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  1. Long time player returning to RS again. Curious to see how the game has changed.
  2. I have just started mining this spot and it is very uncrowded.
  3. Got_Me_Wrong


    I'm taking the ACT this Saturday, and I have a question. I know when taking the SAT if you don't know the question the skip it b/c wrong answers subtrct from your score, however is this the same way with the ACT or should I just answer all the questions?
  4. Black boots from bloddvelds.
  5. I got 85 mining and I get rune ore fairly easily in the wild, and I only mine on f2p servers. Pkers aren't that much of a problem unless it's over 5 of them.
  6. Getting a dragon chain from a dust devil
  7. We do the same thing at my house unless we are expecting a call.
  8. Anyone see that last play were Michigan nearly scored?
  9. I used to play a Dragonn Ball Z RPG and a member there told me about it and I joined a week before the wilderness was introduced.
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