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    medical science, marijuana
  1. no hp exp, awesome for making a pure range mage hybrid
  2. go to the varrock palace and the main stair case has a zammy monk indernieth it, use curse spells on it its slow but no hp exp and very cheap ive seen some scary pures there.....also wear full iron while u do it, the goal is to miss so u can cast it over and over again its called splash training for a reason
  3. im training my range to 70 from 66 (was 40 less than a week ago) i have a huge pile of addy arrows and alot of food, where should i train? i want something above lvl 60 with good drops i was thinking fire giants but with my low def its not time effeiciant my stats are 69 att 64 str 60 def 66 range 47 magic :oops: 67 hp help me find the perfect spot to train! a good drop is something worth more than 30k
  4. the giants turtle's at the battlefield seem like good training, but being far from a bank and strong enough for me to need food i need to know any good drops?
  5. i wanna go to tyras camp to kill her guards for the clue scroll....one problem, i dunno how to get there....help me out?
  6. wow no one blew up and told me to use the other forum.....good people are on at 4:30 am......thnx all
  7. so i just got 62 range ( i know not that high) i was wondering about that seecrul bow, how much is it? what lvl to use it? is it worth it for just training slayer?
  8. yea, they live in singapore its a crazy wierd place (no offence)
  9. about foru to five months ago I was walking through non members falador and a lvl 4 asked me for help, i helped him and we talked every time i was on for a long time, he told me about his religion, customs of his country the slang, everything....he was my best rs friend his name was zuri and he was 13, i ended up buying him full rune as soon as he could use it, he never understood the value of 200k anyway zuri came from a poor family and asked for members one night, they came to a deal saying that if passed exams he would get membership....but if he failed he would never play runescape again, i can see how much respect he had for his parents and its crazy in todays world....its not like anyone cares but....he failed ZURI! you will be missed! :cry:
  10. it was not lamps, those give exp according to your lvl if u have lvl 10 you get 100 exp, the lamp gives 10 times the current lvl so if it were lvl 1 he would get 10 exp.....thats alot of lamps
  11. my little brother is 11 and he is almost hyperactive, he is intollerable sometimes but he has a lvl 87 acc. = \
  12. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa! bad rune hq never say it again...
  13. i saw him with my first p2p acc.....thought nothing of it didnt even get a pic
  14. so im standing in the wild killing green dragons for bones when all of a sudden a lvl 103? 104? attacks a lvl 94. the lvl 94 protects from melee the 104 says prayer nuub protecting against some one with lobbs who isnt even pking! (i think to my self....you just attacked him....ur not pking?) i call the 104 an a$$ hole the lvl 104 talks about how much cooler he is and that he can kill me (duh) i say yea im noob whatever shove it dude and keep killing my dragons he says "ur annoying noob im gonna have my mage friend kill you" next thing i know im tele blocked and getting hit for 20-22-24-12 ded im only lvl 75 why do people act like this...lost 17 bones becouse of him
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