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Everything posted by ugafan_2009

  1. I know it's nooby, but my prayer is 43. I got 21k exp off 2 quests and buried the rest :D
  2. In an hour of killing hill giants, me, my friend, and another guy all got it.
  3. How do I get one? Sorry if this is spam or wrong fourm. Thanks. :D
  4. I had a great time. I only got a rune schimmy, but lag kept me from 2 addy legs(t). I also think we need a p2p seclusive location.
  5. I won't be able to make it(me and a couple of friends are playing b ball after school till 5.) Oh well :( have a good life. I never met you, but you seem like a great player. We'll miss you man.
  6. It might not be Easter releated(rubber chicken..)
  7. Usually about 1-2 hours during the week. About 3 on weekends.
  8. If you don't like or disagree with pk'ing stay out of the wildy. And about the abyss, there is a reason jagex put in in the wildy. It's so people don't make 300k an hour without some danger.
  9. It's lame having an internet gf. Bunch of sick people out there. I would guess 4 out of every 5 characters who are a girl on the game are guys in real life. I saw a girl in a bank once who said "looking for a bf or a gf" I thought what a sl......
  10. If this story is true, it is sad. The kid probably had a miserable life at school and RuneScape could have been his most exciting thing in life. It was probably the final straw. Still very sad though :(
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