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Posts posted by langer

  1. My dog died in 95... I find your tip.it's forum name offensive... I will own you in PVI (player vs imbeciles)...




    What's with all the useless rants these days? Do you have so little life that you take time to register here to spam a useless rant with crappy grammar?




    You're most likely writing here to spam or if what you say is true... then I'm really sad that there are people like you allowed near a keyboard.

  2. I have been on these boards for the last 4 years mostly reading stuff. The "grammar nazis" are not such a big problem as you seem to put it. I rarely see a thread degenerating into grammar correction. Most of the times, you will have the OP dumping a text with crappy grammar or "kidspeak" followed by advices from users to improve his grammar for a more easy to read (and thus answer) post.




    Mostly when I'm faced with people using either poor grammar or worse... "kid-net-l33t-speech", I will usually ignore them as I view them as drop-outs-no-future players. If you ask for advices making no effort, I won't make an effort to help you. If you want to chat with me using a language I hate to decipher, then we should not be talking to each other (there are a lot of 8 years-old out there for you to talk to, don't bother with me).






    If you choose to act inferior, that's your choice. But if you want to interact in a community of players, at least have the decency to write to the best of your knowledge (the internet means we have people all around the world on the same platform with different languages, english is not always the native language). I, for one, would hate to see tip.it's go downhill because people are either too lazy to write properly or worse, think that they look cool with crappy text.

  3. The hate for Cannon is due to the ability to literally take over a training spot no matter how many people are there.




    For me, is not a matter of how long YOU are there, is the matter of how much longer THEY would be there due to your cannoning. You, essentially, is selfishly making your rate of training faster at the expense of people around you. No matter how "inefficient" you deem their methods to be, you are slowing them down and frustrating their enjoyment. And if you look at it another way, IF they already have a cannon there, you would certainly world hop away as it is pointless to fight over it, so why don't you use the same attitude to those without it?




    True, finding an empty Dags world is sometimes like finding a needle in a haystack. But don't use that sole fact as justification that you don't actually need go and try find one. After all, if you can reduce something that may take an hour to 15-20 minutes, why is it a problem to spend a couple of minutes to look try several worlds and look for an empty or relatively empty one, as opposed to walk in to an already filled-to-the-brim world that some cannon users do.




    But for other tasks, is sheer laziness to just walk in with a cannon and set one up there without even bother searching for a new world if there is a person already there.




    Of course though, you have no need to pay heed to anyone if someone who arrives later. You claimed the spot, hence they should leave if they don't like you here.




    If my enjoyment is to mine runite on a PVP world, would you say a pker should not kill me because it ruins my enjoyment? You would probably not. The pker has the right to kill me as it is part of the game. I have a right to set up my cannon wherever I want and I get major enjoyment at finishing a dag task under 20 minutes. There's no rule that prevents it and you can choose to freely abuse me verbally if you want, I will probably enjoy seeing your useless frustration venting. If my presence of their "turf" is slowing their progress, what a bummer. They chose to to train or complete their slayer task without that item on their side. It's not my problem and shouldn't be my concern. If they have a cannon there, I would hop for the simple reason that the cannon presence will slow my rates.




    I have the same reasoning when mining, if someone comes and go for my ores, I either try to get him to hop or I choose to hop myself. As Bedman said, Dags are still okay for at least 2-3 more players even if a cannon is set up.

  4. 287




    You slay for slayer experience. That's all there is to it, for me at least. Simple as that.




    Aside from slaying, there is no way to get slayer exp. One day I hope to get most of my skills at a high level. Slayer is a skill, and I will level it for the sake of leveling it. Sorta reminds me of firemaking in its pointlessness. Except not so grindy.




    Jade vine mini game, bork and phoenix mini game... Not major slayer xp but you can get some slayer xp outside tasks.

  5. It never gets good enough to make it worth training.


    Your joking right?


    Slayer not only allows you to access some of the best item dropping (non-boss) monsters, but its also a much more fun way of training combat in general.




    Ignorance is bliss?


    Get it to 55 for broads and slayer dart.




    Get it to whatever level you feel like. Unless you train it very badly or you like to pour lots of cash in prayer pots and cannon balls, you will always make some money.

  6. I always though slayer started to get interesting when you it 60. Aberrant specters have nice loots (herbs and herb seeds), at 65 you have dust devils (alchables, herbs, gems and crimsons), 75 gargoyles (alchables, pure ess, maul, mystic top and blue charms), 80 nechryeals (herb seeds, rune boots, charms and alchables), 83 spiritual mages (pure ess, d boots) 85 Abbyssal Demons (whip, alchables, charms, pure ess and herbs) and 90 dark beasts (d bows, alchables, best blue charms dropper for slayer and rune ore with 85 mining).




