capcom-3-build-premieres-at-evo Deadpool looks great fun to play. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16lsJREj9vY
  10. http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2010/06/15/playstation-plus-launches-next-week-check-out-what-its-all-about/ Note: People in NA get 3 month extra for free, EU gets LBP for free. The thing most people are complaining about is that, after your subscription ends the games will expire and you won't be able to use them unless you re-subscribe. I don't think PS+ is designed to rival Live, it's for people that spend a lot on the Store and over the course of the year they get their money back with all the savings they get, and free games they get to play. The good thing about it though is that it is completely optional and Sony haven't taken anything away from the existing service.
  11. I came out as INTP, which seems pretty accurate.
  12. Finally some news on Final Fantasy Versus XIII: Scans: [hide][/hide]
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq5-6PkVGCg
  14. 1- Go to http://www.gamespot.com/event/codes/...onquer-4-open/ take a new username or use you already have, to take beta code for cc4 2-Now use your beta code at www.medalofhonor.com/beta (need to make an EA account) It still works, just started downloading PS3 beta. Works for PS3 and PC codes. I think you can only get online on the 21st June, but it saves having to pre-order.
  15. Verminox

    E3 2010

    http://www.thekartel.com/zylvin/blog/2010/06/17/valve_plans_to_have_cross-platform_co-op_between_ps3_and_pcmac_for_portal_2 Pretty good news regarding the Steamworks on PS3, lets hope they include KB/M support and put their other games up for download.
  16. Verminox

    E3 2010

    Sony really shouldn't have announced all the games before E3, pretty disappointing show. Least GT5 has a release date now.
  17. Verminox

    E3 2010

    HOLY [bleep], he hates PS3?!?!
  18. Verminox

    E3 2010

    30 minutes left Sony, give me a goddam GT5 release date.
  19. Verminox

    E3 2010

    Good show by Nintendo, a lot games coming out for the fans.
  20. Verminox

    E3 2010

    ICO Collection on Blu-Ray. Whoop. http://www.amazon.fr/s/qid=1276549645/ref=sr_st?__mk_fr_FR=%C5M%C5Z%D5%D1&page=1&bbn=336124011&rh=n%3A530490%2Cn%3A%21548014%2Cn%3A236758011%2Cn%3A336124011&sort=-releasedate
  21. Verminox

    E3 2010

    MGS: Rising looks amazing, wonder if it will be motion compatible.
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