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Everything posted by LeonardMart

  1. Id like to make my own pixel sig but i dont know if it needs a special program or watever :( maybe if some1 could tell me the basics or reccomend a website... plz
  2. nice guide! must have costed you a lot of work (and money) to find all that out! :P
  3. i didnt know that autoers picked up the stuff that is on the ground but if it works then its an ok guide. the sigs could do with a makeup though
  4. on my first day (october 2005) i became a victim of the wine of zamorak scam :( when i died i hadnt an idea where the hell i was and just walked around until i somehow walked near the varrock dark magic circle. I saw delrith and thought that a player had summoned him. the dark mages killed me and i ended up in lumby again! :evil: later a guy guided me to fally as i wanted to go to the mine but the guy got killed by a cow lol!
  5. Zamorak must be your driving force as he embodies chaos. Actually you guessed right im zamorakian till death! muahaha! strength through chaos :x
  6. I dont really follow balance... i have a rather chaotic levelling with my highest lvl at 83 and my lowest at 33 so maybe the editor likes to have balance but i wont train herblore from lvl 33 to 83!
  7. Here are 2!: Fairy Godfather: Im gonna make him him an offer he cant refuse (very famous line from the godfather films) Camo hat: examine what?
  8. here goes one 5 min ago: noob: can i have some free stuff i died and lost all good stuff (god can beggars have a better story? that one is sooo old!) noob: plzzzz me: how about no? noob: can i have the book wat kind is it? (I WAS WIELDING A MAGE'S BOOK!) me: Its a mages book! are you insane or what?!?! :evil: the noob goes away
  9. Maybe you could add a few training tips like: starting with the crimson swift is not so good because you have to wait for them and for now there is a lot of competence for the birds. Better try tracking the polar kebbit, it gives less xp but faster. Keep catching the best trackable creature until lvl 15 and go for the ruby harvest butterflies until lvl 20 and trap the tropical wagtails with 2 traps at a time. At 23 use the deadfall on wild kebbits. they give good xp even until lvl 28.I didnt try catching the sapphire glacialis butterfly as the kebbits gave me still fast xp, but butterflies give also nice xp so maybe you could try it at lvl 25. Now im lvl 28 so i cannot reccomend more things. maybe kill kebbits till lvl 29 and go for the lizards abomb67 edit: I used a slightly different method. I used two snares and butterfly catching at snow area (level 25) to get maximum xp. Also, wouldnt it just be quicker to stay at the ruby harvest with two snares until level 25, all that moving around slows your training, and it doesnt take that long anyway. I will look into adding a training section into the guide, but no promises. Many people have different ideas, and it could just cause an argument.
  10. yea badphoo's fakes are much better :P But how do u make those pics?
  11. i like Full Black-Red Mystic with my lava staff, black cape and unholy symbol
  12. Just wanted to add something to the Skull sceptre, it has 3 different attack modes: Bash (Accurate), (Crush) Pound (Aggressive), (Crush) Block (Defensive), (Crush)
  13. This is some information I have gathered about the new weapon, the ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅSkull sceptreÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
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