    Slayer is around 80k profit per hour at mid levels, but gets a bit higher than that when you have unlocked all monsters and do not piety and cannon all tasks.

  7. I have to agree with that. But the OP was stating people ranting about the loss in money from their investment. So in that case, it means they value their investment based on the market. From that perspective, it depends on what the buyer wants to do with his item. I guess we have a case closed - at least between moad14 and me.


    It was a nice debate tbh.


    It appears that we merely had different conceptions of what pureprayer implied. It was fun, but you can see that by the end there I was ready to end it. ;)


    Yeah , some arguments can degenerate easily on this board. I'm glad some of us still have the ability to argue passionately and with civility.

  8. you cant come up with arguements as sentimental value to achieve a higher price.


    Really, you can't? Darn, and I thought my house was worth millions. -.-




    My point is, on an object you never intend to sell, your value of it is not tied to what it's currently selling for in the nearest market.




    I have to agree with that. But the OP was stating people ranting about the loss in money from their investment. So in that case, it means they value their investment based on the market. From that perspective, it depends on what the buyer wants to do with his item. I guess we have a case closed - at least between moad14 and me.


    It was a nice debate tbh.

  9. Like I told you before, I value my santa hat at 21m. The market values it somewhere near 14m. If the price of santa hats ever goes above 21m, I will sell my santa hat, because I don't value it more than 21m. Pretty simple really.


    You could also value it against other items too - I figure a santa hat is worth about as much as a h'ween mask, both are probably rare to the same extent, and provide the same amount of utility. Some people might value a red h'ween mask more than a santa, and therefore would trade a santa + coins for a red h'ween mask.




    The point of money is a medium which easily exchanges between commodities. Makes it easier for trade to happen.


    If someone said to me, I'll give you 21m for your santa hat, I'd be like, sure. But since it isn't possible for that to happen anymore, I'll be hanging on to it for at least another 9-10 months




    So you wish for the market to ajust to your value of your santa. With the introduction of the GE, estimating value of items are based on the market price. If the market goes up to your sentimental value, then you will not have lost any money. In the meantime, you have indeed lost that money (cost of holding the item).




    Sentimental values, usefulness, stylishness, bragging rights, and other such values count as well. Do you value your home at only its monetary value in real life? Would you not also consider the countless hours invested in upkeep and shopping for furniture, the location and convenience, and the memories you created in your home as well as the actual cash value? Often you'll hear stories of developers trying to buy a farmer's land to build a mall, et cetera, and he won't accept even fantastic offers. His family has farmed that land for generations, and he doesn't value it in solely monetary terms




    Yeah but that's not an example that fit the situation. Your santa hat and my santa have the same characteristics... If I were to trade my santa hat to you in a trade for your santa hat, you'd end up with the same item. What I tell you is that the cost of bragging rights, stylishness...etc... is the drop in value. If the item rose in value... then you got profit and not cost.

  10. So following that chain of thought, a Santa Hat paid 21 mil has an unknown value?


    That is correct. Gold is not hard to earn, so there are more important ways to value one's possessions.


    I may sound like a broken record, but coins =/= value.




    Not a broken record... a stubborn and faulty record. Coins are the monetary exchange items is RS. How do you value one's possessions then if not by their value in coins? What is the worth of my 69M GPs? Lots of items in RS are not hard to earn, they still have a value according to the market (supply and demand) except most quest items. Can you show me a "more important way" to value your possessions?

  11. So basically, my bank is worth 167 bil based on my sentimental value of the items I have? This is as wrong as saying your Tan Cav has a value of 100 mil... If one cannot definitively say what an item is worth... then you cannot say what your item is valued at. So following that chain of thought, a Santa Hat paid 21 mil has an unknown value? I say that people that bought santa hats lost money because they have absolutely no chance of getting back the full value they paid their rare unless the market turns around. Their overall bank value has dropped accordingly to the drop in value of their rare.




    They have less GPs than before they bought the rare and have a less potential GPs if they sold today. That means they have lost money. If you value the time you hold that item more than the drop in value (or potential drop if you are looking to buy) then that equation is irrelevant. But you lost money (or value) in exchange for the fun of having that item.

  12. bring that 500 number to about 290-310 per hour for a more accurate rate. At 90 fishing I would get 32k xp per hour fishing monks which translate to around 300 monks per hour. A familiar will slighty improve that rate (granite crab, ibis and granite lobster).

