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Everything posted by Buddy69

  1. Nice story. I really enjoyed it.
  2. Some hero huh? Running into the wilderness with full Saradormin on only to die to some people. The story was alright. You could have possibly filled in what happened in between time phrases. And I'm sure you didn't raise 3mil+ by smelting bronze bars.
  3. Hmm, very interesting. Remidns me of the Movie 'Dawn of the Dead' and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. You know the part where the ghosts come off the ship? Ya, that bit.
  4. Eh, its about Random events and this is the Clues, Clues, Clues (and RANDOM EVENTS) page. Next time read before you write :)
  5. Yes but then people will just choose the same designs as the God armor and they will become cheap. I liked the idea until somebody (?) reminded us about that vital point. Maybe something different. You cant choose the Rune Armor colour with Green, White or Red, as that would look the same as god armor.
  6. I can tell the difference in iron and coal extreamly easily. I mine coal all the time. Maybe if your afraid of getting scammed, you should go keep 1 iron in your inventory when trading coal. Then you can check it out.
  7. Yeah, but I think somebody would seriously faint if they sold 10 Blue Phats to a general store without realising it. They could just buy them back though for a very cheap price. I wouldnt mind buying a Phat form a general store. Thatll save me several M's.
  8. Lol, you guys actually think you can just ban someone looknig for a rich boyfriend? I know its not really good, but theres no need to ban them. 1: If they do ask for personal details, thats when you can ban them 2: If they ask for free stuff, then thats when you know that the other person is just in it for the free stuff. Just walk off, or take them on a date to a special restaurant called The Wilderness? I seriously do not see why we should be banning people if they want to get rich partners. Its there own decision. If they want to be a couple with somebody who the picked up from the bank, thats their own fault. Just remember if you are one of these people? For all you know, it could be your boss, your teacher or an old man who doesnt even know his last name.
  9. Anybody who goes to the West Vrrk Bank on World 1 will notice one thing immediatly. There are so many Rune Armour buyers and clearly not enough buyers. During the start of this year, which was when I finished Dragon Slayer as I was new to the game, I got my full set of Rune Armor for 200k. Back then, there were plenty of people selling it, yet enough people to buy it as well. Now, people are getting so frustrated with trying to sell it, they are pushing down the prices. The other day, I saw somebody selling full rune for 175k. Thats a 25k loss of what they could have sold it for 5 months ago. You can still sell individual Rune Armor for good prices. The other day, I was able to sell my rune kite for nearly 60k. But the point is, selling Rune Amor altogether is near impossible if you are looknig for 190k+. The only reason I can think of for the Rune Prices going down are that there are more 99 level smithers smithing alot of Rune Armor, but nobody wants to buy. If and you think I got the wrong board, I'm pretty sure I dont. This board is the Runescape DISCUSSIONS and suggestions. Im discussing about how the Rune Armor Prices are going into decline.
  10. That's not elite, that's just showing off. Well it is for the richest players so that is kind of elite. And whats this Dragon Chain about? More like Dragon G Plate :) :) (I knoe it doesnt exist but thatll be awesome)
  11. Ok, I'm just gonig to get right to the point... Anybody know why Rare Prices are going up so fast?
  12. I'd suggest getting most of your other stats up before becoming a member to get the most out of it.
  13. Lol, the music update doesnt really bother me much and it never did. I NEVER listen to music on runescape. Always listen to songs from my iPod. As for the Autoers, I sure hope this game engine will big them farewell. Like a one way ticket out of Runescape...
  14. That was a nice guide. Learnt a bit more about pures there and a nice catching title! :D I'd just like to point out that you mentioned that you dont wear an ammy of power when you go range pking. Well I suggest you take it and when you switch to melee, wear your str ammy. Ammy of power still gives a 6+ range bonus.
  15. Im not organising it or anything but please people, if you dont get anything, dont report the higher levels or call them noob. They will most likely drop stuff and its your own fault if you dont get stuff, not theirs. Apart from that, I'll hopefully be there. Too bad its on a Saturday in New Zealand at 8.30am. I gotta wake up extra early. 8.30 is a bit early eh?
  16. Lol...selling free stuff. I got one like that here:
  17. Or maybe he was just telling that guy to report him but it is actually a false alarm so the guy who reported the level 4 gets banned for abusing the report system. But why would he want to hack a lvl 4 anyway? I wouldnt. By the time I hack into the account I could have created a new guy and got him to level 4 on Tut Island :D 8-)
  18. Well i havent tried this but the tip.it calc said 20....i think....with rune 2hander, pots and prayer. Im F2P btw.
  19. I dont really like the idea either. But if Jagex do add it into the game.... - Your NPC would only gather resources while you are online. - Like somebody else said, you need to have 20 levels higher than what you usually do to get that certain thing. (80 wooductting to get the NPC to get you yews) - You must finish a new, extreamly hard quest of some sort. But those ideas are pointless. I dont like the idea and not many people do.
  20. Like the idea :) But somebody posted about having to pay 500k+ to get badges and membership. I do not agree. Some people may like fighting and not concentrate on making money. Clan Wars would be the ultimate game for pures and Pkers alike, but making a 500k+ donation to the clan as a requirement to join would make it very unpopular.
  21. The transportation is fine. And then you complain: But its all for members? Well, members do pay for a reason, dont they?
  22. If the 'Construction' skill is released, what will it be used for? Repairing objects instead of having to have them repaired by other NPCs I suppose. But is that all? Thats pretty much the only use for the construction skill at the moment. It defiantly wont be making like leather or metals, because thats what Crafting and Smithing is for. As far as I know, the Construction skill may be out probably in the middle of next year at the latest, if it IS coming...
  23. If you dont want them to attack you, yes, you should kill all the monks. I'd just take the Wine with them around anyway because I can kill them fairly easily now, like most other people.
  24. Magic and Range also get your hitpoints up like combat does.
  25. All I suggest is add an increase in capacity. Maybe, 3k people for each world. But if we do that and ALSO make a Buying World, that will move alot of people from world 1 and 2 to the Buying World, thus no reason to increase the capacity to 3000 people because most of the other worlds usually on have about 1000 - 1500 people and since world 1 and 2 is pretty much the place to buy stuff, then they will move to the Buying World and then the amount of people in world 1 and 2 would go down to about 1600 and the Buying World would be packed. Its either one suggestion or another. I personaly want to go with the increase in the amount of people in each world.
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