  13. I don't read the stories... a tad too geek for me. I usually read the primary article but it's really a bad thing when they incorporate wrong data such as this week's with the dragon crossbow. BTW, the ruby bolt spec does not take away 20% of a monster max hit, it takes away 20% of its remaining HP. Meaning a team of 5 rangers successfully specing it wouldn't kill it on the spot. I really like the "did you know" feature even though as this point I know 90% of them .




    I usually skip the articles about pking as I have no interest in those and in any debate whatsoever with a pker. What I would like about the Times, are articles that summarise the latest update and what people found out about new ways of training, how will it affect a player's style of play...


    It's good that more articles are coming, but the first paragraph of every article should give en overview of the article so to either spark my interest or make me do something else and not waste my time if the content is not for me. With this frame of mind, a template would be really useful for tip.it's Times hopeful journalists.

  14. Not the same as what I was saying - no one should determine what you value something at.


    no one should, but in a "free" market that's what happens. You can believe all you want that your santa hat is worth 21 mil, no one would ever offer you that unless the market evolves in this direction.




    I only need one santa hat... and my GP would be better served with a few h'ween masks. That's marginal utility - but another point is that I could have an extra 14m in the bank, that I could invest with; and my santa hat is worth to me that 14m + the opportunity cost of that 14m... I'd say in 6 weeks time if I took the 14m, I could have realistically made an extra 7m. There are more and different directions I could take this in, but I'm just going to leave it there.


    I agree with you that more than one santa hat is un-needed (unless you plan on investing which i don't recommend). So what you're saying is that your santa hat is worth the market price + the amount you lost since you bought it? As for making any money, I don't know how it relates to your santa hat... I make money every time I log in the game and my rares have absolutely no effect in the process...


    True - but if I was willing to pay more than market price, then the value of my santa hat is more than market price, and I'd have gotten a good deal. It also means I wouldn't sell it for market price


    I seriously wish you'd talk to me anytime you want to buy something OVER market price, I think I could make lots of money from you...But seriously, aside 3rd age and D claws, who would buy anything over market price? especially with items that have a continous trend of dropping




    No, you are wrong. I hate having to repeat myself, but what is an item worth at any particular point in time? Its whatever someone is willing to pay for it. On the GE, you can't freely sell some items, like willow logs, rune warhammers, etc. Why? Its because no one values willow logs at 18gp, no one is willing to pay 18gp for it. The GE price doesn't accurately reflect what people are willing to pay for these items.




    The price I am willing to pay can be unrelated to the GE price. If I think a yellow P-hat isn't worth 90.7M, I'm not going to buy it. If everyone thought that a yellow P-hat is worth 80M, and the GE had the price at 90M, the price would never come down because the only way that people would be able to exchange yellow P-hats is through junk trades




    I agree with you that the mechanics of the GE is flawed and some items are wrongly priced. Junk trades and junk do not reflect the true value of some items. If you are willing to sell your santa hat for 21 mil, you are not gonna sell it. It may value 21 mil in your mind, but I can easily buy one for a lot cheaper. And it's the same santa hat. It may not be the one in your bank, but it has the same stats and looks and it has a value of 14 mil.




    Okay here's my explanation to your title : If you bought a rare 6 months ago and it has dropped in value on the market by 6 mil, the cost of keeping that rare in your bank for 6 months is 6 mil. You lost a potential of 6 mil by keeping it. If you bought that rare for 25 mil 6 months ago and put it in a dark corner of your bank and plan on never wear it, look at it or even sell it, then that cost is 25 mil. That's gold coins you could never get back (if you force yourself to never sell it) and in sum - money lost.


    If you take for example a useable item like a GS or a whip, the equation is different because the drop in value is balanced against the XP gain and monetary gain with the new (and hopefully better) item.

  15. If you are willing to pay 21 millions for a santa hat, I'll be glad to sell a ton of those. If you are not willing to buy another santa hat for 21 millions, then Santa hats are not worth 21 mil to you.


    Nice one, you've got him cornered :-)

    Mmm, not quite. You forgot about marginal utility. While one santa hat can be worth 21m, what good is a second unless he is Zaphod Beeblebrox?




    True, except that the marginal utility of a 2nd santa hat is practically the same as the first one. A rare will not provide extra income (at least not these days) as their primary fonctions are looks (and status) and as investments. Since the introduction of the G.E., all rares have dropped a lot so anyone buying them as investment either wants the looks and status over the cost (or lower value if you will) or believes they have reached the bottom and can only go up (speculation).

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